sekedar reposting :

Ada 2 kelirumologi disini:
1) breastfeeding milk dituduh sbg pencetus lactose intolerant
Di artikel dibawah dibahas bhw Lactose didalam tubuh di-metabolis
tubuh menjadi glucose & galactose. Galactose ini merupakan nutrisi
penting utk pengembangan sel2 otak.
Tambahan dari Dr. Greene webs
"Infants from all parts of the world do tolerate lactose--otherwise
they couldn't digest breast milk well. Their bodies make an enzyme,
lactase, which enables them to digest the sugar in milk. As a result,
in healthy full-term infants lactose intolerance is extremely RARE.
It is more common in premature babies, who are sometimes lactose
intolerant until they begin to approach their original due dates. At
that point, their bodies start making lactase.

Tambahan lagi:
A closer look at the options for managing milk allergy or lactose
intolerance results in a wide variation of what works.  The one
recommendation that can be applied almost universally is that
breastfeeding is the best option for most infants.  Human milk is very
different from cow's milk and prepared infant formula.  Human milk
protein is much easier for the infant to absorb.  However, infants who
have the rare inherited metabolic disorder, galactosemia, cannot
metabolize lactose and may not be breastfed.  Infants with
Phenylketonuria (PKU) may receive breastmilk because of its low
protein concentration if they are monitored carefully for blood
phenylalanine levels.

2) breastfeeding hanya utk orang2 miskin.
Kalo saya sih bilang "Breastfeeding hanya untuk orang2 CERDAS, yg
PAHAM ilmu kesehatan dan PAHAM pentingnya memberikan nutrisi yg
TERBAIK untuk anaknya".

Ada artikel dari ask Dr. Sears
( yg cukup jelas menjawab
ttg ini, mudah2an kita tidak bosan karena ini sebenarnya sudah terlalu
sering dibahas.


We can't promise that breastfeeding will make your child a Nobel Prize
winner, but research shows that babies who are breastfed are smarter
when they get older.

    * Children who were breastfed have I.Q. scores averaging seven to
ten points higher than formula-fed infants. It's important to remember
that these numbers represent averages for hundreds of children, not
the effect of breastfeeding on a specific individual. So, if you want
to raise the intelligence level of an entire generation of children,
breastfeeding would be a simple and cost-effective way to do it.
    * Studies have shown that children who are breastfed get higher
grades in school, even after other influences on school performance
are taken into account.
    * The intellectual advantage gained from breastfeeding is greater
the longer the baby is breastfed.

Although intellectual differences between breastfed and formula-fed
children used to be attributed to the increased holding and
interaction associated with breastfeeding and to the fact that mothers
who breastfed were better educated and/or more child-centered, new
evidence shows that there are nutrients in breastmilk that enhance
brain growth.

Smarter fats. One key ingredient in breastmilk is a brain-boosting fat
called DHA (docasahexaenoic acid), an omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is a
vital nutrient for growth, development, and maintenance of brain
tissue. Autopsy analysis of brain tissue from breastfed and
formula-fed infants shows that the brains of breastfed babies have a
higher concentration of DHA, and DHA levels are highest in babies who
are breastfed the longest. Infant formulas made in the United States
do not contain DHA.

Nutritip. To insure that babies get enough nutrients for their growing
brains, it's important that breastfeeding mothers get enough DHA in
their diets. Rich sources of DHA are fish (particularly salmon and
tuna). Increases DHA will will benefit mom's health, too. Remember the
nutritional rule of F's: four ounces of fish a day keeps central
nervous system degeneration at bay.

Cholesterol. Another fat needed for optimal brain development.
Breastmilk contains a lot of cholesterol, while infant formulas
currently contain none. "Low in cholesterol" may be good news for
adult diets, but not for babies--cholesterol provides basic components
for manufacturing nerve tissue in the growing brain.

DHA, cholesterol, and other breastmilk fats provide the right
substances for manufacturing myelin, the fatty sheath that surrounds
nerve fibers. Myelin acts as insulation, making it possible for nerves
to carry information from one part of the brain or body to another. So
important are these brain-building fats, that if mother's diet doesn't
provide enough of them for her milk, the breasts can make them on the

Smarter sugars. Lactose is the main sugar in breastmilk. The body
breaks it down into two simpler sugars - glucose and galactose.
Galactose is a valuable nutrient for brain tissue development.
Anthropologists have demonstrated that the more intelligent species of
mammals have greater amounts of lactose in their milk, and human milk
contains one of the highest concentrations of lactose of any mammal
milk. Cow milk and some cow milk formulas contain lactose, but not as
much as human milk. Soy-based and other lactose-free formulas contain
no lactose at all, only table sugar and corn syrup.

