In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

The sick mindset that breeds Islamophobia

Published: January 14, 2007


Zachariah Anani

 From Pope’s anti-Islam comments to Church signs saying, “You must 
remember, Islam is the enemy,” and “The Koran needs to be flushed,” a 
Church in west Windsor, Canada, came out in its true colors with publicly 
promoting anti-Islam hatred. On January 11, 2007, Campbell Baptist Church 
organized a lecture of a purported former Muslim terrorist, Zachariah 
Anani, to warn the public that Islam is a religion of war being brought to 
Canadian soil.

Donald McKay, senior pastor at the church, said the event was organized 
simply to propagate what the church believes to be "absolute truth." So the 
“absolute truth” which the Church decided to propagate through Anani’s 
lecture, entitled The Deadly Threat of Islam, is that Islam teaches nothing 
less than the "ambushing, seizing and slaying" of non-believers ­ 
especially Jews and Christians.[1]

According to Donald McKay, "We have no desire to be offensive. We have no 
desire to polarize people unnecessarily," it is, in his words, the Islamic 
faith that is "oppressive" and "vicious."[2]

It also shows that Anani was used as a puppet to validate and propagate 
which was already on the mind of the guardians of Campbell Baptist Church. 
Anani’s words reflected the mindset. He described Muslims worshipping a god 
who "fights and kills" and "strikes with terror," and allows no prisoners 
in battles against non-believers.[3]

An interesting point to note is the background of Mr. Anani, who, in 
McKay’s words, killed "hundreds of people in the name of Allah" before 
converting to Christianity.

An interesting point to note is none of these anti-Islam hate campaigners 
base their argument in logic and reason. Lies upon lies on the religious 
and political fronts reign supreme these days. Opportunists puppets, such 
as Musharraf, Karzai and a host of others are serving the purpose of 
Islamophobes on the political front. Whereas, persons like Anani are 
helping Islamophobes on the religious front to give Islamophobes an 
opportunity to vent their hatred and poison minds against Muslims an Islam.

One can judge value of this anti-Islam, fear mongering work from the not so 
secret background of persons like Anani. Here are some of his major claims.

Zachariah Anani claims to be a  former Muslim, who joined  one of the many 
military groups in Lebanon when he was 13. Anani claims that he was 
"trained to fight and kill Jews, and to hate Christians and Americans," 
which he now blames on Islam.[4]

He claims to have killed 223 people in the name of Islam and gained points 
from his former militia for doing so. But the claim to dosing so in the 
name of Islam loses its value when he claims to also have shot and killed a 
Muslim for trying to make him get up for Fajr prayer.[5] Did he do that for 
Islam as well?

As for his knowledge of Islam is concerned, he claims that while he lived 
in Lebanon, Muslim leaders called him to the local mosque and interrogated 
him. He admits that the imam asked intelligent questions, and Anani felt 
the inadequacy of his own answers. "I knew nothing about Islam, nothing 
about Christianity," he is quoted as saying.[6]

Despite this, he actually claims to know Islam intimately and the church 
leaders see him fit to spew venom against Muslims and Islam as an 
authoritative figure. This speaks volumes of the sick mindset of not only 
Mr. Anani, but of his promoters as well.

This is a fine example of how collaboration of people with sick mindset are 
leading the pack of Islamophobes. Their work becomes very effective in an 
environment in which according to today’s Toronto Sun, a Leger Marketing 
poll commissioned by Sun Media, half of the Canadians admitted to at least 
being slightly racist[7] ­ not to speak of the anti-Muslim bias in the 
post-9/11 era.

Such words and deeds of inciting hatred should have been seriously 
condemned and officially brought to account. But unfortunately, the same 
mindset prevails. It is only the matter of opportunity to bring it out of 
the closet under one or another cover.  The chances of peaceful 
co-existence are getting bleaker and the chance for a far more serious 
bloodbath in the Muslim world are increasing as President Bush deploys 
additional 20,000 troops to Baghdad, attacks Iranian offices and officials 
in Iraq, orders carrier battle groups to Gulf and annihilates Somalia, the 
poorest country in the world in an unreported military invasion and 
occupation. All within a week!!!.

  It is obvious that the Church and State alliance is threatening the 
future of humanity. Besides churches of various denominations playing their 
own particular role, on the political front, whatever may be the human or 
material cost, Bush and company are not in a position to lose what they 
have stated with operation 9/11 and the subsequent invasions based on lies. 
Welcome to 2007. Fasten your seatbelts gentlemen.

The question is: Why doesn't the media report these subtleties that we 
point out.  Gore Vidal has the answer: “The corporate grip on opinion in 
the United States is one of the wonders of the Western world. No First 
World country has ever managed to eliminate so entirely from its media all 
objectivity - much less dissent.”

<>Abid Ullah Jan's latest 
book, "<>The 
Ultimate Tragedy" was released in December 2006.



[1] Dalson Chen, “Rage over anti-Islam rally: 130 attend raucous session,”

Windsor Star, Friday, January 12, 2007. URL: 

[2] Ibid. Dalson Chen.

[3] Ibid. Dalson Chen

[4] Montreal Muslim News, January 14, 2007. URL: 

[5] Ibid. MMN.

[6] Ibid. MMN.

[7] Vivian Song, “Under our skin: Almost half of Canadians polled admit to 
at least being slightly racist,” National Bureau, Toronto Sun, January 14, 


Also see:

Church-State Alliance threatening the future of humanity

Watch a conversation between Zola Levitt and  Zachariah Anani at: 

Listen to Janet Parshall's interview with Zachariah Anani:

Former terrorist now supports Jews, Israel: 


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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