The Geeks Behind Obama's Web Strategy
A group of Boston geeks helped Barack Obama turn the Web into the 
ultimate political machine. Will he use it now to reinvent government?

By David Talbot  |  January 8, 2009

On a February night nearly two years ago, a Boston computer 
programmer named Jascha Franklin-Hodge was entertaining a first date 
over dinner at Shanti, in Dorchester, when his cellphone rang, 
displaying a Chicago number. Bolting from his plate of korma and 
dashing outside, he heard good news from the fledgling Barack Obama 
campaign. Franklin-Hodge and his squad of Web designers and 
programmers at Blue State Digital -- a small start-up in a 
creaky-floored loft office on Congress Street in the Seaport District 
-- had been hired to build much of Obama for America's digital 
backbone: the interactive and social-networking features of, or MyBO.

MyBO would become the hub of the campaign's online efforts to 
organize supporters, channel their energies effectively, enable them 
to call millions of voters, and, of course, collect donations. Today 
President-elect Obama has a new soapbox,, the official 
transition website (also built by Blue State Digital). It features 
such novelties as Cabinet nominees giving YouTube replies to comments 
posted by average Americans. The extent to which Obama goes on to use 
the Web -- as a portal to release more government data for public 
consumption, as an instrument for rallying Americans to advance his 
agenda, and to bypass traditional media -- is yet to be seen. But his 
campaign platform promised Obama would use technology to create "a 
new level of transparency, accountability, and participation." When 
Obama takes the oath of office nine days from now, his hallmark is 
likely to be a massive use of the Web.

He certainly took online campaigning to a new level. His e-campaign 
included not only MyBO, of course, but also the powerful leveraging 
of everything from text-messaging to YouTube video propagation to 
supporter networks on platforms like Facebook -- and on a scale that 
dwarfed what was achieved by Hillary Clinton or John McCain (for 
example, Obama had more than 3.4 million Facebook supporters, six 
times McCain's number). Of course, that night at Shanti, all that was 
clear to Franklin-Hodge was that a polished but long-shot junior 
senator would step to a Springfield, Illinois, lectern nine days 
later, on February 10, 2007, to announce his candidacy. 
Franklin-Hodge -- a baritone-voiced MIT dropout, now 29 years old -- 
had been around this block once before; he was part of a core group 
of geeks who built the then-novel online apparatus for the Howard 
Dean campaign. But 2003 was still the Dark Ages for online social 
networking. The Dean tools for setting up meetings and donating were 
a little rough. More important, fewer Americans were comfortable 
using the Internet to form communities and to organize. (In 2003, 
Facebook didn't exist in its present form but today has more than 40 
million American accounts; it seems every other Joe Sixpack has a 
Facebook profile.)



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