Social networking: Many use online device to blow their own horn with
unedited commentary.,0,1960356.story

By James Oliphant | Special to The Morning Call
    March 3, 2009

WASHINGTON | - Sen. John McCain took to the Senate floor on Monday and
talked about twittering.

For the increasingly popular networking tool, it was either a moment
that marked the technology's full-bore entry into the cultural
mainstream -- or an undeniable sign that Twitter is now about as hip as

It was just last year that McCain, then the Republican nominee for
president, was frequently mocked by late-night talk show hosts for
barely knowing how to flip on a computer. But McCain 2.0 is now plugged
in, sending multiple tweets, as twitter messages are called, several
times a day.

''We have the most followers out of any congressman,'' boasts his
spokeswoman, Brooke Buchanan, ''topping over 122,000.''

Tweet, follow, or get out of the way. That seems to be the new mantra
that has consumed Capitol Hill in early days of the Obama

While the rest of the nation is following the stimulus debate and the
bank bailout, the city's political and media classes have become
obsessed with Twitter, the social networking site that allows you to
send short messages to followers, who view them on a Web site or on
their cell phones. Dozens of members of Congress have been utilizing the

They say it helps connect them directly with constituents. The value of
that, of course, depends on how much unfiltered comment you really want
from your elected officials.

''Jindal is weird,'' tweeted Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., while
watching the Louisiana governor speak on national television last week
in response to President Barack Obama's address to Congress. ''I can't
believe Jindal. Such a sad contrast with president. Doesn't even look or
sound good, to say nothing about content.''

Blumenauer was twittering throughout Obama's speech, as were several
other lawmakers, including Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who later, she
told her followers, was upbraided by her mother for it.

''OK, OK. Mom's upset that I was rude at president's speech re:
tweets,'' McCaskill later tweeted. ''For the record I tweeted before, at
very beginning, and after speech. I wanted to listen.''

Twitter's very nature means that elaboration is impossible. Messages
can't exceed 140 characters. But you can transmit them instantly to your
followers. Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R-Mich., was slammed by some for sending
tweets during a trip to Iraq and Afghanistan last month that critics
said compromised the delegation's security. Hoekstra said he revealed no
sensitive information.

Some members such as McCaskill frequently tweet about their daily lives,
but others simply use the medium for sending out information you would
find in press releases.

Why do they do it? Here's McCaskill's explanation in her own, uh, words:
''Try to tweet 3-4 times a day. Combo of policy, personal, schedule,
politics. Want to be candid and give a real glimpse of my life and

McCain, who began twittering last month, spent Monday tweeting lists of
what he called ''pork'' in the omnibus spending bill under consideration
in the Senate.

''$1,427,250 for genetic improvements of switchgrass -- I thought
switchgrass genes were pretty good already, guess I was wrong,'' the
senator tweeted.

Congressional tweets range from the mundane -- ''Happy to announce
nearly $4 million in the recovery package for the Willimantic,
Torrington, and Norwalk community health centers,'' tweeted Sen. Chris
Dodd, D-Conn. -- to the confusing: ''Great afternoon watching skijoring
in Wisdom, Montana,'' wrote Rep. Denny Rehberg, R-Mont.

As for Pennsylvania lawmakers, only Sen. Arlen Specter is a regular
twitter user -- but only for the purpose of sending out links to press

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is a regular twitterer, and he
believes it is a useful political tool.

''Using Twitter to bypass traditional media and directly reach voters is
definitely a good thing,'' Gingrich said in an e-mail interview.
''Members should avoid twittering from the House floor, though.''

Don't twitter on the floor. Wonder what Henry Clay would think of that

''OMG. Spinning in grave,'' Clay might have tweeted.


Twitter is an online service for friends, family, and co-workers to
communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent
answers to one simple question: What are you doing?

James Oliphant is a reporter for the Tribune Co. Washington Bureau.

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