Letter from     Sarah Leah Whitson   Executive Director  Middle East & North
Africa Division

Human Rights Watch
Letter to Saudi King Abdullah bin Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud *Regarding the
Religious Persecution of Ahmadis*

*January 24, 2007*

Your Majesty,

We write to urge you to put an immediate end to Saudi Arabia's nationwide
campaign to round up followers of the Ahmadi faith who have committed no
crime. The campaign appears organized and designed to detain and deport all
Ahmadis in Saudi Arabia because of their religious belief.

Saudi Arabia has so far arrested 56 non-Saudi followers of the Ahmadi faith,
including infants and young children, and deported at least 8 to India and
Pakistan. All of those arrested face deportation as soon as a flight becomes
available. All but two are legally in the country, mostly long-term
residents of Saudi Arabia, and have not been charged with a crime. Many
other Ahmadis in Saudi Arabia, a small community of foreign workers in the
country primarily from India and Pakistan, are reportedly in hiding or have
left the country voluntarily for their own safety.
On Friday, December 29, 2006, more than 50 members of the Saudi religious
police together with regular policemen arrested 49 non-Saudi Ahmadis meeting
at a privately rented guest house in Jeddah, where they were relaxing after
prayers on the Muslim day of rest. On January 5, 6 and 8, 2007, Saudi
security forces arrested 5 more foreign Ahmadis in Jeddah and Jubail and
attempted to detain the leader of the Saudi Ahmadi chapter in Dammam, but he
was out of the country at the time. "We met at the rented guest house once
or twice a month and had done so for many months," one former detainee in
Jeddah said. Many arrested Ahmadis had been working in Saudi Arabia for
years, some for more than 20 years.

According to one released detainee, after the religious police arrested the
group of Ahmadis in Jeddah, they transferred them to the Tamir local police
station, where the men and the boys spent one night sleeping under guard in
an open veranda. The police did not interrogate them, but made the adults
sign forms in Arabic they did not understand, he said. Saudi authorities
then moved the adults and children to Buraiman Prison, where they held them
along with about 400 convicted criminals for 12 days and provided meager and
poor quality food. Their Saudi visa sponsors managed to get all but four
released pending their deportation.

Among the children were an 8-month-old infant and 13 other children ranging
from 2 to 14 years of age. One of the detainees interviewed by Human Rights
Watch said that he pleaded with his sponsor to help arrange the release of
his children from the detention center; subsequently, plainclothes policemen
moved his children from the adult jail to a Social Observation Home, a
juvenile detention center for children between the ages of 12 and 18 accused
or convicted of a crime. Officials at the Observation Home, however, sent
the children back to the prison, since they had no grounds to hold them.

Saudi authorities never charged the Ahmadis with a crime, but apparently
arrested them under orders of Minister of Interior Prince Nayef, because of
their faith. According to the former detainee in Jeddah, the only time
officials mentioned possible wrongdoing came at the time of the arrest, when
a member of the religious police reportedly said, "You need a permit to pray
here." He also reported that an officer at the Jeddah police station told
the detainees that their arrest was due to their Ahmadi faith. One Ahmadi,
Mr. Abd al-Sami, whom the secret police (intelligence) arrested in Jubail on
January 8 and deported to Pakistan on January 18, told Human Rights Watch
that his intelligence interrogator demanded to know, "How many people of
your group are in other cities and who are they?" The interrogator then
questioned him about specific names. Another former detainee in Jeddah told
Human Rights Watch that his arresting officers said they had specific orders
from Prince Nayef. According to the former detainee in Jeddah, when the
sponsors of some of the detainees tried to obtain their release from prison,
officials reportedly told them, "There is an order from Nayef, so don't come
to try to release them." Abd al-Sami, the Ahmadi man arrested in Jubail,
also said that his interrogator told him straight away that "You must be
gone" and that when his employer attempted to get him released, the
intelligence official told him "I have a letter from high up in the Ministry
[of Interior] saying these people must be deported."

International human rights law protects the freedom of religion, including
the "freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or
private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship
and observance" (Article 18, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UDHR).
The Saudi government's arrest and detention of members of the Ahmadi
community solely on the basis of their religion is a grave violation of this
right. Saudi government officials assured the United States government in
July2006 that the kingdom would respect the right to private worship. In
response, the United States chose not to impose sanctions for Saudi
violations of religious freedom.

In addition, some of the arrests also violate Saudi Arabia's obligations
under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which obligates Saudi
Arabia to "take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is
protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the basis of
the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's
parents…" The Convention also requires the detention of juveniles be the
last resort (Article 37(b)).

International human rights standards also require the separation of
convicted prisoners from unconvicted detainees. "Persons in detention shall
be subject to treatment appropriate to their unconvicted status.
Accordingly, they shall, whenever possible, be kept separate from imprisoned
persons" (Principle 8 of the Body of Principles for the Protection of All
Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment, 1988).

The detentions of the Ahmadis without charge or means of appeal ignore basic
norms of due process, guaranteed under international human rights law: "No
one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile" (Article 8,
UDHR). "Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing
by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights
and obligations and of any criminal charge against him (Article 9, UDHR). By
detaining the Ahmadis and their children along in a prison with common
criminals Saudi authorities breached their obligations under international

An Indian diplomat Human Rights Watch spoke to said consular officials had
visited Ahmadi detainees of Indian nationality, but Pakistani and Syrian
diplomats never looked after their nationals, according to a former
detainee. (One Ahmadi detainee is Syrian.)

Ahmadis consider themselves a Muslim sect founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in
the 19th century. However, many Muslims view the Ahmadi faith as heretic due
to the elevated status it affords to its founder. Ahmadis view themselves as
Muslims, but have been legally declared non-Muslims in certain countries,
such as Pakistan. There are approximately 20 million followers of the Ahmadi
faith in the world, most in India, Pakistan, Ghana Burkina Faso, and Gambia.

Your Majesty, Human Rights Watch calls on your government to end the
campaign of religious persecution of Ahmadis. The government should release
all persons detained in this campaign, stop their deportation and readmit
those already deported. Saudi Arabia should publicly commit and respect
freedom of religion and freedom to peacefully assemble and pray with others,
and it should bring those responsible for instigating and participating in
religious persecution to justice.

We thank you in advance for your attention to this urgent matter.


Sarah Leah Whitson
Executive Director
Middle East & North Africa Division
Human Rights Watch


  - HRH Prince Turki bin Faisal bin Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud, Ambassador to
  the United States of America
  - HRH Prince Nayef bin Abd al-'Aziz Al Sa'ud, Minister of Interior
  - Shaikh Turki bin Khalid al-Sudairy, President of the Human Rights

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