
         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                          === News Update ===

             What was the crime of this Palestinian baby? 

As-salaamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah, Hope you are in the best of health
and Imaan (faith), Ameen.

I just wanted to share a short story a brother told at the Interpal
event. It's a really horrbile story, but sadly it is the norm in

A husband was rushing his wife to the hospital in his car as she laid
there in extreme labour pains. They then were stopped by israeli
soldiers when they got to one of those road stops (they're all over
Palestinian roads). The soldiers just laughed at her and they knew that
she needed to be at the hospital immediately. They then checked them (i
think for passes etc) and they purposely took their time.


      The Restrictions Remain: Life Under Prohibition in Palestine

All the promises to relax restrictions in the West Bank have obscured
the true picture. A few roadblocks have been removed, but the following
prohibitions have remained in place. (This information was gathered by
Haaretz, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs and Machsom Watch)


          Israel Builds Synagogue Under Al-Aqsa: Palestinians

Occupied Jerusalem - The Supreme Islamic Association and Al-Aqsa
Association for Construction of the Holy Shrines accused Israel on
Tuesday, January 3, of building a Jewish synagogue beneath Al-Aqsa
Mosque, warning that the continued Israeli excavations jeopardize the
mosque's structure.


Aqsa foundation: Zionist IOA digging secret tunnel under the Aqsa Mosque

Officials in the Aqsa foundation that caters for Muslim holy shrines in
occupied Palestine have unveiled that the Israeli occupation authority
(IOA) was secretly digging a tunnel under the Aqsa Mosque that
jeopardizes its foundations.

Director of the foundation Farid Al-Haj Yahya affirmed that his
institution possesses audiovisual evidence to substantiate the charges,
and that it will distribute this evidence to the media in a press
conference it will hold in the coming days.


                 Dr. Sami Al-Arian Begins Hunger Strike

Never Convicted, Muslim Professor Lingers in Prison and Harassed by the

WASHINGTON, DC - Jan. 23, 2007 (MASNET) Yesterday, Dr. Sami Al-Arian
began a hunger strike to protest continued government harassment.
Earlier, Dr. Al-Arian appeared before a new grand jury in Alexandria,
Virginia, where he was subpoenaed by a federal prosecutor to testify a
second time in the same case. After Dr. Al-Arian expressed his ethical
stance against testifying, a judge in the Eastern District of Virginia
held him in civil contempt, once again prolonging his suffering and
imprisonment by up to 18 months. Dr. Al-Arian's originally scheduled
release date is April 13.

Montreal Muslim News Network -


                       Arar: America's deep shame

Let's be clear about this: Maher Arar -- victim of an American "midnight
rendition" to Syria for imprisonment and torture -- is an innocent man.

Not just in law, although the presumption of innocence would be enough
to make that true. Arar is innocent because at least three national
security agencies -- the RCMP, CSIS and the CIA -- have not produced one
scintilla of evidence against him despite pressure on them to do so.


            Bush Continues to Unite the World... Against Him

Despite two years of a concentrated effort by Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice and her public diplomacy major-domo Karen Hughes to
boost Washington's global image, more people around the world have an
unfavorable opinion of U.S. policies than at any time in recent memory,
according to a new BBC poll released Monday.


          Views on U.S. Drop Sharply In Worldwide Opinion Poll

Global opinion of U.S. foreign policy has sharply deteriorated in the
past two years, according to a BBC poll released on the eve of President
Bush's annual State of the Union address.


                        Gangsters for Capitalism

Although benign U.S. intentions are an article of faith among many
Americans, theft, murder and oppression have always been central to U.S.
policies and practices in the non-white world. George Bush's crusade for
'democracy' is yet another chapter in the shameful saga.

“The U.S. has routinely destroyed democracy throughout the globe while
its leaders spout words about spreading democracy.”


  Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War On Iraq - At
                           Least 655,000 + +


Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged)
In America'sWar On Iraq 3,059

The U.S. War On Iraq Costs 

See the cost in your community


  War Criminal : US occupation turns 3.7 million Iraqis into refugees

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported this month that the
US invasion and occupation of Iraq has forced one out of every eight
Iraqis to flee their homes-more than 3.7 million people. The agency
described the refugee crisis caused by the Iraq war as the worst in the
Middle East since the ethnic cleansing that accompanied the creation of
Israel in 1948. The Zionist military and paramilitary death squads drove
an estimated 711,000 Palestinian Arabs from their land.


              Iraq Residents: Baqouba is deadly ghost city

Many residents of Baqouba say they live hunkered down in cold, dark
houses afraid to go out, that the once mixed Shiite-Sunni neighborhoods
are riven by sectarian cleansing, that the police force has virtually
collapsed, and that longtime rituals - like the annual orange festival -
have become unthinkable.


