FCC Calls Comcast, Cablevision Assault On Program Access 'Baseless'
Agency Tells U.S. Appeals Court Video Competition 'Has Not Eliminated 
Need For Exclusivity Prohibition'

John Eggerton
Multichannel News

9/15/2009 11:37:33 AM EDT


The Federal Communications Commission has come out strongly in defense 
of retaining its program access rules.

The FCC called "baseless" Cablevision and Comcast's assertion that a 
federal court's ruling vacating the commission's 30% cap on national 
subs should also doom the ban on exclusive contracts

FCC logoIn a response Tuesday to the cable operators' filing last week 
obtained by Multichannel News, the FCC told the D.C. U.S. Court of 
Appeals that the competition in the video marketplace "has not 
eliminated the need for the exclusivity prohibition," which the FCC 
under former chairman Kevin Martin renewed for another five years -- 
until 2012-- back in 2007.

The same court three weeks ago threw out the FCC's 30% cap as 
unjustified. Comcast, with the support of other operators, had 
challenged the cap.

"The retail competition from DBS operators and telephone companies that 
the Comcast panel found significant developed after Congress barred 
cable-only exclusive contracts," the FCC said in its response to the 
court Tuesday, "thereby ensuring that those competitors could negotiate 
distribution agreements with cable-owned networks."

The FCC told the court that it could not be sure that competition would 
continue absent the program-access rule that requires require cable 
operator-owned networks to be made available to satellite operators on 
similar terms and conditions. It added: "Here, the Commission took full 
account of the current state of competition in the video-distribution 
market, and it found that the exclusivity prohibition was still critical 
to competition."

That "here" appears to be the FCC drawing a distinction with its 30% 
review, which the court found did not take DBS competition sufficiently 
into account. It argues that in renewing the program access rules in 
2007, the commission  even noted that the entry of new telco competitors 
had "increased the incentive of vertically integrated companies to 
withhold programming," suggesting that telco was the new DBS in need of 

The FCC has continued to renew exclusive contract ban, which, like the 
30% subscriber cap, was part of the 1992 Cable Act. The ban had a 
10-year sunset, but the FCC has kept it in place with two, five-year 

The FCC also argued in its filing Tuesday that the increase in networks 
and the decline in the percentage that are cable-owned does not 
undermine the decision to keep the rules in place. "A competitor's 
access to a variety of new and niche networks cannot compensate for the 
loss of core cableowned programming that many subscribers insist upon 
receiving," it said.

The court is scheduled to hear oral argument in the Cablevision/Comcast 
challenge to the five-year program access extension Sept. 22.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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