Cabbie's tweet reunites lost BlackBerry with owner

Some believe that Twitter has the power to change big events like 
Iranian elections. I think that its strength may be in much smaller, but 
still significant, ways.
In fact, I was the matchmaker recently between a Barcelona cabbie and an 
American employee of a pharmaceutical company. Well, a matchmaker 
between the cabbie and this lady's BlackBerry, anyway.
It happened like this:

I have a Twitter search in TweetDeck that alerts me every time the word 
"Asay" is used on Twitter. (I need to be able to track down libel somehow!)

On August 30, I saw this tweet:
Hi! I'm a taxi driver from Barcelona. Somebody knows Jennifer Asay? She 
works for (pharmaceutical company). I've her Balckberry [sic].

I happen to be married to a Jennifer Asay, but not this one. So I looked 
up her name on the Web and quickly found her on LinkedIn. I reached out 
to her there to give her the e-mail address of the taxi driver, which he 
provided in his tweet. I also replied to him to give him her e-mail 
address. No big deal, right?

On Wednesday, I heard back from Raúl, the taxi driver:
Hi! I am the taxidriver from Barcelona.

She has found me thanks to you.
I will be with her for I will give back its telephone.
Thank you very much by your work.

Nice, right? It gets better. Today, I heard from Jennifer, and it sounds 
like everything worked out, thanks to the power of Twitter (and LinkedIn):

I can't tell you how grateful I am that you reached out to a 
miracle, Raúl brought me my BlackBerry today!
What are the odds? In our increasingly networked world, the odds are 
getting shorter all the time.

Again, it's a simple story, but one rich in possibilities too. Think 
about it. A twittering taxi driver reaches out to the massive echo 
chamber that is the Web and is heard by a complete stranger in Utah who 
also uses Twitter (me), who then turns to LinkedIn to find the 
sought-for person and connects them over e-mail.
There are lots of problems in the world. Communication--at least the 
possibility of communication--isn't one of them.

P.S. There's a very good chance that I've now ruined Jennifer's life by 
getting her back in touch with her BlackBerry addiction, but I want this 
story to have a happy ending.

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