Gadgets That Collect Information Are Also Gathering Success

By Walter Pincus
Monday, September 15, 2008; Page A17

"ISR" has become the new silver bullet in counterinsurgency. It stands 
for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, but it really means a 
series of new sensors and other electronic collection and analytic 
gadgets. It also includes the manned and unmanned airborne platforms 
from which they primarily operate.

Last July, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates approved shifting more than 
$1 billion to ISR programs from other fiscal 2008 Pentagon budget 
accounts. In detailing the reprogramming request to congressional 
committees, Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon R. England wrote, "These 
funds are being made available for ISR based on the view of the 
Secretary of Defense that the ISR effort is a higher priority and needs 
to be addressed at this time."

Last week, without detailed explanation, the Senate Appropriations 
Defense Subcommittee announced that it had provided an additional $750 
million "to fund high priority intelligence, surveillance and 
reconnaissance initiatives" in the fiscal 2009 defense appropriations bill.

For the best and most dramatic description of how useful ISR has become 
in Iraq, there is an article in a recent issue of the Joint Force 
Quarterly journal written by Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, who is 
scheduled to become the new commander of Multi-National Forces-Iraq 
tomorrow, and two of his subordinates, Lt. Col. Nichoel E. Brooks and 
Lt. Col. Francesco P. Mastracchio.

"Employment of ISR, according to the current counterinsurgency doctrine, 
sets the conditions for the initial success of the surge in Iraq," they 
wrote. Threats come not just from insurgents but also from "militias who 
at any time might be working with or against each other," but "most are 
consistently working against coalition forces."

They attribute new successes in meeting these challenges to the recent 
increase of ISR, featuring "full motion video assets." These are devices 
that can keep what they described as the "unblinking eye" on targets. 
There are enough that they can be placed at the level of combat brigades.

Four years ago, there was no such video capability and limited top 
secret communications channels. Couriers were often used to synchronize 
intelligence databases at unit command posts.

Now, they wrote, brigade combat team commanders have a platoon with 
unmanned aerial vehicles that can provide 18 hours of full motion video 
coverage and signal intelligence teams that can collect and analyze 
intelligence, as well as tap into classified national data resources.

The result? "On any given day," they wrote, a brigade combat team 
commander "might be simultaneously focused on targeting a cell leader in 
an IED [improvised explosive device] network, providing security for a 
very important person convoy, monitoring a potentially violent 
demonstration, or responding to troops in contact -- to name only a few 
potential operations." That commander needs to have not only his own ISR 
assets but also the ability to call in those of higher commands, such as 
Predators, the larger, more costly, unmanned aircraft that have longer 
range and additional capabilities.

The trio described a recent combat operation in which a variety of ISR 
assets were used to destroy an insurgent mortar team. Initially, a 
counterfire radar detected, tracked and determined the location of a 
firing point and sent that data to an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). 
That UAV maintained contact through full motion video with the mortar 
site while information was sent to alert close support aircraft.

The brigade tactical operations center brought in another UAV which, 
they wrote, "provided clear evidence of mortar tubes being transferred 
to a second truck." The close air support plane destroyed the mortar 
team, and a UAV immediately verified its destruction. Success was 
attributed, they wrote, to the brigade commander being able "to 
orchestrate FMV [full motion video] assets based on rapid feedback from 
intelligence analysts supporting the commander and tipping and cueing 
from multidiscipline intelligence sensors."

Being Army officers, Odierno and his colleagues wrote that while close 
air support is an "invaluable capability that brings large amounts of 
firepower to the fight in short order," they think that brigade 
commanders need more ISR rather than armed UAVs. ISR assets, they 
concluded, "are some of the best tools our ground commanders have in 
breaking through that fog [of war]."

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