         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

                News Flash News Flash News Flash News...

                              Layla Anwar

An Arab Woman Blues - December 13, 2006

Yesterday I let you in on my call to Radhee. Radhee calls me back today.
He reports that:

- Abu Saleem's son , Othman, 13 and half years old was kidnapped by the
Iranian backed Death Squads whilst he went to buy some candies from the
grocery shop.

His kidnappers asked for a ransom of 20'000 USD . Abu Saleem is a poor
man , out of work for nearly a year now. He told them all his belongings
did not amount to this sum.

He received another call later on during the day. The kidnappers have
bargained down the price-10'000 USD or else...

Abu Saleem tried to negotiate with them . He offered that they take his
house and all his belongings, he just wants his son alive. Later on in
the evening, he received yet another call: "You son is dead , his body
can be found in Kerbala."

Othman's mother wanted her son's body at any cost so he can have a
proper burial .

As it is too dangerous for this sunni family to go to Kerbala , a
relative of the family , a shi'a, offered his help.
A coffin was arranged and Othman's mother was to lay in it , pretending
to be a dead corpse so they may reach Kerbala through checkpoints
unharmed. A scene fit for a Louis Bunuel Film.

They arrived in Kerbala and after tedious haggling , they managed to
retrieve the poor little boy's body and took him back to the local

13 years old Othman died from several shots between the legs and his
skull was cracked open in half by a sledge hammer. Peace to you Othman.

- Seven members of the extended family were driven out of the Salman Pak
area by US occupation forces with the cooperation of Iranian backed
Death squads.

They sought refuge in another location in Iraq.

- On another note , 20 palestinians who have been driven out of their
homes in Baghdad and found themselves in tents (again!), have been shot
dead by the Iranian backed Death Squads.

- "The occupation is not the problem , it is the Saddamists and the Al
Qaeda", says ....Bush , no not Bush , but Hadi Al Ameri , an Iranian,
sorry meant an Iraqi member of Parliament, responsible for "Security

By the way , I told Radhee that I mentioned him on this blog . He says
Merry Xmas to all of you and tells you not to believe the stuff you
read , hear or see on the news . He textually said :
"Tell them , it is much much .....worse ."



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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