                 How We Can End the Occupation of Iraq

President George Bush deflects criticism of his war plans by claiming
that his critics have no plans of their own. Vice President Dick Cheney,
meanwhile, asserts that matters of war must be left in the hands of the
President (presumably no matter how brilliant your alternative plan).

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D., Ohio) has had an exit plan on his
website for over three years. Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D., Calif.)
has held several hearings discussing exit plans over the past year and a
half. Peace activists, including Tom Hayden, have published and promoted
a variety of exit plans over the past couple of years, and have even
gone so far as to meet and discuss them with members of the Iraqi


       Zawahiri challenges Bush to send the 'entire army' to Iraq

Al-Qaida's deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri has mocked President George
Bush's plan to send 21,000 more troops to Iraq, challenging him ­ in a
new videotape ­ to send "the entire army" and vowing insurgents will
defeat them.

The Washington-based Site Institute said it had intercepted the video,
which had not yet been posted on Islamic militant websites, where
messages of that type are usually posted.


                             URANIUM HOAX!

David Shuster is on MSNBC ... SOTU false claim re: uranium in Niger: VP
Cheney asked Tenet to take complete responsibility for the mistake, and
make clear that Cheney & Bush didn't know that it was a false claim.


                Iraq : View of US's global role 'worse'

The World Service survey, conducted in 25 nations including the US,
found that three in four respondents disapproved of how Washington had
dealt with Iraq.


                    U.N. warns Iraq sliding to abyss

A U.N. envoy said on Tuesday Iraq was sliding "into the abyss of
sectarianism" and urged Iraqi political and religious leaders to halt
the violence after two car bombs in a Baghdad market killed 88 people.


         Iraq : You wont believe how much the war is costing us


          Soldier acquitted of beating Iraqi suspects in Basra

A soldier has been acquitted of beating and seriously injuring an Iraqi
captive during a round-up of civilians in Basra in 2003.


           Security company helicopter shot down over Baghdad

The helicopter of a private U.S. security company was shot down Tuesday
over a predominantly Sunni neighborhood in central Baghdad and there
were casualties, a senior Iraqi defense official said.

The crash came three days after a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter crashed
northeast of Baghdad, killing all 12 soldiers aboard.


                    Troops round up 600 "militiamen"

More than 600 Mahdi Army "militiamen" and 16 of their leaders had been
arrested by Iraqi and US forces and were awaiting prosecution, the US
military said in a statement.


                5 Civilians Dead In Baghdad Copter Crash

Helicopter Owned By U.S. Security Company Goes Down Over Sunni


             3 U.S. Occupation Force Troops Killed In Iraq

The U.S. military said Tuesday that three American troops had been
killed in fighting in Iraq, including a Marine who died south of Baghdad
and two soldiers.


     Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Monday, 22 January 2007.

      * At least five US troops reported killed in day of extensive
        fighting in Baghdad Sunday. 
      * Four US troops killed in Resistance bombing in al-Mawsil midday
      * US troops capture three Iranian Revolutionary Guards who
        illegally entered Iraq in al-Mawsil on Saturday afternoon. 
      * British admit one British soldier killed in bomb attack in al-
        Basrah Sunday morning. 
      * To completely seal off 'Anah from outside world, US forces
        prohibit all Internet access, threaten immediate arrest for
        anyone going on line. 
      * US artillery kills four Iraqi farmers after Resistance pounds US
        al-Habbaniyah base with heavy mortars Monday morning. 
      * Two US troops reported killed in bomb attack in ar-Rutbah near
        Jordan border Monday morning. 
      * Huge Resistance bomb in al-Karmah rips Humvee apart. 
      * “Another day, another Humvee” becomes motto of Baghdad district
        as strikes on US forces continue at high pitch. 
      * Resistance car bomber blows up puppet “National Guard”
        checkpoint, killing 15 puppet troops in Baghdad Monday morning. 
      * Puppet “Iraqi National Guard” forces take over Tuesday Market in
        Baghdad to use for launching operations. 
      * Resistance bomb rips US vehicle apart, reportedly killing three
        American troops in ad-Dulu'iyah at noon Monday. 
      * Four US troops reported killed in powerful bomb explosion in al-
      * US acknowledges American soldier killed in Ninwa Province.


         Dictatorship : U.S. drafts Holocaust denial resolution

To be followed by the "9-11 denial resolution" which will punish
everyone who does not accept the official story of 9-11, and the "Bush
is a nice guy denial resolution" which will jail those who do not like
the President, leaving the entire country to be supported by just 47


             Dictatorship : The Pentagon vs. Press Freedom

We often hear that the Pentagon exists to defend our freedoms. But the
Pentagon is moving against press freedom.

