Kapan yah Muslim Concil ini akan menyarankan ke Arab Saudi (umpamanya), supaya 
yang non Muslim di Arab Saudi boleh merayakan hari raya keagamaan mereka, boleh 
membawa masuk kitab suci mereka, dll. dll.  
  Schools 'should accommodate Muslim needs'  
Riazat Butt
Tuesday February 20, 2007
  The following correction was added on Wednesday February 21
The article states that muslims are not permitted to engage in sexual activity 
during the month of fasting. In fact it is not permitted during the hours of 
dawn to dusk during Ramadan. 
  State schools should avoid sex education classes and swimming lessons during 
Ramadan to cater for the needs of Muslim pupils, says the Muslim Council of 
  The recommendations, issued today, are included in a 72-page document of 
Muslim-friendly guidelines on topics such as uniform, halal meals, issues 
relating to Ramadan, physical education and sex education.
  The report, called Towards Greater Understanding, draws on existing 
educational practices and is aimed at ensuring Muslim pupils are 'appropriately 
accommodated for' so they become part of mainstream school life.
  The MCB claims Muslim pupils may consider it too risky to swim during Ramadan 
as 'the potential for swallowing water is very high' and they may break their 
fast. It suggests that schools with a significant number of Muslim pupils 
should try to avoid scheduling swimming lessons during Ramadan to 'remove 
unnecessary barriers to full participation'.
  Another suggestion is to avoid teaching sex and relationship education, 
including aspects that are part of the science curriculum, because Muslims are 
not permitted to engage in sexual activity during the month of fasting and they 
are also expected to avoid sexual thoughts and conversation.
  According to the MCB, there are more than 400,000 Muslim pupils in the UK and 
96% are in the state sector.
  Tahir Alam, who wrote the report, said: "It's not about special or separate 
treatment. It's about recognising the needs of Muslim children. We're not 
asking every school to do that, just where there's a Muslim majority.
  "Almost every guideline is being practiced by a school somewhere in Britain. 
We're showing what can be done and schools can learn what's important for their 
Muslim pupils and why."
  Other recommendations include allowing Muslim pupils to opt out of activities 
involving dance, music or drama - because their parents could object to it on 
religious grounds - and allowing pupils to grow beards.
  The report will be sent to Muslim organisations and inner city schools. 
Parents can download the report from the website.
  Mr Alam added: "Parents will get a good idea of how schools can respond to 
their needs. Many parents are ignorant about how schools work and what the law 
  Jan Myles, from the National Association of Headteachers, said: "It's a 
question of location and resources. Measures have to be proportionate to what a 
school is able to do. It's about everyone being sensible and not being 
challenged by demands. It's about what's practical."
  A spokesman for the Department for Education and Skills said it would would 
read the document with interest. "We think a good education is one of the best 
ways of building understanding of the many issues that unite, as opposed to the 
few that divide. It is important that education provides the right ethos which 
encourages social responsibility, high aspirations, good citizenship and mutual 
understanding; and that schools recognise the cultural and faith needs of all 

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