Apple Isn't Even Bothering To Lie Anymore

Michael Arrington
October 6, 2009

I mean, seriously.

Apple's chief complaint against the Google Voice application was "The 
application has not been approved because, as submitted for review, 
it appears to alter the iPhone's distinctive user experience by 
replacing the iPhone's core mobile telephone functionality and Apple 
user interface with its own user interface for telephone calls..."

And that's ok, because we all know that the real reason Apple won't 
let Google Voice through is that they are scared out of their mind 
that Android and Google Voice will eat their iPhone lunch over the 
long term. Apple can't win the fight over the long term, but they 
sure are willing to say and do anything in the short term to stop the 
advance of Google.

But you'd think they'd at least be consistent and apply the same 
arguments to other third party apps. At least until this whole FCC 
thing blows over.

But Skype's calling app, which uses Wifi, is totally fine. And 
yesterday, the Vonage iPhone app, which seems to be just as much of 
an issue as Google Voice based on that quote at the top, got the 
green light, too.

Users can use Wifi or cellular minutes, and have to open the Vonage 
application to make calls. They'll save a bundle on international 

Of course, it's hard to argue that Vonage doesn't "alter the iPhone's 
distinctive user experience by replacing the iPhone's core mobile 
telephone functionality and Apple user interface with its own user 
interface for telephone calls."

But really, I'm not even sure anyone is paying attention at this 
point. If you care, the truth is this - Apple isn't threatened by 
Vonage. The smart thing would have been to reject their app anyway, 
to stay consistent. But unless someone actually forces Apple to play 
by the rules, why should they?

Yeah, I know. Apple Fanboys can unleash hell on us now in the comments.

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