In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

America's new puppet

By its ill-judged invasion of Somalia, Ethiopia has become an accomplice in 
Bush's war on terror

Cameron Duodu
Friday January 5, 2007
<>The Guardian

If the 20th century taught us anything, it was that powerful armies can be 
brought to their knees by small groups of fighters who are not afraid to 
die. Small Vietnam humiliated mighty America, and the "stone-age" 
mujahideen of Afghanistan sent the Soviet army packing. With all this so 
apparent, why has the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, sent his army 
into Somalia?

The transitional government had been fighting a civil war against the Union 
of Islamic Courts (UIC). Meles may think the former has the people's 
backing, but that poses the question: if it's so popular, why does it need 
the Ethiopian army to fight for it?

Ethiopia fought a war against the Somali government in the late 1970s and 
early 80s, but there has been peace on the border for over a decade. So 
Ethiopia cannot point to internal safety concerns in allowing itself to be 
drawn into invading its neighbour.

The crisis has now escalated sharply with the deployment of US naval forces 
to prevent UIC fighters from fleeing, the US claiming that some have ties 
to terrorist organisations, including al-Qaida.

The Ethiopian invasion will certainly be resisted by Somali patriots. It 
will initially be classified as "successful" because it will establish a 
semblance of law and order. But the routed UIC, although weakened by 
internal squabbles, will seek safe havens nearby, regroup and woo back its 

The UIC knows that when faced with a conventional army backed by an 
airforce, the best option is to disappear into the undergrowth or behind 
the desert dunes. The Somalis have been "disappearing" like that for 
centuries, always coming back to harass those who claim to have defeated them.

The danger this time is that the resistance will draw in other countries. 
Eritrea, which fought its own costly war with Ethiopia, does not need an 
invitation to help its enemy's enemy. The UIC is also said to be receiving 
financial assistance from rich leaders of sympathetic Islamic sects, drawn 
from such countries as Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Gulf sheikhdoms. And the 
most explosive fuel will be the involvement of the US on the side of 
Ethiopia. General John Abizaid, commander for the US central command, is 
reported to have visited Ethiopia last month, after which Ethiopia moved 
from providing the Somali government with "military advice" to open armed 

The US objective is to safeguard access to the Red Sea for its oil tankers, 
and to prevent al-Qaida cells being nurtured in Somalia or in Ethiopia, 
which has a sizeable Muslim minority. Now, by allowing the US to persuade 
it to invade, Ethiopia has signalled to the Islamic world that it is 
willing to join the US in its "war on terror".

Can Ethiopia afford to be universally regarded as a US puppet? In the 
African Union (AU) - which has its headquarters in the Ethiopian capital, 
Addis Ababa - US policy is already causing enormous confusion. For months 
the AU has been trying, unsuccessfully, to persuade the UN security council 
to bolster the AU force in Darfur, Sudan. Yet within days of Ethiopia's 
invasion, the security council, under US instigation, was able to pass a 
resolution asking for an AU force to be sent to Somalia. Clearly, the US 
wants to legitimise the invasion by placing it under the umbrella of the 
very AU that it has humiliated for months.

As one of the poorest countries on earth, Ethiopia needs to have the 
solidarity of the "wretched of the earth". In allowing itself to be 
associated with George Bush's foreign policy, it is placing itself on the 
wrong side of the struggle between the weak and the strong.

ยท Cameron Duodu is a Ghanaian novelist and journalist 



-muslim voice-

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