Lagi2 penggorokan kepala oleh jihadis.  Selama ini saya belum lagi melihat 
penyesalan atas kelakuan dari pada penggorok kepala dimanapun di dunia, oleh 
  Apakah karena keluarganya setuju dengan perbuatan penggorokan kepala ini?????
  Ataukah karena jihadis ini hanya sekedar mengikuti Kuran  047.004 ???,23599,21591906-401,00.html
  Severed heads delivered to military  From correspondents in the Philippines
  April 20, 2007 12:59pm
  Article from: Agence France-Presse
  Al-Qaeda-linked extremists ordered civilians to deliver the severed heads of 
seven Christians to military outposts in the southern Philippine island of 
Jolo, the army said today.
  The six road workers and a fisherman were kidnapped in separate incidents on 
Monday by the Abu Sayyaf extremist group amid a military operation against the 
Muslim movement. 
  Yesterday afternoon, the driver of a commuter minibus was flagged down and 
ordered to deliver a sack containing two heads to a military outpost in Parang 
  A few hours later the other five heads turned up at an outpost in Indanan, 
said regional military spokesman Major Eugene Batara, after being delivered by 
local residents in another sack. 
  "We don't know where the bodies are but the operations against the Abu Sayyaf 
will continue,'' Maj Batara said. 
  Military officials had earlier indicated that soldiers had found the heads of 
the kidnapped men in the jungles of Jolo. 
  Abu Sayyaf commander Al Bader Parad, who seized the seven men, had earlier 
demanded a ransom of five million pesos ($125,000) for the hostages but the 
local government had said it could not pay it. 
  Parad is leader of one faction of the Abu Sayyaf and is known to be active in 
the vicinity of the towns of Parang and Talipao. 
  More than 8000 troops are on the island with orders from President Gloria 
Arroyo to crush the Abu Sayyaf. 
  The group has been blamed for a series of bomb attacks in the Philippines in 
recent years as well as high-profile kidnappings of Christians, foreigners and 
  It is also sheltering two members of the Jemaah Islamiah who were allegedly 
involved in the deadly 2002 Bali bombings which left more than 200 dead.
  Intelligence officials say the Abu Sayyaf had contacts with the al-Qaeda 
network of terror mastermind Osama bin Laden. 

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