Saya memang melihat tayangan video beberapa detik di
televisi Amerika yang memperlihatkan jenazah Saddam
yang dibalut kafan dengan wajah yang dibuka sampai
leher. Saya memang melihat kepalanya berpilin tak
wajar ke kiri dengan patahan 90 derajat, dan ada bekas
torehan di lehernya. Tapi bisa jadi itu bekas tali

Salah seorang algojo bertopeng adalah Moqtada al-Sadr
sendiri? Ini benar-benar informasi baru bagi saya.
Untuk diketahui, Moqtada al-Sadr adalah mullah syiah
pemimpin Laskar al-Mahdi, penguasa de fakto Sadr City,
Bagdad. Dia sangat mendendam pada Saddam karena
ayahnya Ayatullah Muhammad Sadeq al-Sadr dituduh
dibunuh dan mertuanya Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr
dieksekusi oleh pemerinth Saddam Hussein.  

VIDEO: President Saddam Hussein was slaughtered after
his death

<http://www.uruknet. de/pic.php? f=newiraq6778. jpg>
newiraq6778. jpg

January 8, 2006

WARNING EXTREMELY GRAPHIC: Uruknet has never published
the videos of the assassination of President of Iraq
Saddam Hussein by members of the Mahdi Army or any
images of Saddam Hussein's body after the lynching. We
thought that the respect due to the assassinated
President of Iraq was more important than speculating
with images already largely in public domain. We
publish extremely graphic images only when they
absolve the function to inform and bring new facts and
highlight the truth. The only images we posted of the
assassination of President Saddam Hussein were linked
to the statements of two eyewitnesses and of one of
Saddam Hussein's lawyers according to which one of the
two executioners was Motqada al-Sadr (
<http://www.uruknet. info/?p=29513>http://www.uruknet.
http://www.uruknet. info/?p=m29619 ) . We have
hesitated before publishing the following video that
brings new elements of knowledge. The video shows
that President of Iraq Saddam Hussein was literally
slaughtered (they cut his throat) on the first day of
Eid Al-Adha (or Feast of Sacrifice) in what now can be
called literally a human sacrifice . Just before the
precise moment of the slaughter of the lamb, the first
sacrificed lamb was the President of Republic of Iraq,
Saddam Hussein.

New video of Saddam's corpse on Internet

<http://www.macon. com/mld/macon/ news/world/
16412380. htm>http://www.macon. com/mld/macon/
news/world/ 16412380. htm

Associated Press

BAGHDAD, Janaury 8, 2006 - A new video of Saddam
Hussein's corpse, with a gaping neck wound, was posted
on the Internet early Tuesday, the second leaked
release of clandestine pictures from the former
leader's hanging.

The video appeared to have been taken with a camera
phone, like the graphic video of the hanging which
showed guards taunting Saddam in the final moments of
his life.

The footage pans up the shrouded body of the former
leader from the feet. It apparently was taken shortly
after Saddam was executed and placed on a gurney. He
was hanged shortly before dawn on Dec. 30.

As the panning shot reaches the head region, the white
shroud is pulled back and reveals Saddam's head and

His head is unnaturally twisted at a 90 degree angle
to his right. It shows a gaping bloody wound, circular
in shape, about an inch below his jaw line on the left
side of his neck. His left cheek is marked with red
blotches, and there is blood on the shroud where it
covered his head.

The newest video leak was likely to increase the angry
reaction over the way the execution was carried out.
There already has been a global outcry about the
undignified manner in which the Shiite-dominated
government hanged Saddam, a Sunni.

The 27-second video was posted on an Iraqi news Web
site that is known to support Saddam's outlawed Baath

"A new film of the late immortal martyr, President
Saddam Hussein," the web site said in a headline over
a link to the video.

Voices could be heard on the video. As the shroud is
pulled back, one voice says, "Hurry up, hurry up. I'm
going to count from one to four. One, two ... . Hurry
up you're going to get us into a catastrophe. "

Then another voice, apparently the man taking the
pictures, says, "Just one second, just one second, Abu
Ali. I'm about finished."

Then a third voice says, "Abu Ali, you take care of

It was the second clandestine video to have leaked,
the first showing Saddam being taunted in his final
moments. That clandestine video showed the former
leader dropping through the gallows floor as he
offered chanted prayers. It ends with his dead body
swinging at the end of a rope.

The hanging video was in sharp contrast with an
official video that was broadcast not long after
Saddam's execution which showed him standing silently
on the gallows as the noose was put around his neck.
The official video was muted.

The leaked hanging video, however, was shot from the
floor of the gallows chamber, looking up at Saddam.
Voices could be heard taunting him with cries of
"Muqtada, Muqtada, Muqtada," referring to radical
anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of
the Shiite Mahdi Army militia and a key support of
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

The prime minister pushed for Saddam to be executed
before the end of 2006 and just four days after the
death sentence was upheld by the appeals court. U.S.
official sought to delay the execution.

http://www.uruknet. de/?p=m29644& hd=&size= 1&l=e

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