Bridge plan to link Java and Sumatra 
Mark Forbes, Jakarta
October 5, 2007

INDONESIA plans to build the world's longest suspension bridge across the 
earthquake-prone Sunda Strait, passing about 50 kilometres from the active 
Krakatau volcano.

Traversing 30 kilometres, the bridge will link Indonesia's main islands of Java 
and Sumatra at an estimated cost of $12 billion.

Governors of Java's Banten and Sumatra's Lampung provinces have signed a 
memorandum to begin designing the bridge with construction company Artha Graha, 
which is headed by one of Indonesia's richest and most colourful tycoons, Tommy 

Mr Winata is renowned for his close ties to former president Soeharto and 
ongoing links to business interests of senior military figures. He has big 
investments in entertainment around Jakarta's Chinatown.

The bridge, sitting on the "Pacific ring of fire", the most earthquake and 
volcano-prone region in the world, will link Java's Merak Port with Bakauheni 
in Sumatra. It will pass through the islands of Ular, Sangian and Prajurit, and 
stand 70 metres high so large ships can pass.

Experts said the bridge was technologically feasible, but extensive and 
expensive safety measures would be essential to withstand earthquakes. Several 
quakes measuring more than seven on the Richter scale have struck waters off 
Sumatra in recent weeks and a stronger quake caused a massive tsunami off the 
west coast in 2004.

Senior design consultant with Artha Graha, Wangsadinata Wiratman, said flexible 
construction materials would be used to protect the bridge against earthquakes 
of up to nine magnitude based on the planned Messina Strait Bridge in Italy.

This bridge was to have boasted the longest single suspension span in the world 
but was abandoned last year.

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