In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Genocide in Gaza, Ethnic Cleansing in the West Bank

A creeping transfer in the West Bank and a measured genocidal policy in the 
Gaza Strip are the two strategies Israel employs today. From an electoral 
point of view, the one in Gaza is problematic as it does not reap any 
tangible results; the West Bank under Abu Mazen is yielding to Israeli 
pressure and there is no significant force that arrests the Israeli 
strategy of annexation and dispossession.


Terror and starvation in Gaza

Pilger on the genocide that is engulfing Palestine as bystanders silently 
look on.


9/11 Torture and the Future : Perspectives from the Humanities

This series of events addresses the critical issues surrounding the use of 
torture by the most powerful democracy in the world. The series will focus 
on four areas: the devastating effects of torture conducted by democratic 
societies on the concept and practice of democracy; the consequences of 
state-sanctioned torture on the principles and practices of scholarship and 
education; the role of mass media in the increasing acceptability of the 
use of torture; and the relationship between torture used in US-run prisons 
abroad, and human rights violations on American soil. The series features 
scholars whose work on torture and human rights effectively crosses the 
disciplinary gap between the humanities and social sciences, as well as 
artists, activists and lawyers whose work is committed to an ethics and 
politics of response and resistance.


9/11 Strange Bedfellows: Torture & Democracy

cover_torture.jpgIn April 2004, vivid photographs of American military and 
intelligence personnel torturing Iraqi detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison 
facility were leaked to the press. Instantly iconic, the images became 
political rallying flags for terrorist recruitment throughout the Arab 
world, and within the United States they inspired shock and disgust.

Yet for all their brutal immediacy—or perhaps because of it—the Abu Ghraib 
photographs occupied only an isolated place in the American discussion of 
torture. Today, despite documented evidence of other American-ordered 
torture, Abu Ghraib is not just the signal scandal of the Bush 
administration’s extraordinary interrogation practices, but the only 
scandal. Journalist Mark Danner, who wrote what is now—and will likely 
remain—the authoritative account of Abu Ghraib in his book Torture and 
Truth: America, Abu Ghraib, and the War on Terror, described this curious 
fact in a recent essay


9/11 : New Pentagon detainee manual could lead to executions based on 
'hearsay evidence'

According to a breaking report on MSNBC, a new Pentagon detainee manual 
could allow executions based on "hearsay evidence."

"We have learned that the Pentagon has just completed a manual for the 
coming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorist to be 
imprisoned or executed using hearsay evidence or coerced testimony," said 
Nora O'Donnell, the chief Washington correspondent for NBC News' 24-hour 
cable news network. "In other words, could be put to death on hearsay 


Claim: Bin Laden Told Hamza Al-Qaeda Not Behind 9/11

Statement dovetails with Osama's previous attempts to distance himself from 
attack responsibility

A claim attributed to a friend of one of the six men accused of plotting to 
detonate bombs on London's underground tube system on July 21 2005, 
suggests that Osama bin Laden personally told hook handed cleric Abu Hamza 
that Al-Qaeda was not behind the attacks of September 11, 2001.

The London Independent today reports that Steven Bentley, a school friend 
of accused would-be suicide bomber Yassin Omar, was told by Omar that he 
did not think Bin Laden was behind 9/11. Omar based his conclusion on what 
he was told by extremist London cleric Abu Hamza, currently serving a 
seven-year prison sentence for soliciting murder and inciting racial 
hatred, who had personally met Bin Laden.

Bin Laden's apparent attempt to distance himself from involvement in 9/11 
dovetails with statements made shortly after the event in which he told a 
Pakistani newspaper that he was not involved in the attacks.


Dictatorship : Gonzales live, "The Constitution does not say that every 
citizen has the right to habeas corpus."

gonzales : Are you shitting me?

Je repete: “[GONZALES:] The Constitution does not say that every citizen 
has the right to habeas corpus.”

Quote transcribed, live from the hearings before the Senate Judiciary 
Committee, which you should be listening to, if you aren’t (when it resumes 
at 2:00PM)

Gee, who decides when they don’t?

I like the expression that the guy in the background has. It’s one that I 
share (that is, when I’m not screaming or pounding my head on the desk).


War Criminal : The War Becomes More Unholy

FALLUJAH – A stepped up military offensive that targets mosques, religious 
leaders and Islamic customs is leading many Iraqis to believe that the 
US-led invasion really was a "holy war."

Photographs are being circulated of black crosses painted on mosque walls 
and on copies of the Quran, and of soldiers dumping their waste inside 
mosques. New stories appear frequently of raids on mosques and brutal 
treatment of Islamic clerics, leading many Iraqis to ask if the invasion 
and occupation was a war against Islam.


