In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Anti-American Feelings Soar as Muslim Society is Radicalised by War on Terror

The War on Terror has radicalised Muslims around the world to unprecedented 
levels of anti-American feeling, according to the largest survey of Muslims 
ever to be conducted.

Seven per cent believe that the events of 9/11 were “completely justified”. 
In Saudi Arabia, 79 per cent had an “unfavourable view” of the US.


Muslims reflect on Holocaust Memorial Day

The issue of the Holocaust Memorial Day has been a matter of heated debate 
between Muslim and Jewish communities for quite some time. This is not 
necessarily a bad thing. An honest and candid exchange of perspectives 
without exchange of accusations and slurs is long overdue.

Many Muslims have decided to vote with their feet by not attending 
Holocaust Memorial Day not because they dispute or deny the fact that the 
Shoah, (Hebrew term for holocaust) did happen and that innocent Jews 
suffered a most cruel fate at the hands of the Nazis. That is an 
indubitable historic fact and an irrefutable crime against humanity.


Evangelist tells students: Shun Muslims

RALEIGH - A national Muslim advocacy group has rebuked the Wake County 
Public School system for allowing a Christian evangelist to speak at Enloe 
High School and distribute pamphlets denouncing Islam.


Egyptian blogger jailed for insulting Islam

Nabil, who used the blogger name Kareem Amer, had sharply criticised his 
college on his blog, which is in Arabic, calling it "the university of 
terrorism" and accusing it of suppressing free thought.,,2019064,00.html


  What the World Trade Center Building Designers Said: Before and After 9/11

Before 9/11 :
“A previous analysis [by WTC building designers], carried out early in 
1964, calculated that the towers would handle the impact of a 707 traveling 
at 600 mph without collapsing”[2]

After 9/11 :
“The engineer who said after the 1993 bombing that the towers could 
withstand a Boeing 707, Leslie Robertson, was not available for comment 
yesterday, a partner at his Manhattan firm said. ‘We're going to hold off 
on speaking to the media,’ said the partner, Rick Zottola, at Leslie E. 
Robertson Associates. ‘We'd like to reserve our first comments to our 
national security systems, F.B.I. and so on.’”[10]


Skepticism, Ideology and the 9/11 Controversy

After years of stonewalling, the liberal media (and by this I mean avowedly 
left-leaning journals such as The Nation and The Progressive) have finally 
addressed the widespread skepticism surrounding the official version of the 
9/11 attacks. To the surprise of much of their readership, however, both 
journals remain solidly skeptical of the skepticism, and instead have 
followed Popular Mechanic's lead in debunking and ridiculing the 911 Truth 

Ideology has nothing to do with it. 9-11 is a scandal that delegitimizes 
the entire government. Both parties are neck-deep in the deception. Yes, 
they will argue weith each other over global warming and gay marriage 
because those are controversies that are "safe" and ultimately harmless to 
the power structure as a whole. But 9-11? The lies used to trick us into 
wars? Those are scandals that damn the entire government.


Iraqi PM advices Mahdi Army leaders to hide in Iran, leaked letter

The Iraqi Prime Minister advised the Mahdi Army leaders to hide in Iran, 
revealed a leaked letter from the office of the prime minister and posted 
online by the Kurdish website peyamner on Tuesday.

A letter issued by the office of the Iraqi Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, 
with the coordination of the Iraqi National Security Advisor, Muwaffaq 
al-Rabii, advices Muqtada al-Sadir to hide the leaders of his militants, 
the Mahdi Army, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, in case they are “arrested 
or killed by the American forces”. Al-Maliki, in his letter states, “The 
current situation requires to keep the leaders of the Mahdi Army, who are 
affiliated to the organisation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, away 
from the front line.”


Iraqis Are Running Out of Food

Even the food system in Iraq is plagued by insecurities. Once a large 
agricultural exporter, Iraq's food supply has fallen apart under the 
U.S.-led occupation.


Government forces kill 17 civilians in Baldruz / Haq Special Report.

Our Haq correspondent reports that Government Froces have engaged in a new 
butchery adding one more to a series of others, namely the killing of 17 
people from the inhabitants of Shahat Ali in the Baldruz region, on 
21.2.07. And here are the names of the victims: 1) Fandi Jassem Kaheet and 
his sons Raad and Saad (shia) 2) Hadi Jassem Kaheet and his sons Amr and 
Adham (shia) 3) Radhee Kanan Kaheet (shia) 4) Al Raheem Kanan Kaheet (shia) 
5) Tareq Rasheed Al Shaheen and his sons Ahmed and Raad (sunni) 6) Adel 
Rasheed Al Shaheen (sunni) 7) Saadoon Rasheed al Shaheen (sunni) 8) Arkan 
Nomi and three of his sons (sunni). The government forces accused the above 
victims of being terrorists and their list of names clearly indicates they 
belong to both sects sunnis and shias.
The government forces however did not stop at this massacre. They in fact 
accused another 5 innocent people of having conducted the above massacres, 
blaming it on them...


Marines kill civilians, claim killing Iraq insurgents

Four women, four children among 26 dead after US air strike levelled one 
city home in Ramadi.

