
October 7, 2009 1:03 p.m. EST

Pasadena, CA (AHN) - American astronomers have confirmed Saturn's new
massive ring using the infrared camera of NASA's Spitzer Space

The ring of dust and ice is thick but so diffused and massive that it
was not easily detectable through visible-light telescopes. It lies so
far from the plane of Saturn's main rings or 3.7 million miles away from
the planet and spans 7.4 million miles from end to end.

The ring is in the same orbit as the Saturnian moon Phoebe indicating
that particles composing it originated from the satellite.

Astronomers have long suspected of the ring's existence because of the
dark material that obscures another Saturn moon, Iapetus.

The discovery of the ring is detailed in a paper to be published in the
journal Nature's website on Wednesday. Authors of the paper are Anne
Verbiscer,and Michael Skrutskie of the University of Virginia,
Charlottesville and Douglas Hamilton of the University of Maryland,
College Park.


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