
A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in Burma


*Internationally Displaced Brains*
*Contents* *[ Please read on http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk ]** *

*English Language Section *

  *I. "**Internationally Displaced
*"_ Editorial: **Dr. Tayza* <http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/tz.htm>* *

*            *  _ countries with corrupt administrative systems and chaotic
economic mismanagement by authoritarian regimes are showing huge losses of
their intellectual human resources. Countries under the oppressive rule of
thuggish militant regimes are like graveyards of intellect and education_ no
free thinking, no flourishing of innovative ideas, and no progress in arts
and sciences................

*II. "Going to Third
Countries<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/prof..htm>" _
Feature Article: Prof. Kanbawza Win*

*   *         _  If all the bright and intelligent ethnic people of Burma
leave their motherland and settle in the West it would be far much easier
for the Burmese army to implement its ethnic cleansing policy. If the
Christians choose to go to the Western country because of religious
persecution, then the policy of the Military Junta of one country , one race
and one religion would be a success............

*III. "**Universities in
*" _ **Letter to Editor: Win Lei`*

*            *_ now the government never upgrades these estates and they
never maintain the things in university campuses.....there are piles of
rubbish near the theatres, classrooms and all the University student hostels

*IV. "Brain Drain
<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/sb.htm>" _ Feature
Article: Shwe Ba*

*       *     _  the educated persons are taboo for the SPDC Generals. They
are thorns among the population, which they could not silenced easily with
threats and intimidation.................

*V. "Power of Image over Power of Words on
Commentary: Ko Sala*

*       *     _ The presentation of images is crucial in swaying public's
opinion in the world......A number of documentaries have been produced on
the Internally Displaced People of Burma but it seems it has not
sufficiently won the hearts and mind of the world population...........

WAY<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/fn.htm>" _
Poem: Feraya*

*         *   _ Is there no way to stop them hurting so many people?......Is
there no way to show them the right way to do things?........Is there no way
to persuade them to care?.........

*VII. "Unchanged <http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/ny.htm>"_ Poem:
Nay Yu*

*    *        _ Oh dear.....We are still in fear......Waiting for
nothing......Fears are in years

*VIII. "JORDBUR's View on Brain Drain and
Burma<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/jb.htm>" _
Satire: JORDBUR*

           _ He always fancies the thought that Ministry of Manpower and
employers of his host countries on their knees begging him to move in
although in reality he needs them more than they needs him..............

*IX. "**To Mr. Kofi Annan*<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/fp.htm>
*" _ Open Letter: Fighting Peacocks*

*           * _ the present ruling military oligarchy in Burma is pushing
ahead with its plans to legitimize its otherwise illegal rule via its
National Convention, also the first step in its Seven Step Road Map, a ploy
only, to establish a military dynasty in Burma.

*X. "The Situation in
Burma<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/e.htm>" _
Special report: UNPO*

           _ Call upon the UN Security Council to adopt a resolution on
Burma which includes a call for tripartite dialogue, the reduction of
military presence in ethnic nationalities areas, a respect for and promotion
of human rights, and the facilitation of humanitarian aid distribution to
all areas of the country...........

*Photo Diary Section** *

I. "Conference For Elimination Of Violence Against
courtesy of Naing Lin (NLD/LA/Malysia)


Burmese Language Section
*( Burmese Fonts <http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/fonts.htm>

I. "The Role of Intellectuals in Future
Editorial: Khin Ma Ma Myo

II. "US will Push for UNSC resolution on
" _ News Report: Thaung Nyunt

III. "The Reality inside SPDC Army, part
Serialized True story: Captain Nay Thu (retired)

IV. "On Strategic Non-violent Conflict, part
Serialized Strategy Discussion: Lwin Aung Soe

V. "Watching these two
Review: Thurein Htet

VI. "New Flag is like a Traffic
Poem: Thiha Min

VII. "Diamond-studded
Poem: Luu Kalaung

VIII. "Villains in
Opinion: Ethnic Youth Network Group

IX. "Problems from Hell<http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/2006/12/03/hell.htm>"_
Commentary: New York Youths

X. "Karen Development
Special Report: .


*** <http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/bd/prize.htm>*

*I Want to Go Home

*BURMA DIGEST Human-rights Literature Award

*Volunteer Lecturers for All Ethnic International Open

*Please** click here to sign the petition we want AUNG SAN SUU KYI released.
* <http://www.petitiononline.com/hsw666/petition.html>

*Please click here to sign our petition for urgent United Nations
intervention in Burma <http://www.petitiononline.com/arqhy11/petition.html>

*Please click here to sign the Petition to UN Security Council to help STOP
ATROCITIES in Burma. <http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/campaigns/geno1.htm>


Newsroom (Burma & ASEAN news) http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/BDnewsroom.htm .

Printable booklet of BURMA DIGEST http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/BD.pdf .

Guidelines for sending articles http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/

Acknowledgement to volunteer writers and reporters

Burma Digest Team: _

·          Patron = Prof. Kanbawza Win

·         Board of Advisors = Prof. Carl Edwin Lindgren, Dr. Sein Myint, Ko
Htun Aung Gyaw, Sai Wansai, Dr. David Law, Dr. Win Naing,

·          Think-tank = Tai Samyone, Feraya Nangmone, Ko Ko Thett, May K Ng,
Lwin Aung Soe, Ko Myint Swe

·          International Coordinator = Raluca

·         Publisher & Executive Editor = Dr. Tayza
Thuria<http://mail.google.com/My%20Webs/tz.htm> (

·          Associate Editors = Khin Ma Ma Myo (Burmese), Dr. San Oo Aung
(Translations),  , May (Blog & IT)

·          Affiliations = Democracy for Burma
& Democracy for Burma Forum

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