Dear all,
  In case there is any of you who needs this information. Thank you and good 
  Shony - Pekanbaru

Faisal Akbaruddin Taqwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
            Dear friends and colleagues:

I am delighted to announce that the application for the 2008 session of 
the annual Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP) at Columbia University 
is now available. I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to 
disseminate this information and application to human rights activists 
based in the Global South as well as grassroots activists in the United 

HRAP is designed to prepare proven human rights leaders from the Global 
South and marginalized communities in the U.S. to participate in 
national and international policy debates on globalization by building 
their skills, knowledge, and contacts. The Program features a four-month 
residency at Columbia University in New York City with a structured 
curriculum of advocacy, networking, skills-building, and academic 

Since 2004, HRAP has concentrated its support on individuals and 
organizations that address issues broadly related to globalization.

The four-month intensive capacity building program based at Columbia 
University in New York focuses on the following key issue areas:

* Environmental injustice
* Labor rights violations
* Abuses by multinational corporations
* Ramifications of resource extraction
* Public health crises
* Unsustainable development
* Intolerance, xenophobia, and social exclusion related to globalization

Special attention is given to the above issues and their intersection 
with gender, race, ethnicity, sexual identity, and/or other sources of 

HRAP's current focus has emerged in recent years as a response to the 
negative effects of globalization on those with the least access to 
decision-making processes. Given their physical and symbolic distance 
from centers of power, grassroots leaders are typically unable to lobby 
for equitable outcomes from global policymakers.

The design of HRAP is intended to help level the playing field for those 
lacking the access and relevant skills or knowledge to lobby effectively 
for their causes. The Program provides advanced training, support, and 
networking opportunities to respected human rights leaders. The focus is 
both on strengthening the skills of the individual Advocates and 
providing tools to build sustainable organizations that advocate for 
disadvantaged peoples.

Participants are selected on the basis of their previous work experience 
on human rights and globalization, commitment to the human rights field, 
and demonstrated ability to complete graduate-level studies. Advocates 
must originate from and reside in either the Global South or the United 
States. Fluency in English is required. Advocates must secure 
institutional endorsement from their organizations for their 
participation in the Program and must commit to returning to that 
organization upon completion of the Program.

This extremely competitive Program will admit approximately ten 
participants. We make every effort to provide full fellowships to cover 
program costs as well as travel and living expenses for selected 
Advocates each year. Our staff will work with interested candidates who 
have been waitlisted for the Program to identify potential funding 
sources in cases where we do not yet have the resources to provide a 
full fellowship.

Attached please find an overview of the Program and the 2008 application 
form. The 2008 HRAP will take place from the middle of August to the 
middle of December 2008. The completed application is due by October 9, 
2007. Those who make it to the second round of the application process 
will be asked to submit additional materials including essays and 
letters of reference. Please note that late or incomplete applications 
will not be accepted.

For further information or to download additional copies of the 
application, please refer to our website at 
http://humanrights. columbia. edu/hrap/ .

Additional information can be requested by email from 
hradvocates@ columbia. edu, by phone at +1 (212) 854 7372, or by fax at +1 
(212) 316 4578.

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Ladner
Director, Capacity Building Programs
Center for the Study of Human Rights
Columbia University

____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____
Center for the Study of Human Rights
1108 IAB | MC: 3365 | Columbia University | New York, NY 10027
t. 212.854.2479
f. 212.316.4578
http://www.columbia .edu/cu/humanrig hts


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