US marines fought a fierce six-hour gunbattle with insurgents in the 
western Iraqi city of Ramadi, a spokesman said Thursday, in a fight local 
people said left several civilians dead. Lieutenant Shawn Mercer said the 
clash erupted late Wednesday when gunmen attacked a unit of marines in the 
streets of east Ramadi with rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, 
triggering an intense exchange of fire (...) "We have no reports of 
civilian casualties and there were no coalition casualties," he said. Local 
people, however, showed an AFP photographer the body of an infant they said 
was killed in the strike, which levelled at least one city home. And both 
the head of civil defence in Ramadi, Salah al-Faraji, and the director of 
the general hospital, Dr Hafidh Ibrahim, said four women and four children 
were among a total of 26 dead recovered at the scene...


Second Iraqi woman in rape claim  : The woman has accused Iraqi police 
officers of rape

A second Iraqi woman has alleged that she was raped by Iraqi police when 
they stormed into her home at the northern city of Tel Afar.

The latest allegation, in a videotape broadcast by Al Jazeera, comes just 
days after a Sunni woman accused Iraqi police of raping her, inflaming 
sectarian tensions in the conflict-ridden country.


Iraqi soldiers accused in second rape case

BAGHDAD — Four Iraqi soldiers have been accused of raping a 50-year-old 
Sunni woman and the attempted rape of her two daughters in the second 
allegation of sexual assault leveled against Iraqi forces this week, an 
official said Thursday.


US occupation forces soldier pleads guilty to rape, murder of Iraqi child

A SECOND US soldier has pleaded guilty to the gang rape and murder of a 
14-year-old girl in Iraq and the killing of her family, it was reported today.,23599,21268245-38198,00.html


Tearful US soldier recounts rape of Iraqi girl

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky., Feb 21 (Reuters) - A U.S. soldier under court-martial 
at a Kentucky military base broke down in tears on Wednesday as he 
described how he and others planned the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, 
murdered along with her family.


US soldier pleads guilty to rape, murder

A SECOND US soldier has pleaded guilty to the gang rape and murder of a 
14-year-old girl in Iraq and the killing of her family, it was reported today.,23599,21268245-38198,00.html


US soldier recounts rape of Iraqi girl

Fort Campbell - A US soldier under court-martial at a Kentucky military 
base broke down in tears on Wednesday as he described how he and others 
planned the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, murdered along with her family.


Iraq remembers Samarra bombings

Iraqis are marking the first anniversary of the bombings of the al-Askari 
Mosque in Samarra, one of the holiest Shia sites.

The blasts triggered sectarian violence over the following days and 
threatened to plunge Iraq into civil war.

The Samarra blasts traumatised Iraqis. "We still want to know what 
happened. Our city has taken care of the shrine for more than 1000 years. 
Nobody dared to touch it. Had anyone thought about how it will affect us," 
a Sunni Iraqi in Samarra wondered aloud.


U.S. occupation forces kill civilians

Four women, four children among 26 dead after US air strike levelled one 
city home in Ramadi.


4,000 troops will stay in Iraq 'for five years'

At least 4,000 British troops will be serving in Iraq for another five 
years under current military planning despite the Prime Minister's pledge 
yesterday of substantial withdrawals


Another U.S. helicopter shot down in Iraq

A U.S. helicopter that crashed Wednesday north of Baghdad was shot down, 
the military said after initially stating that the chopper made a "hard 


9th U.S. helicopter crashes in Iraq

A U.S. helicopter crashed in an area north of Baquba City, 65 km northeast 
of Baghdad, on Thursday. The helicopter went down in a clash between gunmen 
and U.S. troops, the report quoted witnesses as saying, without specifying 
location of the crash


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 21 February 2007

    * Fighting rages in ar-Ramadi Wednesday night.
    * Resistance blasts puppet “intelligence service” offices in 
al-Fallujah area with Katyusha rockets midday Wednesday.
    * Four US troops reported killed in Resistance bombing in ‘Anah 
Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet “al-Anbar Salvation Council” police.
    * Resistance blasts puppet police station in al-Baghdadi with mortars 
on Tuesday.
    * Resistance group reports shooting down US helicopter near Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet “Shock Troop” in al-Jadiriyah.
    * Car bomb strikes Baghdad district, reportedly killing Shi‘i sectarian 
    * Resistance ambush leaves two puppet “National Guards” dead in Abu 
Ghurayb midday Wednesday.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance ambush of US patrol in 
al-Mushahadah Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance bomb kills four puppet “Iraqi National Guards” in al-Mada’in.
    * Resistance fighters kill two puppet “Shock Troops” in al-Mada’in.
    * Resistance, local residents, repulse Jaysh al-Mahdi assault on Sunni 
quarters of al-Mada’in Tuesday evening.
    * New wave of US raids and arrests in Diyala Province – second in 48 
    * Two puppet “Iraqi National Guard” troops killed in Resistance mortar 
    * Resistance pounds puppet army base with heavy mortars.
    * Resistance sharpshooter kills puppet policeman in al-Mawsil Wednesday 
    * Resistance attacks puppet police patrol in al-Mawsil Wednesday morning.
    * Car bomb explodes in an-Najaf.
    * Puppet official assassinated in as-Samawah as Jaysh al-Mahdi presses 
drive to take over city.