Death Squads : USA Crime in Iraq

Digby has been talking about the fact that the US probably trained Shia 
death squads. Her particular article is from a year ago, but my take is 
that the accelerating use of death squads dates from Negroponte's 
appointment. This is what I wrote just before his appointment, in April 
2004, and while parts are wrong, the core holds up well:

The problem, of course, is that they've lost control of the death squads. 
Or... have they? People get all worked up about ethnic cleansing (as they 
should) but in this sort of warfare it's very effective - if you know the 
Sunni insurection's base of support is in Sunni neighbourhoods then getting 
rid of Sunni neighbourhoods in your strongholds - whether through straight 
cleansing or by example killings, makes perfect military sense. As Mao 
pointed out - guerillas swim amongst the people like fish in water - remove 
the water and they are easily dealt with or must themselves flee.


Al-Douri to increase resistance operations

For sure when I say Shiites, I don’t mean the real honest Iraqi Shiites, 
but I mean those who loyal to Iran and installed by the US occupation 
forces, so i don’t want to repeat this every time.

- Almalaf reported that Izzat Al-Douri, gave an order to former Iraqi army 
officer to escalate their operations against the occupiers and the traitors.

He also sent a letter offering a "truce" with Washington and reduce the 
armed operations against the American forces if the Americans crackdown 
Shiite militia supported by Iran


An Impartial Interrogation of George W. Bush

My question, Mr. President: If God asked you to bombard, invade and occupy 
Iraq for four years, why did he send an opposite message to the Pope? Did 
you not know that your father, George Bush, Sr., his Secretary of State 
James Baker and his National Security Advisor General Scowcroft were all 
opposed to your invasion? Wouldn't you, our troops, the American people and 
the Iraqis all be much better off if you had listened to your more 
experienced elders including your earthly father? Instead of blaming God 
for the awful catastrophe you have unleashed in Iraq.


Return to Arab survival

Will the deception of historical progression -- or the irony of fate -- 
manifest itself in this region with the collapse of Arab nationalism, not 
at the hands of pan-Arab or pan-Islamic movements but by force of local kin 
and sectarian groupings, which had originally inspired the ideology of 
pan-Arab statehood in the colonialist mandate era? It seems that these 
forces, with the help of some petit politicians, are incapable of tearing 
down the edifice on their own. However strong the ambitions of their 
leaders are to free themselves from the constraints of ideology and to 
mobilise popular bases behind them, not on the basis of a political 
calling, but on the basis of blood ties and cries for vengeance without 
going so far as to exact revenge, not all countries are Somalia.


Western Complicity In The Halabja Massacre

Shocking clip from a French documentary exposing how governments and 
corporations in the west knowingly aided and abetted Saddam's most ruthless 



Legitimate head of Iraq, Saddam Hussein who was enslaved by zionist 
occupiers, was executed and reach to the martry level in the first day of 
Eid al-Adha (the Feast of the Sacrifice) as a result of an illegitimate 
court process while defending his native country.

His dignified, glorious and virile posture during the execution of death 
sentence, annihilated the plans of Zionists to degrade all muslims with 
executing valiant and brave guy of Iraq and Islam and He became the symbol 
of courage, patriotism and jihadism even on the way of death.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 17 January 2007

    * US erects spy cameras along Euphrates Riverbank near 'Anah to try to 
curb increasing attacks on US gunboats.
    * US helicopter gun ships back Shi'i sectarian death squads in attack 
on Hayfa Street in Baghdad Wednesday evening, sparking fierce battle with 
Iraqi Resistance.
    * US soldier reported killed in bomb attack in al-'Amiriyah early 
    * Resistance ambushes, wipes out eight foreigners – some of them 
Americans – in afternoon ambush in Baghdad.
    * Resistance marksman reportedly kills US soldier in Baghdad’s 
al-Jami'ah district.
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet "Shock Troops" and bomb disposal expert 
in Baghdad Wednesday.
    * US troops raid Sudanese embassy, detain guards for five hours Tuesday.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills driver of truck in American supply 
convoy south of Baghdad Tuesday.
    * US soldier reported killed south of Baghdad Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance bombing in at-Tarimiyah leaves US Marine reported killed.
    * US arrests Brigadier General in puppet forces for distributing arms 
to Iraqi Resistance in Ba'qubah. General now accused of "treason" to 
US-imposed regime.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in southwest 
al-Mawsil Wednesday morning.
    * Shi'i sectarians murder Sunni youth trying to save his family from 
sectarian violence in al-Basrah.


Suicide attack kills one soldier, wounds 3 in occupied Afghanistan

A suicide bomber targeted a convoy of Afghanistan National Army (ANA) in 
the country's eastern Paktika province Thursday, leaving one soldier dead 
and wounding three others, military sources said.


Zionism keeps Israelis, Palestinians apart

In hundreds of presentations we did at middle schools, high schools, 
colleges, universities and elsewhere, Andover was only the second time we 
were "disinvited." We want to thank the teachers who invited us and the 
hundreds of students who worked diligently to make sure they hear us. The 
events went well at the classes and we received countless positive emails 
from students, teachers, parents and community members.

The Wheels of Justice brings eyewitness accounts to occupations in Iraq and 
Palestine. Our speakers come from various political backgrounds; the only 
requirement is that they support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 
and support nonviolence as an alternative to war and injustice. We also 
recognize that to achieve peace anywhere in the world, the root causes of 
injustice, racism and oppression must be addressed. We also have speakers 
who are Jewish and even Holocaust survivors (e.g. 80 year-old Hedy Epstein).


