
WASHINGTON (WBBM) -- You're watching TV and have the volume set just
right. Then a commercial comes on and -- blam -- your ears are blasted.

The Federal Communications commission already mandates that commercials
be no louder than the loudest portion of the TV program they accompany.

But that means that entire commercial can be as loud as an explosion
that last a second in a TV show.

Now, there's a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that deals with
TV ads loudness. The Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act
would direct the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to prescribe a
regulation prohibiting advertisements accompanying video programming

(1) being excessively noisy or strident;
(2) having modulation levels substantially higher than the accompanying
program; and
(3) having an average maximum loudness substantially higher than that of
the accompanying program.

Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee holds a hearing to
consider changes to bill.

Seminar Announced: On Wednesday, November 4, 2009; the Advanced
Television Systems Committee will host a full-day seminar on the topic
of Audio Loudness.

A nonprofit group with members in the broadcast networks, cable
operators, and electronics manufacturers also is looking at the matter
with an eye toward establishing voluntary standards.

The Advanced Television Systems Committee acknowledges that the "audio
loudness differential" is bothersome to many people.

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