August 13, 2008 12:26 PM PDT

Study shows U.S. broadband speeds continue to lag

By Marguerite Reardon

The average download and upload speeds for broadband services across the 
U.S. have remained relatively unchanged over the past year as the U.S. 
continues to lag behind other countries in terms of broadband speeds, 
according to a report published by the Communications Workers of America 
labor union.

The report, released Tuesday, consists of data from 230,000 online speed 
tests across the U.S. In its Speed Matters blog announcing the study's 
results, the group highlighted that the average download speeds increased 
only 0.4 megabits per second to 2.3Mbps. By contrast, the average download 
speed in Japan is 63 Mbps and in South Korea the average download speed is 
49 Mbps.

As for upload speeds, the average in the U.S. was only 435 kilobits per second.

The CWA is using the report to lobby lawmakers to develop a national 
broadband policy. Specifically, the union is backing a Senate bill called 
the Broadband Data Improvement Act (S.1492) that calls for the government 
to define advanced telecommunications services so that the Federal 
Communications Commission can more accurately define broadband conditions 
in the U.S.

The union's president, Larry Cohen, said that improving broadband service 
is critical for the U.S. to remain competitive in the global market.

"This isn't about how fast someone can download a full-length movie," he 
said in the blog. "Speed matters to our economy and our ability to remain 
competitive in a global marketplace. Rural development, telemedicine and 
distance learning all rely on truly high-speed, universal networks."

Of course, Cohen's union has a vested interest in whether companies such as 
AT&T and Verizon Communications upgrade their networks to handle faster 
broadband speeds. The more than 700,000 members of the CWA union are 
workers who would help build these networks.

That said, there have been other studies that have shown the U.S. lagging 
behind other countries in terms of broadband penetration and speeds. Other 
groups have highlighted this research to also push for a national broadband 

Link: Speed Matters Report

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu


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