It's no coincidence that the Internet, a sanctuary of governmental
restraint, has spawned such unparalleled innovation. Will the Obama
administration's plans for net neutrality bring it to a screeching halt?

The federal government may gain broad new powers to regulate Internet
providers next month if Federal Communications Commission Chairman
Julius Genachowski gets his way. In a milestone speech on Monday,
Genachowski proposed sweeping new regulations that would give the FCC
the formal authority to dictate application and network management
practices to companies that offer Internet access, including wireless
carriers like AT&T and Verizon Wireless.

Genachowski's proposed rules would make good on a pledge that President
Obama made in his campaign to enshrine net neutrality as law. The
announcement was met with cheers by a small but vocal crowd of activists
and academics who have been pushing hard for net neutrality for years.
But if bureaucrats and politicians truly care about neutrality, they
would be wise to resist calls to expand the government's power over
private networks. Instead, policymakers should recognize that it is far
more important for government to remain neutral to competing business
models-- open, closed, or any combination thereof.

Consider the Apple iPhone. The remarkably successful smartphone has
arguably been a game-changer in the wireless world, having sold tens of
millions of handsets since its 2007 launch and spurring dozens of
would-be "iPhone killers" in the process. If you listen to net
neutrality advocates' mantra, you would assume the iPhone must be a wide
open device with next to no restrictions. You would be mistaken. In
fact, the iPhone is a prototypical "walled garden." Apple vets every
single iPhone app, and Apple reserves the right to reject iPhone apps if
they "duplicate [iPhone] functionality" or "create significant network

Why, then, has the iPhone enjoyed such popularity? It's because consumer
preferences are diverse and constantly evolving. Most users, it seems,
do not place openness on the same pedestal that net neutrality advocates
do. Proprietary platforms like the iPhone have advantages of their own--
a cohesive, centrally-managed user experience, for one-- but have
disadvantages as well.

In the battle between open and closed devices, wireless subscribers have
voted with their wallets. So far, they have preferred the iPhone over
open source devices like the "Google phone." In the intensely
competitive wireless market, the iPhone's success shows that innovation
can occur, and even thrive, within the confines of proprietary
ecosystems like the iPhone.

But under the FCC's proposed neutrality rules, the iPhone and similar
devices that place limits on the content and applications that users can
access would likely be against the law.

To be sure, the virtues that neutrality proponents espouse-- open
access, transparency, democracy, and the like-- are all legitimate, even
important values. Arguably, the open nature of the Internet has been
instrumental in fostering many of the innovations that consumers enjoy
today. But it is wrong to assume, as neutrality proponents do, that
today's "capital-I" Internet is the end all, be all network, and that
the future of global communications ought not include some proprietary

Technological innovation is an unpredictable beast. Networks for
transmitting data that have yet to emerge-- so-called "splinternets"--
may well reshape the nature of global communications in years ahead. One
need only look to the FCC's widely criticized telephone and cable
regulations to witness how rigid federal mandates can thwart high-tech
evolution and steer the market in unnatural directions.

Fortunately, not all hope is lost for consumers. A group of Republican
Senators, led by Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas), have announced
that they will lead a charge in Congress to thwart the FCC's push for
neutrality. And if the FCC bites off more than it can chew and enacts
overly broad rules, network providers may well challenge the agency in
court. Only two weeks ago, the FCC was sharply repudiated by a federal
circuit court for ignoring the facts in its regulation of the cable

If net neutrality ultimately goes through, the threat to infrastructure
wealth creation is serious. When regulators gain new powers, they rarely
cede them in response to marketplace changes without a fight. Under a
neutrality regime, the telecom industry would likely retreat, take fewer
risks, and divert investment toward more fruitful pursuits. It's no
coincidence that the Internet, a sanctuary of governmental restraint,
has spawned such unparalleled innovation. In the relentlessly
fast-moving digital age, regulatory intervention is a recipe for
entrenching the status-quo.

Ryan Radia is an information policy analyst at the Competitive
Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.

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