
Posts more than 10,000 passwords, claims; Microsoft
reportedly investigating

Computerworld -  More than 10,000 usernames and passwords for Windows
Live Hotmail accounts were leaked online late last week, according to a
report by, which claimed that they were posted by an
anonymous user on last Thursday.

The post has since been taken down.

Neowin reported that it had seen part of the list. "Neowin has seen part
of the list posted and can confirm the accounts are genuine and most
appear to be based in Europe," said the site. "The list details over
10,000 accounts starting from A through to B, suggesting there could be
additional lists."

Hotmail usernames and passwords are often used for more than logging
into Microsoft's online e-mail service, however. Many people log onto a
wide range of Microsoft's online properties -- including the trial
version of the company's Web-based Office applications, the Connect beta
test site and the Skydrive online storage service -- with their Hotmail

It was unknown how the usernames and passwords were obtained, but Neowin
speculated that they were the result of either a hack of Hotmail or a
massive phishing attack that had tricked users into divulging their
log-on information.

Accounts with domains of, and were
included in the list.

Microsoft representatives in the U.S. were not immediately able to
confirm Neowin's account, or answer questions, including how the
usernames and passwords were acquired. The BBC, however, reported early
Monday that Microsoft U.K. is aware of the report that account
information had been available on the Web, and said it's "actively
investigating the situation and will take appropriate steps as rapidly
as possible."

If Neowin's account is accurate, the Hotmail hack or phishing attack
would be one of the largest suffered by a Web-based e-mail service.

Last year, a Tennessee college student was accused of breaking into
former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's Yahoo Mail account in the run-up to
the U.S. presidential election. Palin, the Republican vice presidential
nominee at the time, lost control of her personal account when someone
identified only as "rubico" reset her password after guessing answers to
several security questions.

David Kernell was charged with a single count of accessing a computer
without authorization by a federal grand jury last October. Kernell's
case is ongoing.

Shortly after the Palin account hijack, Computerworld confirmed that the
automated password-reset mechanisms used by Hotmail, Yahoo Mail and
Google's Gmail could be abused by anyone who knew an account's username
and could answer a single security question.

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