'Seinfeld' reunion nothing short of brilliant

By Matthew Gilbert, Globe Staff  |  October 3, 2009
The Boston Globe

Track this scene from tomorrow night's "Curb Your Enthusiasm,'' if 
you can. Playing "Larry David,'' Larry David, who is the model for 
George on "Seinfeld,'' is telling Jason Alexander's "Jason 
Alexander,'' who played George, that he wants to make a "Seinfeld'' 
reunion in which George angles to get his ex-wife back, which is what 
"Larry'' is doing by creating a "Seinfeld'' reunion in which he can 
cast ex-wife Cheryl as George's ex-wife.

That so many levels of story coexist in this episode of HBO's "Curb'' 
is dazzling. And they're only convoluted on paper; on the show, the 
real and the fictional worlds of Larry David and the "Seinfeld'' cast 
intertwine so naturally you won't think twice. Indeed, the real and 
fictional "Seinfeld'' reunion that begins tomorrow night at 9 is the 
meta event of the year, unfolding effortlessly and brilliantly across 
the next few episodes of "Curb.'' It's a "Seinfeld'' reunion that 
isn't really a "Seinfeld'' reunion, except that it is a "Seinfeld'' 

As we all know, network reunion shows tend to be paycheck-driven 
vehicles that only mar a classic sitcom's legacy. I still cringe at 
the thought of the 2000 "Mary and Rhoda'' reunion movie. And Larry 
agrees: "You know those reunion shows,'' he says to his agent Jeff 
(Jeff Garlin) tomorrow night. "They're so lame.'' But the thought of 
winning Cheryl back by getting the "Seinfeld'' cast together again is 
irresistible to our self-serving hero, and so he proceeds against his 
better aesthetic judgment. He individually seduces Jerry Seinfeld, 
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Michael Richards, and Alexander into a deal with 
NBC, as part of his master plan. (Seinfeld, Alexander, and 
Louis-Dreyfus have appeared on "Curb'' separately in previous 
seasons, but this season they'll appear together and with Richards 
for the first time.)

Some of tomorrow's sharpest moments come during Larry's lunch with 
Alexander. In justifying Larry's proposal to himself, Alexander 
imagines the reunion as a subtle way of saying, "We know, we know, 
we're sorry'' to "Seinfeld'' fans for the universally panned series 
finale in 1998. Larry, who wrote the finale, squirms. Alexander also 
calls George Costanza "selfish'' and "stupid''; more squirming. And 
lurking behind all the episode's little jokes, there's a big fat goof 
on NBC, whose executives are shown hungering for a shallow 
run-of-the-mill reunion. The "Curb'' portrayal of NBC sets HBO's 
sophistication and meta-ability into favorable relief.

Tomorrow's episode also includes plenty of the usual adventures of 
Larry, as he is both offended by and offensive to almost everyone he 
sees. While the "Seinfeld'' guests dominate the half-hour, Susie 
(Susie Essman) is nonetheless on hand to go through her familiar 
motions - greeting "La'' warmly at first and later going ballistic on 
him. Her swear-filled screaming on "Curb'' is music to my ears, even 
seven seasons in. Like the show's amusement-park soundtrack, Larry's 
daily life continues to be sick fun - a merry-go-round stuck in a 
vicious, and endlessly hysterical, circle.

Matthew Gilbert can be reached at For more on TV, 
visit .

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