
OK, so after the hoopla, Microsoft's Bing search engine may have fallen
back to earth. Is Microsoft supposed to just give up? Not hardly.

New statistics show Microsoft's share of searches is down below 4
percent, having risen during the previous three months. Google,
meanwhile, captures 90 percent of search traffic.

I am not sure I totally believe these newest statistics, from
NetApplications and StatCounter. Nielsen's numbers are quite different,
as are Comscore's -- both giving Bing a much larger share of the search
pie. Let's give it a month or two before declaring Bing's honeymoon to
be over.

Bing was introduced in May as the successor to Microsoft's previous
search engines.

Microsoft continues to spend heavily on search technology research and
development. Bing is only the tip of the iceberg, though progress is
slow because search is such a huge problem. Anything you develop that
improves search must be almost infinitely scalable and able to be
offered for free.

That's a pretty tall order. You need innovation in all areas, including
the business plan, to take search to the next level.

Bing is an example of what I call a "demographic" search engine,
tailored not to be all things to all searchers, as is Google, but to
attract a defined audience. In Bing's case, that means shoppers.

I believe but cannot prove that Bing may generate more revenue per
search (in terms of customer spending as a result of searching) than
Google. Even if that were true, however, it would only dilute Google's
leadership by just a smidge.

The Yahoo/Microsoft deal, should it pass regulatory muster--and it
deserves to--will help Bing's share, but won't do much to reduce
Google's numbers.

While Google is today, for most people, the first word in search, I
don't think it's the last word. Even with ongoing changes to improve
accuracy and make results easier to manipulate and digest, Google
searches still return way too much of what I don't want.

If it takes looking through three pages of results to find what I
wanted, Google has failed me. I know I am expecting Google to be
psychic--essentially to understand what I want even when I have a hard
time explaining it--but with all Google knows about me, it doesn't seem
like an unreasonable request.

Maybe Google will meet this challenge. Maybe it will be Microsoft. The
betting favors Google, but you never know what will happen. The Netflix
prizewinners are examples of what can be done to match users with
improved search results.

Bing is wise to follow its current course. It will probably never
challenge Google in overall numbers, but it could easily find a place in
the market as the search engine that does specific things better than
Google and generates traffic as a result.

It is too early to judge Bing's success or failure. Its share drop was
to be expected. Its progress will be slow. But, it is still a player and
should Microsoft's R&D create a breakthrough, Bing will be there to
launch it.

David Coursey tweets as @techinciter and can be contacted via his Web

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