Taliban 'in control' in Helmand

Al Jazeera has uncovered evidence that Taliban fighters are now in 
effective control of large parts of a key province in southwest 
Afghanistan, despite recent claims by Nato that their bases had been destroyed.


‘6,000 Taleban fighters preparing for offensive’

The Taleban has deployed 6,000 fighters in preparation for a spring 
offensive against government and foreign forces in Afghanistan, said the 
military leader of the Islamic milita that once ruled the country.


Three occupation force soldiers killed in Afghanistan

The NATO-led occupation force in Afghanistan announced on Thursday the 
death of three of its soldiers in combat and non-combat operations in 
different parts of the country over the past 24 hours.


U.S. can't stay for long in Afghanistan

An Afghan warlord on a U.S. wanted list has said the United States does not 
have the capacity to stay for long in Afghanistan and he predicts it will 
pull out at the same time as it withdraws from Iraq.


Italian prime minister quits over Afghan vote

Prodi failed to win parliamentary endorsement of his decision to maintain 
Italian troops in Afghanistan, a loss attributed in part to desertions by 
members of his coalition who oppose continued cooperation with the U.S. 
military in Italy and abroad.


President Karzai pleads with Italy to remain in Afghanistan

Karzai, whose own shaky grip on Afghanistan is under threat from resurgent 
Taliban rebels, also urged another key contributor to the 35,000-strong 
NATO security force, Canada, to stay the course.


2 groups ask court to stop transfer of Afghan prisoners

Two human rights groups said Wednesday they are taking legal action to stop 
Canadian soldiers from handing over their prisoners in Kandahar to Afghan 
security forces.



(WASHINGTON D.C., 2/22/07) - The Council on American-Islamic Relations 
(CAIR) is calling on North American Muslims and other people of conscience 
to help protect religious sites in Jerusalem reportedly threatened by an 
Israeli archeological dig near Al-Aqsa Mosque. North American imams are 
also being asked to discuss the importance of Jerusalem to Muslims in their 
khutbas (sermons) this Friday.


Half of Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza malnourished

Around 46 per cent of Gaza and West Bank households are "food insecure" or 
in danger of becoming so, according to a UN report on the impact of 
conflict and the global boycott of the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority.

see also:  Tycoon to launch right-wing party in Israel


Splits emerge between U.S. and Europe over aid for Palestinians

The Russian foreign minister, Sergey Lavrov, who has said that the United 
States and Europe should look for ways to engage Hamas, was pointed during 
a news conference about not threatening to continue the boycott if the new 
government did not recognize Israel.


Hamas political chief to travel to Moscow for talks

  Mashaal's trip would be his second to Moscow in a year. A high-level 
delegation met with Russian officials in March 2005 — a trip that irked 
Israel, broke the international isolation of the militant group and was 
widely seen as a bid by President Vladimir Putin to activate Russia's role 
in the Middle East peace process.


Hamas leader says embargo on Palestinians should be lifted

The report said that since the start of the blockade in March 2006, poverty 
had risen to the extent that almost half of the 3.7 million people in the 
West Bank and Gaza Strip were liable to be short of food.


Israeli Arabs demand binational state

A coalition of Arab community leaders in Israel has drafted a manifesto 
demanding the country's Jews share power in a binational state.


Is this camel anti-semitic?


Nuclear Secrets – Vanunu And The Bomb

Mordechai Vanunu was the man who was determined to tell the world about 
Israel's nuclear capabilities and, by doing so, created a world scandal.


16 killed as mortar blasts rock occupied Mogadishu

A WAVE of pre-dawn mortar attacks pounded Mogadishu and killed at least 16 
people overnight in one of the most brutal bombardments since an Islamist 
movement was forced out of the Somali capital last month.,23599,21262052-38195,00.html


Two officials shot dead in occupied Somalia

Two local officials in the increasingly chaotic Somali capital were shot 
dead by unidentified gunmen, the mayor of Mogadishu told local media on 


David Morse: Looking Beyond the Myth of “Darfur”

Strange things are happening in Khartoum itself. President Omar al-Bashir, 
who came to power in a military coup in 1989, seems not fully in control, 
as factions within the oligarchy vie for power.


US Guantanamo ruling 'shocking

AMNESTY International has criticised a decision by the US appeals court 
preventing foreign terror suspects from challenging their detentions at 
Guantanamo Bay in the US legal system,23599,21262097-38200,00.html


Chain up Cheney! Bring Hicks home!

Sydney anti-war marchers defy police ban and reclaim the streets


Canada denies racism : Feet held to fire over treatment of aboriginals, Arar

GENEVA -- Canada has vigorously denied engaging in racial profiling in its 
fight against terrorism.

A Canadian delegation appearing this week before a UN anti-racism committee 
has also given assurances that there won't be a repeat of the Maher Arar case.


Rice's Middle East visit: Bullying and intimidation dressed up as diplomacy


-muslim voice-

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