In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

In case you missed it: Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death

In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has 
uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban 
prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot 
in the desert under the watch of American troops.

The film has been broadcast on national 
television in countries all over the world and 
has been screened by the European parliament. 
Human rights lawyers are calling for 
investigation into whether U.S. forces are guilty 
of war crimes. But no U.S. media outlet has broadcast the film.

It tells the story of thousands of prisoners who 
surrendered to the US military’s Afghan allies 
after the siege of Kunduz. According to 
eyewitnesses, some three thousand of the 
prisoners were forced into sealed containers and 
loaded onto trucks for transport to Sheberghan 
prison. Eyewitnesses say when the prisoners began 
shouting for air, U.S.-allied Afghan soldiers 
fired directly into the truck, killing many of 
them. The rest suffered through an appalling road 
trip lasting up to four days, so thirsty they 
clawed at the skin of their fellow prisoners as 
they licked perspiration and even drank blood from open wounds.


How the FBI framed a Muslim charity : Islamophobia and Racist

YET MORE evidence of the government's persecution 
of Arabs and Muslims since September 11 has come to light.

More than five years ago, the Bush administration 
shut down the Dallas-based Holy Land Foundation 
for Relief and Development, the largest Muslim 
charity in the U.S. The Feds labeled Holy Land a 
"specially designated global terrorist" and 
charged seven former foundation officials, 
including six U.S. citizens, with funneling money 
to overseas charities controlled by the 
Palestinian group Hamas, which the U.S. also has 
designated a terrorist organization.

Much of the government's case against Holy Land 
was based on FBI "summaries" of thousands of 
hours of classified wiretapped 
conversations­including one of a 1996 conversation involving charity officials.

But in late February, lawyers for the foundation 
revealed that much of the government's "official 
summary" of that  conversation appears to have been fabricated.


Documents show new secretive US prison program 
isolating Muslim, Middle Eastern prisoners - 
Program in apparent violation of federal law

The US Department of Justice has implemented a 
secretive new prison program segregating 
"high-security-risk" Muslim and Middle Eastern 
prisoners and tightly restricting their 
communications with the outside world in apparent 
violation of federal law, according to documents obtained by RAW STORY.

Documents obtained by RAW STORY show that the CMU 
program, instituted Dec. 11, 2006 -- shortly 
after the mid-term elections in which Democrats 
won both chambers of Congress -- is being 
implemented at Terre Haute Federal Correctional Institution in Indiana.

Under the CMU program, telephone communications 
must be conducted using monitored phone lines, be 
live-monitored by staff, are subject to 
recording, and must be in English only. All 
letters must be reviewed by staff prior to 
delivery or sending. Visits must be non-contact 
only, live-monitored, and subject to recording in English.


Bush has "near dictatorial power"

So apparently, the American Founders risked their 
lives and fortunes in order to wage war against 
Great Britain and declare independence from the 
King -- all in order to vest "near dictatorial 
power" in the American President in all matters 
of foreign policy and national security. And, of 
course, for the Michael Goldfarbs of the world, 
"war" and "national security" -- and the "near 
dictatorial power" vested in the President in 
those areas -- now encompasses virtually every 
government action, since scary and dangerous 
Muslims are lurking everywhere, on every corner, 
and the entire world is one big "battlefield" in 
the "War on Terrorism," including U.S. soil.


Occupation turf war sheds new light on the Nick 
Berg case - US contractors ‘tortured’ for talking to the FBI

The case of Donald Vance, an American citizen 
secretly imprisoned by the US military in Iraq 
after making accusations against an Iraqi-owned 
security company for which he worked, has 
revealing parallels with the 2004 disappearance 
of Nick Berg, a US contractor whose murder is 
officially attributed to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Nicholas Berg execution:
A working hypothesis and a resolution for the orange jumpsuit mystery
23 May 2004
Why was Nick Berg wearing a US prison "jumpsuit" 
when he was apparently executed on video by what 
are claimed to be al-Qaeda-linked terrorists? 
Something fishy there, but there was an elegant 
explanation. This was my first work on the case, later elaborated by …

evidence and observations on the Berg case
18 July 2004
A close comparison of frames from the Berg video 
and pictures from Abu Ghraib prison reveals more 
evidence that the execution video was recorded in 
the notorious prison complex. Also, a refinement 
on the issue of the orange jumpsuit, which was 
actually a two-piece US prison uniform. And for 
an "off camera" view of a videotaped 
interrogation like the one seen in the opening 13 
seconds of the Berg execution video, see the 
postscript to this piece. WARNING: disturbing images.


