Perry's camp claims online event hacked

Houston Chronicle Austin Bureau

Sept. 29, 2009, 7:52PM

AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry was “Talkin' Texas” online Tuesday, but his 
campaign said countless Texans were prevented from logging on because 
the highly touted event was sabotaged by an onslaught of fake users.

Although some 22,000 people were able to log on, the focus on those who 
could not — and why — eclipsed Perry's message, which included such 
controversy-stirring ideas as requiring a constitutional amendment 
before state taxes can be raised.

“This planned and coordinated attack was political sabotage, and we are 
working to identify those responsible for this illegal activity,” said 
campaign spokesman Mark Miner.

Opponents suggested the event, billed as “an unprecedented use of social 
media,” simply was bungled.

“What an embarrassing campaign launch,” said Jennifer Baker, spokeswoman 
for U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who's challenging Perry for the GOP 
nod for governor. “I'm sure the governor is hacked, but we are skeptical 
their site was. … Rick Perry isn't exactly a stranger when it comes to 
arrogantly blaming others for his mistakes.”

Phillip Martin, with the Texas Democratic Trust, said, “The more likely 
thing was they didn't have a host server that could handle the volume of 

Flood of traffic flagged

The skeptics are wrong, said Anthony Kukla, president of Redglue Inc., 
service provider for Perry's campaign and the webcast. He said the site 
was targeted by a denial-of-service attack called a SYN flood.

Such an attack fakes a large number of users trying to connect to the 
server, with the goal of tying it up, Kukla said. He said the attack was 
flagged by Redglue's firewall system, traffic was shut down and 
connections reset. Kukla said there was no chance there were too many 
real users trying to sign on. He said the server could have handled 
anything that was thrown at it. The server was not completely tied up, 
he said.

On the webcast, streamed live from the Caterpillar facility Holt Cat in 
San Antonio, Perry pitched several ideas, including one to make 
permanent a small-business tax break approved on a temporary basis this 
year; putting criminal penalties on employers “who knowingly violate 
employment laws by hiring workers who are in Texas illegally;” and a 
proposal to require a constitutional amendment for state tax increases, 
which would mean a two-thirds vote of lawmakers and voter approval on a 
state ballot.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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