In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Who is Really Behind all the Terror Attacks around the world?

A recent survey by University of Maryland's prestigious Program on 
International Public Attitudes, shows that only 46 percent of Americans 
think that "bombing and other attacks intentionally aimed at civilians" are 
"never justified," while 24 percent believe these attacks  are "often or 
sometimes justified."  Contrast those numbers with 2006 polling results 
from the world's most-populous Muslim countries – Indonesia, Pakistan, 
Bangladesh, and Nigeria. Terror Free Tomorrow, the organization I lead, 
found that 74 percent of respondents in Indonesia agreed that terrorist 
attacks are "never justified"; in Pakistan, that figure was 86 percent; in 
Bangladesh, 81 percent. Reported (here )

Nearly all Muslims including children know that majority of the acts of 
terror, especially 9/11, East Africa, London, Madrid, Bali, Bombay and 
Jakarta are not the work of Muslims and could not be the work of Muslims 
because besides not having a culture of terrorism, they just simply could 
not pull off such feats of technological and logistical sophistication.


  Who Do You Think We (US) Are?

IN Alan J. Pakula’s 1974 film “The Parallax View,” the nefarious Parallax 
Corporation uses a questionnaire to recruit potential assassins. Sociopaths 
and psychopaths are weeded in with a battery of questions that expose their 
psychological strengths and weaknesses, secrets and predilections. At the 
opposite end of the moral spectrum, and with utterly benign intent, the 
General Social Survey has been performing a similar exploration of the 
American psyche for 34 years.


Why won't the U.S. admit Maher Arar's innocence?

It may be fear of precedent. Tales of other suspects seized and sent abroad 
to face torture are beginning to come to light in Europe. This week, those 
stories helped bring down the Italian government. And as Doug Saunders 
reports, this could be just the beginning.


Will America Face the Truth About 9/11?

The order states that when hijackings occur the military’s operational 
commanders at the pentagon and at the North American Aerospace Command 
(NORAD) must contact the secretary of defense for approval and further 
instruction. At that time, of course, this was Donald Rumsfeld. Was the new 
order, therefore, evidence of a policy change made for the purpose of 
engineering a stand-down on 9/11?


War Crime : America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq

"The invasion of Iraq in 2003 was not an isolated episode. It was the 
culmination of a 110-year period during which Americans overthrew fourteen 
governments that displeased them for various ideological, political, and 
economic reasons."


"Just Following Orders" is No Excuse If Bush is a War Criminal, Then What 
About the Troops

In addition to holding George Bush and U.S. Congress accountable for the 
illegal occupation of Iraq, American troops must also be prepared to accept 
responsibility, because we're all presumed to know the law. If we accept 
that fundamental legal presumption, then those of us who claim that the war 
is illegal must also acknowledge that the troops are unexcused aiders and 


War Crime : Fake Terrorism Is a Coalition's Best Friend

Iraqi police recently caught two terrorists with a car full of explosives. 
Would it surprise you to learn they were British Special Forces?


War Criminal : Raping Women is Rewarded.... Only in Iraq

I was at the dentist’s when I heard the news.

- Did you know? They raped a woman and she came on Tv.
- What!!!??? Who? Another Abeer?
- This time it’s Iraqi force!
- !!!!!!!!!

I saw the news on Tv and beside the shock and utter disbelief and despite 
the controversy that this story will make and the lies that will be said to 
cover up what ever might expose anything about our life in Iraq under the 
new democracy and freedom, I have to show my full respect to this woman, 
Sabrine Al-Janabi, who risked her life to expose some of what is happening 
under the blanket.

Another shock came when I heard that Al-Maliki ordered to reward the 
animals who were involved.

What happened will be a great encouragement for those animals who have a 
license to get into our houses and have the authority to open our closets 
and touch our belongings. They know that not only they would get away with 
raping women but they would get rewarded for it.


AP says Americans underestimate Iraqi death toll and then proves it

The Johns Hopkins study is not an "unofficial estimate"; it's a 
scientifically-determined number based on a careful study published in one 
of the most prestigious scientific journals in the world!!! And its result 
is not "tens of thousands" higher than 9,890, it is hundreds of thousands 
higher (at least 550,000 by now, and most likely closer to 750,000 - 
three-quarters of a million Iraqis, and by the way, that estimate does not 
include "foreign fighters," since it was a survey of Iraqi households 
only). How preposterous is it to stick to an estimate of 54,000 for the 
entire war, a period which obviously includes the bloody first few weeks of 
the invasion, not to mention such "highlights" as the leveling of Fallujah, 
while accepting a U.N. report of 34,000 deaths for just one year of that war?



