In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


The Resistance set off five bombs by Iraqi puppet forces and pro-Iranian 
Jaysh al-Mahdi militiamen in Baghdad on Friday.

Three mortar rounds struck the Shi‘i Buratha Mosque in Baghdad on Friday, a 
facility reportedly used as a torture and execution center by Shi‘i 
sectarian militias.  The Imam of he mosque is the Iranian citizen Jalal 
as-Saghir, a well known leader of Shi‘i sectarian militias.  There were 
reports of casualties as a result of Friday’s mortar attack on the mosque, 
but no details were available at the time the correspondent submitted his 

The Resistance also fired a mortar shell at a headquarters of the puppet 
“Iraqi Interior Ministry Shock Troops (Maghawir)” in the ash-Shurtah 
al-Khamisah district of Baghdad at 4pm local time Friday afternoon.

The bodies of 24 Sunnis who had been abducted by Shi‘i sectarian death 
squads were found in Baghdad on Friday.

Defections from pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia reportedly on the 
increase as pressure from Iraqi Resistance grows.

In a dispatch posted at 2:34pm Makkah time Friday afternoon, Mafkarat 
al-Islam reported that an informed source in a Shi‘i sectarian party 
operating in the Madinat Saddam section of Baghdad – a district nicknamed 
“Madinat as-Sadr” since the US occupation – said that dozens of members of 
the pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi militia had resigned from the militia and 
fled the country to Iran, Lebanon, or Syria following hard-hitting attacks 
on the group by Iraqi Resistance fighters.

The “Madinat as-Sadr” correspondent for Mafkarat al-Islam reported from 
Baghdad that a source in the Shi ‘ sectarian al-Fadilah Party who asked not 
to be identified said that an Iraqi Resistance organization had acquired a 
roster containing the names and addresses of a large number of Jaysh 
al-Mahdi militia members.  For the past two weeks, the Resistance had been 
carrying out an extensive program of liquidating those Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen.

The source said that since the explosions in the city of Samarra’ – an 
apparent reference to the mysterious bombing of the Imam al-Hadi mosque on 
22 February 2006, which signaled a massive offensive of pro-Iranian Shi‘i 
sectarian forces in Iraq – more than 25,000 Shi‘i sectarians had been 
killed throughout the country.  The campaign against the pro-Iranian 
sectarians was particularly intense in Baghdad, Diyala Province, the 
Samarra’ area in Salah ad-Din Province, and in other regions.

The source noted that the Resistance attacks had also crippled a large 
number of Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen, placing an increasingly heavy burden on 
sectarian cleric Muqtada as-Sadr, to whom the disabled sectarian fighters 
have persistently appealed to continue paying their monthly wages and 
provide compensation.

Sources indicated that there have been increasing instances of infighting 
within the ranks of the Jaysh al-Mahdi, in particular over control of the 
money derived from the “khums” – the Shi‘i tithe funds – and loot seized in 
sectarian raids and ethnic cleansing campaigns.  The sources said that such 
battles had left more than 20 Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen dead in Baghdad and 
an-Najaf alone.

The sources said that the movement of Muqtada as-Sadr and its armed wing 
the Jaysh al-Mahdi is increasingly gripped by the fear that the rival Shi‘i 
sectarian gang, the Badr Brigades headed by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim, will 
overcome the Jaysh al-Mahdi, particularly after al-Hakim’s recent visits to 
US President George W. Bush and his appeals for American help in 
“dissolving the militias” by which al-Hakim obviously meant the Jaysh 
al-Mahdi, not his own Badr Brigade.

The Badr Brigade, a force of nearly 30,000 men, which is the armed wing of 
the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) was trained 
in Iran for decades prior to joining the US military in their invasion of 
Iraq in 2003.  After the American occupation, the Badr Brigades became the 
backbone of the puppet regime’s security forces and puppet army.



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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