New human race of indigo children appears on Earth 

      Indigo children's immune system is several thousand times stronger than 
that of an average human being

      A pretty little girl who lives deep in the heart of Latgaglia (Latvia) 
enjoys talking. She talks nonchalantly about her nightly travels across the 
Universe in an astral body. Her father is quick to make a request: "Please pay 
no attention to what she is talking about, she just loves making things up." 

      The father is not surprised to find out that his daughter has been aware 
of the notion of astral since she was five. He appreciates his child very much, 
though. He always uses a tip from the girl while repairing his old tractor. "I 
do not know how she does it but she is always in the know what is wrong with 
the machine," says he. Well, the story looks familiar. There is another case of 
an indigo child, a phenomenon that has become pretty ordinary lately. 

      The year 2012 has special significance for the indigo children. According 
to predictions of the Maya, the so-called "Great Transition" will be taking 
place in 2012 after the Sun and Earth form a straight line pointing to the 
center of the Galaxy. The above position will trigger the demise of the 3-D 
model of the world. The earth dwellers will be given the opportunity to live in 
a 4-D world. But the offer applies only to those whose mind has expanded to an 
essentially new level - the indigo children. 

      Click here to read the story about Russian indigo boy, Boriska

      Take a closer look at your offspring. Researchers claim that 95% of 
children born after 1994 are the indigo children. The fascinating adjective 
derives from the color of an aura around their bodies. The internal organs of 
these children have different functions, their immune systems is several times 
stronger than that of an average person. The children also have a different 
kind of DNA, a mutation kind. In other words, as regards the changes in DNA, 
millions of residents of planet Earth are not humans. A race of new beings is 
slowly but surely climbing the stage. 

      You might as well be an indigo boy or girl because the indigo phenomenon 
started at the beginning of the 1990s. But you can not conjure up a miracle or 
two or see through the walls. It is okay since miracles do not feed the indigo 
powers. The people endowed with the gift for indigo are smart in a special 
practical way. They may recall how they handpicked their parents long before 
the latter conceived them. They may start teaching their parents some simple 
biblical truths like why you should worry about money for you are always going 
to have as much money as you need if you stop thinking about it. The children 
of the new race aim at reaching out to spiritual heights. 

      The indigo children may go wild like reckless thugs or behave like quiet 
angel-like creatures. One thing is clear. Their psychological characteristics 
and behavioral patters are new and unusual. Therefore, new methods of education 
should be developed and applied. You can not just ignore the needs of the new 
generation otherwise precious little creatures will suffer from mental 
instability and disturbed thinking. You should bear in mind that they are the 
pioneers who kicked off a new era and therefore they need our support. 

      A well-known mystic Drunwalo Melhisedek maintains that a DNA mutation in 
the modern children has been caused by a specific reaction generated by our 
emotional and mental bodies. It is the reaction of a wavelike variety 
irradiated by our body. The new life-saving information lies in the 
subconscious of our planet. In other words, it is available to everybody. The 
spreading of the indigo is an amazing phenomenon occurring right before our 
eyes. Anybody who is aware of the impact of mental power can follow the road 
signs made by the indigo children. The ancient prophesy about children leading 
humankind to salvation is coming true. 

      Full immunity against the diseases will be one of the "side effects" 
caused by miraculous changes. All in all, the day when every child will be a 
child prodigy is near. 

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