November 3, 2008, 3:58 pm
Behind the Statistics on TV and Teen Pregnancy

A new study making headlines today suggests teenage girls and boys 
who watch a lot of steamy television are more likely to become 
pregnant or cause a pregnancy.

But a closer look at the data shows the relationship between 
television, sexual content and teen pregnancies is complex. The same 
study, published today in Pediatrics, also found that teens who watch 
a lot of television in general are less likely to become pregnant.

How can that be? The answer may be that kids who watch a lot of 
television obviously aren't out dating and socializing with friends. 
So as unhealthy as it may be to spend hours in front of a screen, the 
behavior appears to be oddly protective against teen pregnancy.

The link between television and teen pregnancy only shows up when a 
high proportion of the television shows watched by a teen are filled 
with sexual content. When most of the television a teen watches is 
sexual in nature, risk for teen pregnancy doubles compared to kids 
who watch little or no sexually-themed television.



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