Many people have seen the barbaric photos of the "Highway of Death" in 
Kuwait after the U.S. bombed a miles-long convoy of thousands of vehicles 
attempting to leave Kuwait and return to Iraq. Shortly before, the U.S. 
administration said it would not attack retreating Iraqi soldiers, but it 
reneged on its promise and killed thousands of retreating Iraqi soldiers as 
well as civilians of many nationalities.

A cease-fire agreement was reached a few days later. Everybody thought the 
killing spree was over.

But, the killing of defenseless soldiers and civilians did not end with the 
cease-fire. On the morning of March 2 (two days after the cease-fire was 
announced), a convoy of Iraqi vehicles was reported moving through the 
demarcation point of allied operations on Highway 8 about 50 kilometers 
west of Basra.


Iraq : Kelly death not suicide, says MP

An MP investigating the death of Dr David Kelly says he is convinced the 
weapons scientist did not kill himself.


Channel4 letter reveals the corruption inside the “Green Zone” government

This is a letter sent by the Deputy Head, News and Current Affairs  Kevin 
Sutcliffe to "Iraq Media and Studies Center", in reaction to the center’s 
claim that all the information provided by the documentary "IRAQ’S DEATH 
SQUADS" are false.

The funny part is that Iraq Media and Studies Center, considered that this 
letter is a "threat letter".

Background: Channel4 to sue "Iraqi Media and Studies Center". Here is the 
letter, and there are some interesting information about corruption inside 
the government


At least 35 killed in Iraq mosque attack

BAGHDAD (AFP) - A car bomb attack outside a Sunni mosque in western Iraq on 
Saturday killed 35 people as President Jalal Talabani slammed US forces for 
seizing the son of a powerful Shiite leader.


Fratricide in Iraq's Anbar may escalate

The killers started early. Just after sunrise, they tracked the imam to his 
modest brick mosque, where he was praying on a green carpet. Three masked 
gunmen muscled past a handful of worshippers and pumped four bullets into 
the chest of Sheik Adbul Rahman Jawhar al-Karbouli.


Saddam's lawyer promises book of prison cell revelations

Saddam Hussein's lawyer has said he will write a book revealing the "many 
secrets" told to him by the executed dictator, including his links with 


British general unveils Basra pull-out plan

BASRA (AFP) - The commander of British troops in southern Iraq has revealed 
Saturday details of how they would pull out of the city of Basra and leave 
the way clear for Iraqi units to take control.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Saturday, 24 February 2007

    * US troops open fire on family fleeing sectarian death squads, killing 
eight civilians near al-Qa’im.
    * Resistance attacks cut off water, electricity to US base near 
    * After 40 local men and youths were swept up in the “security sweep” 
by US and puppet Iraqi forces Friday, pro-Iranian Shi‘i sectarian militias 
storm largely defenseless Sunni district of Baghdad Saturday, driving Sunni 
residents out.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts puppet police checkpoint in Hit area.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet “National Guards” in al-Karmah.
    * Resistance bombards checkpoint at northern entrance to al-Fallujah 
    * Suspicious bomb kills 41 Sunni civilians in al-Habbaniyah late 
Saturday afternoon.
    * Explosions shake Shi‘i sectarian targets in Baghdad’s al-Karradah and 
al-Jadiriyah districts Saturday evening.
    * Resistance pounds SCIRI headquarters in Baghdad with heavy mortars 
Saturday night.
    * Car bomb blasts puppet “Order Protection Police” in western Baghdad.
    * Resistance car bomber blasts puppet “National Guard” checkpoint in 
Baghdad midday Saturday.
    * Resistance rockets blast US headquarters in Samarra’ Saturday morning.
    * Resistance blasts US base near Bayji with Grad rocket Saturday morning.
    * Resistance men execute, arrest members of puppet “Iraqi National 
Guard” in Ba‘qubah Saturday afternoon.
    * Resistance blasts US headquarters in Jalawla’ with S-8 rockets 
Saturday morning.
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police in al-Mawsil Friday.


27 July 1880. A date Mr Blair should look up

Hands up any soldiers who know that another of Britain's great military 
defeats took place in the very sands in which your colleagues are now 
fighting the Taliban. Yes, the Battle of Maiwand - on 27 July, 1880 - 
destroyed an entire British brigade, overrun by thousands of armed Afghan 
tribesmen, some of whom the official enquiry into the disaster would later 
describe as "Talibs". The Brits had been trying to secure Helmand province. 
Sound familiar?



Apparently the Israeli Forces work with the assumption that Palestinian 
children have no feelings or emotions. For years the Palestinians have been 
dehumanised in their minds, therefore it makes perfect sense to them that 
they are void of human feelings.


Videos: Boycott Israeli Apartheid Demo

To watch video, click on following link:

To view audio slideshow, click on following link:



Several national Arab and Muslim organizations today condemned major 
Canadian newspapers for ignoring or sidelining coverage of an independent 
UN-commissioned report that links Israel's 40-year occupation of the 
Palestinian territories to apartheid South Africa.