Rattling the cage: The racism of Israeli youth

Consistently, a majority of Jewish teenagers in this country is found to 
view Arabs as dangerous, to dislike them, to consider them unworthy of 
equal rights as Israeli citizens, and to wish many of them, most of them or 
all of them, gone.


Israel's 'invisible hand' in Gaza

Although Israel withdrew from Gaza more than a year ago, its control over 
the lives of Palestinians there is in some ways even tighter than before, a 
new report by an Israeli human rights organisation says.


Israel occupation forces kill Palestinian resistance fighter in Nablus

A Palestinian member of al-Awda Brigades linked to Fatah has been shot dead 
by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Nablus.


Israel hands Abbas frozen funds

Israel has transferred to the Palestinians $100m (77.2m euros, £50.7m) of 
tax revenues withheld since Hamas won elections last year. The money has 
been paid directly to the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and not the 
Hamas-led government.


Is Energo-Fascism In Your Future? The Global Energy Race and Its Consequences

It has once again become fashionable for the dwindling supporters of 
President Bush's futile war in Iraq to stress the danger of 
"Islamo-fascism" and the supposed drive by followers of Osama bin Laden to 
establish a monolithic, Taliban-like regime -- a "Caliphate" -- stretching 
from Gibraltar to Indonesia.


Dictatorship : Pentagon 'detainee" manual may lead to executions based on 
'hearsay evidence'

"We have learned that the Pentagon has just completed a manual for the 
coming detainee trials that would allow suspected terrorist to be 
imprisoned or executed using hearsay evidence or coerced testimony," said 
Nora O'Donnell, the chief Washington correspondent for NBC


Dictatorship : Gonzales warns judges not to meddle

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on Wednesday warned federal judges not to 
meddle in cases involving national security, following a string of judicial 
rebukes of the Bush administration's anti-terrorism initiatives.


Dictatorship : 2 U.S. Attorneys Quit, Critics Say Bush Forced Them Out

Two U.S. Attorneys in California announced they are stepping down, as 
critics alleged political pressure from the Bush administration was pushing 
them and others out of their jobs.


Dictatorship : ACLU Report Shows Widespread Pentagon Surveillance of Peace 

The American Civil Liberties Union today released a new report revealing 
that the Pentagon monitored at least 186 anti-military protests in the 
United States and collected more than 2,800 reports involving Americans in 
an anti-terrorist threat database.


Atheist Richard Dawkins on 'The God Delusion'

In the last few years, Americans have seen the harm that results when 
political decisions are made in the name of religion. Now, the 
non-believers are fighting back.

In the last few years, Americans have seen the dark side of religion. The 
events of 9/11 brought home the extremes to which some radical Muslims 
would go to defeat infidels and attain virgins. At home, we've seen 
assaults on the separation of Church and State and attacks on the teaching 
of evolution and the distribution of life-saving condoms. And now, it 
appears the godless are fighting back.


  Prophets, Apostles, and Mental Illness

I remember going with a minister to a home in Idaho once where the woman 
heard the voice of God often in her head. She had a young baby so the 
minister asked me to tend to the baby while he talked to her about her 
visions and voices. The baby had not had a diaper change in a pretty long 
time, so I took care of that in the kitchen while the minister tried to 
help her. Seems she was killing chickens on the farm and trying to 
resurrect them…without much luck. We never made any connection to the 
danger and I doubt either of us understood the symptoms of schizophrenia, 
but I do now. After that, I returned to Ambassador for my last year and was 
reading the LA Times in the lounge before breakfast. My eye fell on a small 
article about a woman in a small town in Idaho who was found sitting in her 
car on a Mountain top waiting for Jesus to return. I knew the name. They 
found the baby dead on the farm. Or should I say, still dead.

 From the Bible we find a man once laid on his right side for 390 straight 
days and then flipped over for another 40 because the voice in his head 
told him to. He built little models of Jerusalem in the sand and laid siege 
to a stone with a pot (Ez. 4). He even cooked his food with human waste 
(Ez. 4:9) and dug a hole in his own home and squeezed himself through it 
with his possessions on his back (Ez. 12). His name was Ezekiel. Maybe he 
was traumatized by the captivity or the destruction of the symbol of all 
that was holy and stable to him, the temple. He died forever ago and lots 
of the stuff he said was going to happen never really did far as we can 
tell. I hear a lot of minister types quoting him 2500 years later as if you 
can read the newspaper and immediately see what Ezekiel was talking about. 
I guess if they lay siege to a rock, lay on their sides for a year or more 
and give up charcoal for human waste at cookouts, …well…ewwww. Time to find 
another church. I know most will say that God told him to do these 
things….but think about what you are saying. Would you say that about 
Andrea Yates who God told to drown her kids or Mijailo Mijailovic who 
killed the Swedish Foreign Minister, Anna Lindh, saying when asked who told 
him to do it, "I think it was Jesus. That he has chosen me”?


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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