In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Hate Crime - Rage over anti-Islam rally

Dalson Chen - Windsor Star

Friday, January 12, 2007

Controversy filled a west Windsor church where the lecture of a purported 
former Muslim terrorist warned that Islam is a religion of war being 
brought to Canadian soil.

In a speech at Campbell Baptist Church on Thursday night, 49-year-old 
Zachariah Anani said that Islamic doctrine teaches nothing less than the 
"ambushing, seizing and slaying" of non-believers -- especially Jews and 

"Violence keeps going on," said Anani, a Lebanese-born convert to 
Christianity who came to Windsor in 1997.

'No Prisoners'

The hour-long talk, entitled The Deadly Threat of Islam, described the 
religion as worshipping a god who "fights and kills" and "strikes with 
terror," and allows no prisoners in battles against non-believers.

"That's how Islamic doctrine obliges its followers to conduct in war time," 
Anani said.

More than 120 people packed the church to hear Anani's speech.

Many came to contest his views in a question period that often grew heated 
with raised voices talking over each other.

"You're inciting hatred by the title of tonight's topic," argued Gary 
Roberts while waving a hand with emotion.

Roberts, a 50-year-old Windsor resident, said he's not a member of the 
church, but decided to come to the meeting as soon as he learned of it. "I 
just couldn't sit back and not say nothing," he said. "I had to vent."

Windsor police said two officers in plain clothes attended the lecture at 
the church's request.

Donald McKay, senior pastor at the church, said the event was organized 
simply to propagate what the church believes to be "absolute truth."

"We have no desire to be offensive. We have no desire to polarize people 
unnecessarily," McKay said.

But in asking Anani to clarify points of his speech, McKay described the 
Islamic faith as "oppressive" and "vicious."

"The Muslims are coming over here to Windsor, Canada, for the purpose of 
advancing this faith," McKay said.

A group of seven male Muslims who attended the meeting shook their heads at 
Anani's speech. At the start of the event, the men declined to stand for 
the church's hymn as a sign of protest.

Tarik Mohammed, 32, said that Anani took quotes from the Qur'an "out of 
context," and demonstrated he could do the same with the Bible's Old Testament.

"If I want to go through this, I can find a lot about killing," Mohammed 
said to Anani.

"What you did tonight, you preached hate. You did not preach 
Christianity.... What you did right now is causing instability in our 
community and throughout the world."

Gabriel Keresztes, who converted to Islam from Christianity three years 
ago, agreed with Mohammed.

"You cannot sweep and generalize everything and you cannot put everyone in 
a box," said the 23-year-old Windsor resident. "We stepped a step back 
tonight in history, in the community of Windsor."

McKay said he finds it interesting that advocates of Islam would argue for 
tolerance. "Islam is the most intolerant religion in the world today."

McKay said Anani killed "hundreds of people in the name of Allah" before 
converting to Christianity, and Anani has brought his perspective to such 
media outlets as CNN and Fox News.

Anani said he was responsible for deaths while engaged in the Lebanese 
civil war before a missionary showed him the Christian path in 1975.

According to Anani, his goal is "awakening people to the truth."

"We've been bombarded all the time about how good and nice is Islam," Anani 

During the question period, 46-year-old church member Bruno Franciskovic 
yelled that Muslims were responsible for the suicide attacks on the World 
Trade Center.

"This day and age, you don't hear about Christians doing things like that," 
Franciskovic shouted.

Fatimah Abdullah, a 46-year-old Windsor Muslim, responded by shouting 
"Timothy McVeigh" -- the U.S. citizen responsible for the Oklahoma City 
bombing in 1995.

Abdullah said she found Anani's views "misinformed and ignorant."

"I can't see this as hate-mongering. I see this as ignorance," she said. 
"This is an effort to push Christianity.... at the victimization of the truth."

The lecture was the first in a series of four this month.

Anani said he's not intimidated by the reaction to his first lecture, and 
the series will continue as planned. "It's always like that."



CAIR-CAN and Windsor Muslims Ask Police to Investigate Possible Hate Speech


(Ottawa, Canada ­ Jan 13, 2007) The Canadian Council on American-Islamic 
Relations (CAIR-CAN), Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), Windsor Islamic 
Association, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and Al Hijra Mosque 
and School, are asking the Windsor Police in Ontario to investigate the 
lecture series, “The Deadly Threat of Islam,” as a possible forum for hate 
speech. The talks, sponsored by Windsor’s Theological Institute in 
association with the Campbell Baptist Church, are taking place each 
Thursday until February 1.

CAIR-CAN has received complaints based upon the first talk entitled “Be 
Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The Frightening Facts About Islam.” In response, 
CAIR-CAN yesterday asked the Windsor Police to investigate the lecture 
series and be on the alert for any hate speech that may be taking place at 
the talks.

Under Canadian law hate speech is prohibited. Investigations into hate 
speech fall under local police departments.

“If hateful speech is indeed being propagated in Windsor, it must be dealt 
with promptly under the law. We are asking the Windsor Police to take the 
matter seriously and conduct an investigation.

“Freedom of speech is a cherished Canadian value, however it is not an 
absolute. Hateful speech only succeeds in creating an atmosphere of fear, 
where divisions within Canadian society are made,” said Karl Nickner Executive
Director of CAIR-CAN.

“We are asking Canadians of conscience to speak out against hatred and 
sensationalist campaigns. Groups that spread lies about a faith or people 
simply act to harm innocent citizens.

“We are proud of the diversity exemplified in Windsor and the thousands of 
Muslim Canadians, from doctors to auto-workers, that have helped build our 
city and country,” stated Dr. Nabil Asfour, MAC Windsor Chapter Head

- END -

For more information please contact:

CAIR-CAN: Sameer Zuberi, Communications and Human Rights Coordinator,
613.795.2012; or Karl Nickner, Executive Director, 613.853.4111

Windsor Muslim Comminity: Dr. Nabil Asfour, MAC Windsor Chapter Head,
519.819.0497; Khalida Peer, Windsor Islamic Association, 519.966.5116

Council on American-Islamic Relations CANADA
P.O. Box 13219, Ottawa, ONT, K2K 1X4
Tel: 1-866-524-0004
Fax: 613-254-9810


-muslim voice-

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