Killing from on High

In reality, "Death from Above" means nothing less 
than mass murder from 15,000 feet. It means daisy 
cutters, bunker busters, cruise missiles, napalm, 
and white phosphorous. It means depleted uranium 
and cluster bombs littering the landscape for 
decades. It means rubble, destruction, the 
ruination of lives by the hundreds, by the 
thousands and more. It means Dresden, Pearl 
Harbor, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. It means "shock 
and awe." It means 9/11. It means more than space 
allows me to explain, yet it's perfectly normal 
for an American to slap a "Death from Above" 
decal on his/her vehicle...right next to "support the troops" sticker.


April 2007: The deadliest month of the Iraq occupation

We're more than a third of the way through April 
now, and I haven't seen this actually reported in 
the media anywhere, but unfortunately this has 
been the deadliest month for the U.S.-led 
coalition forces -- on an average daily basis -- 
of the four-year occupation of Iraq.

So far, according to, 47 American 
troops and six British soliders have died in the 
11 days of April so far -- an average of 4.82 
coalition deaths every day. And -- looking at the 
month to month statistics -- no month has been 
that high since Baghdad fell on April 9, 2003.


An April Fool ?

April 11, 2007 - On April Fool's Day, 1st April, 
Senator John McCain went for a stroll in 
Baghdad's central, sprawling Shorja Market. There 
were "encouraging signs", he said "progress" was 
"evident". The man whose 2004 book is entitled: 
"Why Courage Matters - The Way to a Braver Life", 
wore body armour and was reported as accompanied 
by one hundred soldiers, three Blackhawk 
helicopters and two Apaches. The Iraq debate in 
Congress "has an Alice in Wonderland quality 
about it", he comments on his website ( ). So did his market 
visit, where the "warm" people even refused money 
for his "souvenirs". Probably because a very 
proud people would not take an invasion 
supporter's cash if it was the last on the planet.


Refugees Speak of Escape from Hell

"America is the reason why Iraq was invaded, so 
we would like the American administration to give 
aid to us refugees," she added. "I would like 
people to read this and tell Bush to help us."


Payment sought in murder of Iraqi and Afghan civilians by US. occupation forces

The military has paid more than $32 million to 
Iraqi and Afghan civilians for non-combat-related 
killings, injuries and property damage. That 
figure does not include condolence payments.


Kurdistan's Covert Back-Channels : Iraq Muslim 's Traitor

How an ex-Mossad chief, a German uberspy, and a 
gaggle of top-dollar GOP lobbyists helped 
Kurdistan snag 15 tons of $100 bills.


Who's behind the attack in parliament?

Several other lawmakers also said they saw the 
limbs, believed to be those of the bomber.

Earlier in the day, security officials used dogs 
to check people entering the building in a rare 
precaution — apparently concerned that an attack might take place.

But a security scanner that checks pedestrians at 
the entrance to the Green Zone near the 
parliament building was not working Thursday, Abu 
Bakr said. People were searched only by hand and 
had to pass through metal detectors, he said.

La ballah! It didn't work on the very day a 
suicide bomber got through? COME ON. Who did 
this? El gringo, of course. And buddy Mehdi.


Green Zone Down: Bomb Hits Parliament As Bush Moves to Make Baghdad a Prison

The Bush-McCain "surge" is working so well that 
now the very heart of the American-installed, 
American-protected Iraqi government has been 
struck by a bomb, killing at least two 
legislators, as the Washington Post, AP and the Guardian report.


4 Years On, the Gap Between Iraq Policy and Practice Is Wide

WASHINGTON, April 11 — Four years after the fall 
of Baghdad, the White House is once again 
struggling to solve an old problem: Who is in 
charge of carrying out policy in Iraq?


Iraq policy 'spawned new terror'

The British and US policy towards Iraq has 
"spawned new terror in the region", a think tank report has said.


