
Islamic Fundamentalism: Time to act, before it is too late 

September 11th. A date everyone remembers. Whether it be due to the terrorist 
attacks in the USA in 2001, or the CIA-sponsored terrorist attack which 
murdered Salvador Allende, the democratically elected Marxist President of 
Chile, on the same date in 1973. 

It is here the story begins. To debate the question of terrorism, it is 
necessary to lay down fundamental principles for discussion and the most basic 
of these must be that the terminlogy be the same for all cases. To admit that 
Al-Qaeda sponsored terrorist attacks are wrong, one has also to condemn the 
state terrorism practised by the United States of America and its allies in the 
last 60 years, along with the globalization of state terrorism - Imperialism, 
practised by Western European nations for centuries. 

These are the basic causes of fundamentalism. Interference in foreign cultures, 
intrusion into foreign customs, imposition of foreign values in areas where 
they were bound to fail, the insistence to draw lines on maps, dividing peoples 
and creating imbalances which did not respect centuries of local history, 
culture and sociology. 

These sowed the seeds for natural trends to be set in place later on, to 
correct the imbalances as all nations were granted equal rights under the 
auspices of the UNO. With the gradual advance of scientific research and the 
globalization of knowledge, the power of the individual to challenge the State 
became greater. Whereas one hundred years ago, an African tribe wishing to 
protect its territory against European imperialists found that its spears and 
shields were useless against machine-guns, today, the nail bomb, a gas 
cylinder, a vial of cyanide, material from nuclear reactors, an automobile or a 
back-pack full of explosives, deployed by a single individual, can have a 
devastating effect upon public opinion - the main aim of terrorism. 

To claim that the terrorists are winning is wrong, whichever "terrorist" is 
under scrutiny. State terrorism, sponsored by Washington in Iraq, whose cast 
includes Lynndie England, the Great American Heroine, Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo 
concentration camps, torture, rape, war crimes, mass murder, criminal damage, 
targeting civilian structures with military equipment, has met its nemesis in 

Iraq, the country which Saddam Hussein kept clear of terrorists, the country 
which now crawls with every fundamentalist from Morocco to Indonesia, is out of 
control and daily, we see more incidents across the globe. To name a recent 
few, the attempts in London and Glasgow, the Red Mosque siege in Islamabad, the 
decapitation of 10 marines by Abu Sayyaf and Moro Islamic Militant Front 
guerrillas in the Philippines. 

However, these are isolated incidents and have not yet created a climate of 
panic among public opinion in the societies which they have targeted, precisely 
the societies which created the problems in the first place by destabilising 
peoples and communities. Therefore neither the state terrorism expounded and 
practised by Washington has been successful, neither have the many attempts by 
various fundamentalist organizations done more than provoke loss of innocent 
lives, making those who perpetrate such acts murderers and heretics, because 
for those who know how to read the Koran, the basic message is to protect and 
honour life. 

Today and tomorrow 

This is the situation today. And tomorrow? 
While calls for massive uprisings by Al Qaeda fall upon the deaf ears of the 
vast majority of populations who wish to continue with their lives in peace, 
the tiny fraction of people willing to blow themselves up and take out as many 
civilians as possible in the process remains worrying, the more so because 
there appears to be a ready supply of people fanatical enough to do it. 

Despite massive security operations costing millions of dollars, those willing 
to plan and carry out terrorist attacks are able to mount successful operations 
worldwide, and nobody should forget the horrific attacks Al Qaeda has managed 
to launch before and after 9/11. They continue to plan, they continue to 
operate and however much money and resources is spent on security, the attacks 
will continue, and for many years to come, because a cause has been created. 

When, not if 

Therefore it would be well for the international community to realise that its 
current policy is no more than a delaying tactic until there is a serious 
incident somewhere occasioning a tremendous loss of life. The security 
officials themselves, in many countries, agree that despite all their efforts, 
it is a case of "When and not if". 

History cannot be changed, but apologies can be made and retributions paid, 
while a process of sincere and mutually respectful dialogue can ease tensions 
at a time when Humanity should be coming together, embracing other peoples as 
brothers and not blowing each other up - and here no distinction is made 
between an Iraqi child having his legs blown off, his face blown away and his 
family murdered by an American pilot, or a western civilian losing loved ones 
to some crazed young man screaming Allahu Akhbar before he connects the wires. 

Six fundamental steps 

1. All those countries or peoples which engaged in slavery - including the 
Africans, should sign a Charter of Apology, admitting what was done and 
admitting it was wrong; 

2. All the nations which engaged in imperialist activity should similarly sign 
a collective Charter and commit themselves to clearly defined goals for the 
countries which they "civilised" in the name of the Bible and the bullet. It is 
wholly unacceptable, for instance, that the Millennium Development Goals might 
not be reached by 2015;

3. The United States of America should admit its part in fanning the flames of 
Islamist fundamentalism in arming, aiding and abetting the Mujaheddin against 
the progressive Government of Dr. Najibullah in Afghanistan and should 
recognise that Al Qaeda and the Taleban were a natural development of the 
monster it had created;
4. The international community must admit once and for all the inviolabity of 
all establised frontiers and this goes as much for Kosovo, as Israel. It is 
wholly unacceptable that Israel violates international law by remaining in 
control of terrorities it seized in war, unless it wants to justify violent 
acts against it to claim the lands back. Therefore there must be a phased and 
timed total withdrawal of all Israeli elements from the occupied territories;
5. The Islamic communities themselves should be allowed time and space to solve 
the question of the fundamentalist cause through a process of dialogue with the 
angry young men who fuel the cause of the opportunists who make a comfortable 
living out of terror; 

6. Finally, a Global Charter of Fundamental Human Rights should clearly set out 
the framework for every human being to have a) the right to non-violation of 
the person; b) the right to adequate nourishment; c) the right to an education 
which produces results inside the local community, namely a satisfying job and 
sufficient remuneration to build a life in comfort and d) a healthcare systm 
which guarantees basic global human rights. With these four fundamental 
precepts, the questions of child abuse, female genital mutilation, immigration, 
crime, hunger and disease, among many others, are addressed. 

With good will, it can be done. It takes a mere 12 years, for instance, to 
implement an education system. None of this is possible without debate and 
discussion, all of this is possible through dialogue and mutual understanding. 
Continue as we are, and we are sowing the seeds today for a tomorrow in which 
our children grow up in a climate of hatred. Is this what we have striven for, 
for two thousand years? 


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