Smarter connections. During the first two years of your baby's life,
the brain grows rapidly, and baby's everyday experiences shapes brain
growth. Brains cells, called neurons, multiply and connect with each
other until the brain circuitry resembles miles of tangled electrical
wires. Every time a baby interacts with her environment, her brain
makes a new connection. Because breastmilk is digested faster,
breastfed babies feed more often and therefore probably interact with
their caregivers more often. Breastfeeding itself, with its
skin-to-skin contact, the variations in milk flow, and the closeness
between mother and baby, is usually a more interesting, more
interactive experience than bottle-feeding. This is nature's way of
insuring that babies get the stimulation they need for optimal brain


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hafsah Salim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2007 7:00 AM
Subject: [mediacare] Re: Saatnya 'Kembali' ke ASI, maksimal 5 bulan

> > BeachBoy BaliAsli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Bila memang sahih dan sah sehat sebagai yang disampaikan jeng
> > Hafsah...ini bisa jadi berita bagus bagi beberapa kalangan wanita
> > karir atau wanita yang ASI nya ngga lancar
> > Mungkin jeng Hafsah bisa memberikan referensi kedokteran dan
> > kesehatan yang sahih sesuai pernyataan anda?
> >
> Dalam breast feeding, TIDAK DIKENAL ISTILAH SAHIH DAN SAH !!!!
> Yang harus saya tekankan dalam tulisan ini adalah, JANGANLAH
> ASI itu berasal dari tubuh ibu, dan kualitas ASI tidak sama antara
> ibu2 yang miskin dan ibu2 yang kaya.  Juga kualitas ASI tidak sama
> antara ibu2 perokok dan ibu2 bukan perokok.  ASI itu juga berbahaya
> apabila sang ibu  mempunyai penyakit2 tertentu yang mengharuskan dia
> makan obat.
> BAYI ANDA.  Yang penting anda tahu, bahwa ASI sama sekali tidak lebih
> unggul dari susu2 yang dijual diluar, selain isinya memang sudah
> merupakan formula yang terbaik, juga aturan meminumkannya juga
> diterangkan.  Beda sekali dengan ASI, tak ada seorang dokterpun yang
> bisa mengukur kualitas ASI karena masing2 ibu tidak sama.
> Cukup yang perlu anda tahu, bahwa pada ibu yang sehat, ASI yang
> pertama disedot oleh bayi disebut COLOSTRUM.  Colostrum inilah yang
> merupakan ASI yang terbaik yang dimiliki sang ibu hanya beberapa jam
> setelah lahir, dan setelah itu sama sekali tidak ada keunggulannya.
> Colostrum mengandung protein tinggi dan juga anti-body ibu yang tinggi
> yang bisa disedot si bayi dalam memelihara kesehatannya dalam hidup
> baru dibumi ini.  Kadar antibody bayi waktu baru lahir sangat tinggi
> didalam darahnya karena antibodynya itu berasal dari ibu.  Namun kadar
> antibody yang berasal dari ibu ini akan menurun dan hilang sama sekali
> pada bulan ke 5.  Pada bulan ke 2, si bayi sudah mulai memproduksi
> antibody-nya sendiri, dan pada bulan ke 5 sudah sama sekali tidak
> perlu antibody dari ibu.
> Pada umumnya, bayi yang baru lahir seringkali sembelit, tidak bisa
> berak, Colostrum inilah yang paling baik untuk merangsan usus bayi
> mendorong meconium sehingga reflex usus bayi bisa berkembang dengan baik.
> Demikianlah, ASI secara normal boleh diberikan hingga 2-3 minggu
> sambil secara bertahap diganti dengan susu dari luar.
> Pada bayi2 tertentu, bahkan tidak boleh diberi ASI karena tidak tahan
> terhadap lactose dari ASI.  Bayi2 seperti ini berkembang sebagai anak
> yang menderita lactose intolerance.  Sebabnya justru akibat pemberian ASI.
> Itulah sebabnya, sebelum atau selama pemberian ASI sebaiknya anda
> berkonsultasi dengan dokter anak kalo ingin mencapai kesehatan yang
> maximal.
> Resep yang bisa diberikan disini hanyalah untuk orang miskin
> di-negara2 terkebelakang.  Tidak ada pilihan untuk mereka, dan
> diharapkan pemberian ASI hingga anak berusia 2 tahun merupakan pilihan
> terbaik dari semua lainnya yang tidak baik karena memang tidak ada
> kemampuannya untuk memilih yang baik.
> Ny. Muslim binti Muskitawati.

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