Troops accused of killing suspects

Corpses lay unclaimed in deserted streets of 
central Baghdad yesterday and accusations of 
extrajudicial execution hung over the US-trained 
Iraqi Army after the most intensive gun battle in 
the capital since the American military launched 
its last-ditch security plan to prevent the collapse of the city.


  Thursday: 52 Iraqis Killed, 86 Wounded; Iraqi Parliament Suffers Bombing

A bomb at the Iraqi Parliament building in the 
fortified Green Zone and another on a major 
bridge shook Baghdad today and underscored 
weaknesses in the security crackdown. Overall, at 
least 52 Iraqis were killed and 86 injured during 
violent attacks today. No foreign casualties were reported.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 11 April 2007

    * US admits two American troops killed in 
Resistance attacks in Baghdad Tuesday, Wednesday.
    * Explosion rocks area in al-A‘zamiyah Wednesday afternoon.
    * Islamic Army spokesman: US, Iran behind many car bombings in Iraq.
    * Resistance fighters assault puppet police 
at checkpoint in al-Miqdadiyah Wednesday afternoon.
    * Attacks target puppet police stations in al-Mawsil.
    * British troops report clash with “armed men” in al-Basrah.


Afghani mass grave hides 400 dead

THE bodies of nearly 400 Afghan civilians killed 
during the communist regime that ended in 1992 
have been found in a mass grave in northeastern Afghanistan.

The grave was found by local farmers in a desert 
just outside Faizabad, the capital town of the 
remote Badakhshan province, deputy governor Shams-ul Rahman Shams said.


Two more Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan: Confirmed

Two Canadians have been killed and three injured 
in Afghanistan, a military official at CFB Gagetown says.


Zionist War Crime : “68 women gave birth on 
checkpoints, 33 infants and 4 women died”

The Palestinian Independent Commission for 
Citizens Rights (PICCR) reported that Israeli 
troops stationed at hundreds of roadblocks in the 
occupied territories barred dozens of pregnant 
women from crossing the checkpoints while in 
labor; 34 infants and four women died on their roadblocks.

The Commission reported that soldiers forced 68 
pregnant women to give birth on road blocks after 
barring them from crossing as they were being 
transferred to hospitals and medical centers.


UN envoy on children says Israel broke international law in 2006 war in Lebanon

A UN envoy for children in conflict said Thursday 
she had been horrified by the destruction of a 
Lebanese village besieged by Israeli troops last 
year, and that many of Israel's actions during 
the war against Hezbollah had violated international law.


On Video: Palestinian As Human Shield

International law, including the Geneva 
Conventions and Hague regulations, prohibits 
placing civilians in harm's way during military operations.


Ex-FBI boss blasts MI5's Ulster record

This is the first time that Freeh has so openly 
criticised MI5, which worked closely with the FBI 
in operations against the IRA while Freeh was FBI director.


White House Can't Say If Lost E-Mails Include Firings

The Bush administration acknowledged that some 
lost White House e-mails might have dealt with 
the firing of eight U.S. attorneys, as a Senate 
panel stepped up demands for more information on 
the removal of the prosecutors.


Leahy Doubts Bush Aides on Lost E-Mails

President Bush's aides are lying about White 
House e-mails sent on a Republican account that 
might have been lost, Senate Judiciary Committee 
Chairman Patrick Leahy suggested Thursday, vowing 
to subpoena those documents if the administration fails to cough them up.,,-6552441,00.html


Awful Truth About Hillary, Barack, John and Whitewash

This year, with their virtually identical 
statements about "options" and "the table," the 
leading Democratic presidential candidates - 
Clinton, Obama and Edwards - have refused to rule 
out any kind of attack on Iran. If you're not 
shocked or outraged yet, consider this:


  Rev Al Sharpton on FBI Tape - Drug Dealer &Snitch

A shocking FBI surveillance tape shows the Rev. 
Al Sharpton discussing a major drug deal with an 
undercover agent posing as a South American kingpin.

The black activist was offered thousands of 
dollars as a cut for arranging bulk sales of 
cocaine on the 1983 videotape, which will be 
shown tonight on HBO's "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel."

"I can get pure coke ... for about 35,000 a 
kilo," says Victor Quintana, the FBI agent, as 
Sharpton nods during the sting operation. "But I 
gotta get, you know, more than one."

"Right," Sharpton replies.


-muslim voice-

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