By contrast, Britain's The Independent covered the story fully in 
yesterday's edition, featuring it on the front page and providing a link to 
the full report:

or you can read it at:


Israel raids Nablus, imposes curfew, takes over radio and tv, shoots randomly

The article does not say what TV news reported, that the 80 or so jeeps 
followed a bunch of bulldozers.... THAT means, the Israelis are about to 
destroy some Palestinian houses.

SOME networks showed footage of Israelis shooting through small round holes 
in the rear windows of their jeeps,  the windows not being clear glass, 
they could not possibly have seen whom they were shooting at. Out in the 
streets were only teenagers throwing stones,  and that from a safe 
distance, which certainly could do harm to the armored jeeps the Israelis 
were driving, all safety glass windows shut tight.,,-6439444,00.html


Criticizing Israel is not an act of bigotry

A grassroots revolt is underway in Jewish communities throughout the world, 
a revolt that has panicked the elite organizations that have long 
functioned as official mouthpieces for the community. The latest sign of 
this panic is
the recent publication by the American Jewish Committee of an essay by 
Alvin H. Rosenfeld, entitled Progressive Jewish Thought and the New 
Anti-Semitism, which accuses progressive Jews of abetting a resurgent wave 
of anti-Semitism by publicly criticizing Israel.


Israelis Dressed as Arabs Nab Top Terrorist

"Border policemen dressed as Palestinian Arabs infiltrated a Jenin refugee 
camp Thursday morning and arrested Khaled el-Haj, a senior Hamas commander 
in the northern West Bank, along with one of his lieutenants. El-Haj was 
released from an Israeli prison only two moths prior to Thursday's arrest 
operation, military sources said," the Jerusalem Post reports.

This raises the question of how many people that look like Arabs or 
Palestinians are really Israeli Agents Provocateurs.


The Redirection

In the past year, the Saudis, the Israelis, and the Bush Administration 
have developed a series of informal understandings about their new 
strategic direction. At least four main elements were involved, the U.S. 
government consultant told me. First, Israel would be assured that its 
security was paramount and that Washington and Saudi Arabia and other Sunni 
states shared its concern about Iran.


CIA recruited Japanese war criminals

TOKYO - Col. Masanobu Tsuji was a fanatical Japanese militarist and brutal 
warrior, hunted after World War II for massacres of Chinese civilians and 
complicity in the Bataan Death March. And then he became a U.S. spy. Newly 
declassified CIA records, released by the U.S. National Archives and 
examined by The Associated Press, document more fully than ever how Tsuji 
and other suspected Japanese war criminals were recruited by U.S. 
intelligence in the early days of the Cold War. The documents also show how 
ineffective the effort was, in the CIA's view.;_ylt=AtQaI1NhNBe70dSR9z2.TiGyFz4D


“9/11: The Conspiracy Files,” The BBC Joins the Ranks of the Untrustworthy 
United States Media

More than five years after the disaster of September 11, 2001, England’s 
BBC stepped into the ring of media outlets airing programs about the 
tragedy that is now referred to as "9/11" on February 18, 2007. The 
program, entitled "9/11: The Conspiracy Files," took the time to interview 
some well-known Americans on both sides of the 9/11 argument. The hour-long 
program looked as if it might reveal something worthwhile, for about nine 
minutes. Guests like the outspoken Alex Jones, 911 Scholars for Truth 
Co-Founder Dr. Jim Fetzer, and Loose Change producer Dylan Avery actually 
got to make several excellent points before the real conspiracy was revealed.


Questions Your Pastor Will Hate

I remember asking why the Bible, a book which had to know better since it 
was written by God himself, said Joshua raised his hands and the "sun 
stopped for the space of about a day," when clearly it would be the earth 
that stopped rotating? I asked him how oceans would not slop out of their 
basins in such a scenario and drown the whole world? I asked him if humans 
would not be cast into space by such a sudden stop of the entire planet? I 
even asked if this really happened, why did no one else on the whole planet 
notice it, or write about it? I got that dumb look again.


US funds terror groups to sow chaos in Iran

02/25/07 "Sunday Telegraph" -- -- America is secretly funding militant 
ethnic separatist groups in Iran in an attempt to pile pressure on the 
Islamic regime to give up its nuclear programme.

In a move that reflects Washington's growing concern with the failure of 
diplomatic initiatives, CIA officials are understood to be helping 
opposition militias among the numerous ethnic minority groups clustered in 
Iran's border regions.;jsessionid=HDZB2432Z4F1LQFIQMGSFFWAVCBQWIV0?xml=/news/2007/02/25/wiran25.xml


US rejects ban on cluster bombs:

The United States on Friday rejected an international call to abandon the 
use of
cluster bombs, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.


-muslim voice-

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