Not long ago, journalist Sarah Olson received a subpoena to testify next
month in the court-martial of US Army Lt. Ehren Watada, who now faces
prosecution for speaking against the Iraq War and refusing to
participate in it. Apparently, the commanders at the Pentagon are so
eager to punish Watada that they've decided to go after reporters who
have informed the public about his statements.


 Dictatorship Gonzales: 'There Is No Express Grant of Habeas Corpus In
                           The Constitution'

Yesterday, during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales claimed there is no express right to habeas corpus in
the U.S. Constitution. Gonzales was debating Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA)
about whether the Supreme Court's ruling on Guantanamo detainees last
year cited the constitutional right to habeas corpus. Gonzales claimed
the Court did not cite such a right, then added, “There is no express
grant of habeas in the Constitution.”

Specter pushed back. “Wait a minute. The constitution says you can't
take it away, except in the case of rebellion or invasion. Doesn't that
mean you have the right of habeas corpus, unless there is an invasion or
rebellion?” Specter told Gonzales, “You may be treading on your
interdiction and violating common sense, Mr. Attorney General.”


                        No Way In - No Way Out 

Americans who cherish freedom would do well to stop stumbling around in
the trees and forests of the illegal immigration debate and see that the
Bush administration is well on its way to closing the borders of the
entire nation, not only to people trying to get in, but to citizens
trying to get out.


                  Stop the Jewish barbarians in Hebron

 It is unthinkable that the memory of Auschwitz should serve as a
pretext to ignore the fact that living here among us are Jews that
behave toward Palestinians exactly the way that German, Hungarian,
Polish and other anti-Semites behaved toward Jews.


                  Hillary Clinton and the Israel Lobby

AIPAC's hypocrisy is nauseating. The Goliath lobbying organization wants
Iran to cease to procure nukes while the crimes of Israel continue to be
ignored. So who is propping up AIPAC's hypocritical position? None other
than Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York.

As one of the top Democratic recipients of pro-Israel funds for the 2006
election cycle, pocketing over $83,000, Clinton now has Iran in her
cross hairs.

It is high time to stop the madness of electing people to high office
who do not put America first, and are simply acquisitions of various
elements which don't really care if this Republic lives or dies.

As long as US foreign policy continues to be driven by these
"acquisitions", we can expect no real domestic prosperity here at home,
nor greater peace in the world at large.


               Israeli president to be charged with rape

Prosecutors intend to charge President Moshe Katsav with rape and other
crimes against female employees, the Justice Ministry said on Tuesday,
in what would be an unprecedented indictment against an Israeli head of


Thousands in Germany, Italy are told they will be deploying in mid-2007

Some 8,500 soldiers from 43 units in Germany and Italy have received
official word that they will be deploying to either Iraq or Afghanistan
later this year, U.S. Army Europe officials announced Monday.


 Fugitive warlord claims U.S. facing Soviet-style defeat in Afghanistan

The United States faces a Soviet-style humiliation in Afghanistan, a
fugitive Afghan warlord claimed in a video message while taunting
Pakistan for aiding U.S.-led counterterrorism operations.


    Suicide attack kills 10 Afghans near NATO occupation forces base

A suicide attacker blew himself up among a crowd of Afghan labourers
queuing to enter a NATO base in eastern Afghanistan early Tuesday,
killing 10 and wounding 14, an official said.


                     Afghan shot by Canadian troops

The man ignored shouts and three warning shots as he was approaching a
Canadian military convoy which had stopped after one of its vehicles had
driven off the road, according to a spokeswoman for the Canadian
military based at KAF.


                  Travel to U.S. off 17 pct since 9/11

A 17 percent drop in overseas travelers to the United States since the
September 11 attacks has cost the country more than $15 billion in lost
taxes and nearly 200,000 jobs, a study showed on Tuesday.

Since the September 11 attacks, the United States has tightened security
measures and toughened its visa and entry requirements. As a result, the
country was ranked as the world's most unfriendly to visitors in a
survey conducted last year of travelers from 16 nations.

For states heavily dependent on tourism, this is a problem.


 Hours before State of Union, Bush approval drops to low of 28 percent

On the day of his State of the Union speech, President Bush's approval
rating has dropped to a new low of twenty-eight percent, and sixty-four
percent "disapprove of the way he's handling his job," according to CBS

They really ought to stop doing these polls inside defense factories.
Meanwhile, here is a sneak-preview of Bush's State of the Union Speech


  Church Prostitute : Ted Haggard Says Evangelicals Have the 'Best Sex

Haggard resigned from the church in 2006, after a scandal linked him to
drugs and a male prostitute.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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