In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Persian For Dummies


Arab Woman Blues - January 7, 2007

News from Basrah.

Basrah has now become a complete Persian enclave run by Shi'as whose 
allegiance are to their Mother country the Safavid chauvinistic Iran of the 

Two families I personally know, Sunnis, who have lived all their lives in 
Basrah, born and raised there for generations - left.
Each of these families lost a husband, a wife, a son, a daughter, a mother, 
a father,a relative, due to the sectarian massacres undertaken by the 
Iranians carrying recently issued Iraqi nationalities.

One grandmother lost her son who is a doctor, her daughter in law, another 
doctor, and now she has to look after 6 kids alone. She escaped with them.

The second family lost two members who were the breadwinners. Two 
pharmacists. A man and his wife. The rest of the family locked up their 
house and left taking nothing with them.

They related the following :

- Basrah is totally dominated by Iran. It is unofficially an Iranian 
province/state. All goverment and office employees are Iranians and hold 
the dual Iranian- Iraqi nationality.

-There are no Sunni families left in Basrah. They all fled.

- Application forms to enter Iraq from the Kuwaiti border - known as the 
Safwan Crossing- are printed in Persian and not Arabic. Hence anyone 
wishing to enter Basrah has to fill in an entry form on which the official 
language is Farsee.

- They confirmed to me reports that I had read and heard earlier namely 
that the whole of Southern Iraq has become an Iranian Province.

My hunch is that the whole of Iraq is going to become an Iranian Province 
apart from darling Kurdistan. But then that should not be a problem since 
both Iranians and Kurds pride themselves on being an "Aryan" race.

Iraqis, start learning Persian. I personally have started with a crash 
course. Elementary stuff.
I have learned so far how to say very good " Khayleh Khob " and a couple of 
The latter I will save for some other time . When the Iranian Mullahs 
become the "official and legitimate" rulers of Baghdad after the full 
decimation of all those disloyal to Teheran and Washington.
Don't be surprised. I keep hearing that the last elections were legitimate 
and official. No one mentions of course the buses that were carrying 
approximately 1 million Iranians who came and "participated" in those 
"transparent" elections.

As for the"anti-Imperialists","anti-War"venerable personalities and 
movements in the West,I suggest you do the same thing.
Start learning Persian. So in due time , when the full liberation of Iraq 
is complete, you can come and congratulate your anti Imperialist Iranian 
Mullahs with " Khayleh Khob"- Very Good and Bravo !

In today's edition of the Independent, 
Forston - the oil Expert- states:
"The most coveted sites in Iraq are the Majnoon and West Qurna fields, both 
close to Basrain the South of the country."
Iranian Imperialism is as deadly as the American one.



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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