Rakyat Iran ternyata tidak berbeda dengan rakyat
banyak negara lain yang mual dengan pemimpin yang
lebih suka petentang-petentang mau konfrontasi dengan
negara lain sementara tidak banyak memberi perhatian
pada perekonomian dan kehidupan sulit rakyatnya yang
didera biaya hidup dan pengangguran tinggi.


Ahmadinejad's opponents win local elections in Iran,
final results show

Thu Dec 21, 6:41 AM
By Ali Akbar Dareini

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's
opponents won local council elections in Iran, final
results showed Thursday, in an embarrassing blow to
the hardline leader that could force him to change his
staunch anti-western stance and focus more on domestic

Last week's elections for local councils in towns and
cities across Iran were widely seen as a referendum on
Ahmadinejad's 18 months in office.

Since taking power, Ahmadinejad has escalated Iran's
confrontation with the United States and the West,
drawing the threat of UN sanctions for pushing ahead
with uranium enrichment in Iran's nuclear program. He
has also sparked international outrage for his
comments against Israel and casting doubt on the Nazi

His hardline stances are believed to have divided the
conservatives who voted him into power last year, with
some feeling Ahmadinejad has spent too much time
confronting the West and has failed to deal with
Iran's struggling economy.

Moderate conservatives opposed to Ahmadinejad won a
majority of the seats in Friday's elections followed
by reformists who were suppressed by hardliners in
2004, according to final results announced by the
Interior Ministry.

The final results also represented a partial comeback
for reformists, who were crushed over the past five
years by hardliners who drove them out of the local
councils, parliament and the presidency. The
reformists favour closer ties with the West and
further loosening of social and political restrictions
under the Islamic government.

In Tehran, the capital, candidates supporting Mayor
Mohammed Bagher Qalibaf, a moderate conservative, won
seven of the 15 council seats. Reformists won four,
while Ahmadinejad's allies won three. The last seat
went to wrestling champion Ali Reza Dabir, who won a
gold medal in the 2000 Sydney Olympics and is
considered an independent.

Final results for the rest of the country also showed
a heavy defeat for Ahmadinejad supporters, and
analysts said his allies won less than 20 per cent of
local council seats nationwide. None of his candidates
won seats on the councils in the cities of Shiraz,
Bandar Abbas, Sari, Zanjan, Rasht, Ilam, Sanandaj and
Kerman. Many councils in other cities were divided
along similar proportions as Tehran's.

Last week's election for local councils, which handle
community matters in cities and towns, does not
directly effect Ahmadinejad's administration and is
not expected to bring immediate policy changes.

But it was the first time the public has weighed in on
Ahmadinejad's stormy presidency since he took office
in June 2005. The results are expected to pressure him
to change his populist anti-western tone and focus
more on Iran's high unemployment and economic problems
at home.

Leading reformist Saeed Shariati said the results of
the election was a "big no" to Ahmadinejad and his

"People's vote means they don't support Ahmadinejad's
policies and want change," Shariati, a leader of the
Islamic Iran Participation Front, Iran's largest
reformist party told The Associated Press on Thursday.

Shariati accused Ahmadinejad of harming Iran's
interests with his hard line.

"We consider this government's policy to be against
Iran's national interests and security. It is simply
acting against Iran's interests," he said. His party
seeks democratic changes within Iran's ruling Islamic
establishment and supports relations with the United

Similar anti-Ahmadinejad sentiment was visible in the
final results of a parallel election held to select
members of the Assembly of Experts, a conservative
body of 86 senior clerics that monitors Iran's supreme
leader and chooses his successor.

A big boost for moderates within the ruling Islamic
establishment was visible in the big number of votes
for former President Hashemi Rafsanjani, who lost to
Ahmadinejad in the 2005 presidential election runoff.

Rafsanjani, who supports dialogue with the United
States, received the most votes of any Tehran
candidate to win re-election to the assembly. Also
re-elected was Hasan Rowhani, Iran's former top
nuclear negotiator whom Ahmadinejad has repeatedly
accused of making too many concessions to the

Iran started having council elections after a reform
introduced in 1999 by then President Mohammed Khatami.

More than 233,000 candidates ran for more than 113,000
council seats in cities, towns and villages across the
vast country on Friday. All municipal council
candidates, including some 5,000 women, were vetted by
parliamentary committees dominated by hardliners. The
committees disqualified about 10,000 nominees, reports

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