
KCOP-TV: This is news?
The merging of KCOP-TV and KTTV-TV has left the former not even a shell 
of its previous self, unless beefcake and dancing anchors count. The 
losers: Angelenos who crave real, local reporting.

James Rainey
Los Angeles Times

October 9, 2009

In the television news business, they call them duopolies. How about a 
more descriptive name? Zombie stations.

Turn on KCOP-TV Channel 13 for the weeknight news at 11 p.m. and you 
won't see KCOP anchors. Or KCOP reporters. They aren't backed by KCOP 
writers. In the last year, even the KCOP logo disappeared.

The station's news operation has been taken over -- lock, stock, news 
desk and teleprompter -- by its duopoly partner, KTTV-TV Channel 11, the 
local Fox television affiliate, which itself has been hobbled by mass 
layoffs in recent months.

The emergence of KCOP as the first (but likely not last) of the news 
undead may seem like a trivial milepost in what has been a decades-long 
slide by local TV news into banality, trivia and marginalization.

But it's worth talking about the new low for a couple of reasons. First, 
corporate executives promised duopolies could help save, rather than 
continue to emasculate, local news. Second, a recent survey by the Pew 
Center for the People & the Press found that 64% of Americans rely on 
television for most of their local news.

Saying you count on TV to learn what goes on in your city is a little 
like saying you go to Raiders games for lessons in civility. But I digress.

Local TV has been caught in the same revolutionary change that has done 
serious damage to newspapers, magazines, record labels and moviemakers. 
Accustomed to profit margins that peaked in the 1980s at 50% or more, 
local TV outlets now strain to get half that, with much of their revenue 
siphoned off by the Internet and, recently, the recession.

Still, 20% profits are not unusual in many local TV operations, said 
Steve Ridge, president of the media strategy group at television 
consultant Frank Magid & Associates. Those would be heady margins in 
almost any other business. But a decade of consolidation, big borrowing 
and inflated expectations has left television bosses always wanting more.

The only way owners have found to prop up big profits is to pound down 
expenses. Thus the duopoly, with stations allowed to cooperate under 
federal antitrust waivers.

A 2001 buyout of a rival firm gave Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. ownership 
of KCOP and created its duopoly with KTTV, already part of Murdoch's Fox 
television group.

Over the decade, the two stations have progressively merged their 
operations. KCOP dumped its own anchors in favor of KTTV's last 
December. If you watch KCOP's half hour of news, you will see KTTV 
anchors Carlos Amezcua and Christine Devine. In the corner of the 
screen, there's a KTTV logo.

In other words, an independent KCOP has quietly disappeared from the 
local news scene, with its single 11 p.m. program merely a repackaged 
version of KTTV's news at 10.

"Don't you think that's outrageous? Apparently they just don't care," 
said Pete Noyes, a legend among local TV news people for his 
plain-spoken ways and the multiple award-winning stories he produced 
over nearly five decades in L.A. news. "They can always find a lower way 
to go."

If you had the misfortune to happen on the parade of hoochie-coochie, 
sex and sizzle that KCOP once fobbed off as news, you might wonder, "Who 

But there was a time when local network affiliates, and even poor 
stepchildren like KCOP, produced original news from City Hall, the state 
Capitol and points beyond.

Noyes, who retired from KTTV last year, himself once pummeled the 
Metropolitan Transportation Authority for the huge cost overruns that 
taxpayers subsidized with a half-cent sales tax. Among his myriad other 
investigations: a piece on contamination that spread to the Simi and 
west San Fernando valleys from Rocketdyne's Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Like their cousins in radio and newspapers, including the Los Angeles 
Times, every local TV news operation has been cut in recent years. KTTV 
took a sharp blow last month when the station cut about 100 reporters, 
editors, engineers and others.

General Manager Kevin Hale told me Thursday that "our on-air product is 
as good as it ever was." But several staffers, who spoke anonymously for 
fear of alienating management, said news reach and morale have suffered.

"We are covering fewer stories because we have fewer crews," said one 
veteran reporter. "You still have the feeling like you would like to be 
crusading for the public good, but now it's just like 'What can we 
manage to get done.' "

Veteran reporters with a history of digging deeper -- like Chris 
Blatchford, John Schwada and Phil Shuman -- get thrown into more daily 
stories and have less time for special projects.

Still, there always seems to be time for playing footsie. Late Tuesday, 
I treated myself to KCOP, which spent a few minutes reporting on the 
"hunky Santa" competition at a local mall, with plenty of shots of 
shirtless young musclemen preening for the camera. Then weatherman Mark 
Thompson danced -- yes, danced -- across the set as the day's forecast 
flitted across the screen.

Apparently improvisational dance is a Fox leitmotif, since the next day 
I caught Maria Quiban shimmying through part of her forecast on KTTV. In 
the most cringe-inducing moment, fill-in anchor Michael Brownlee joined 
in, swaying in his chair and loosening his tie as if he might shift into 
full Chippendales mode.

Can anything be done to restore more substance to the market that 
brought the world Warren Olney, Jess Marlow and Tom Brokaw?

In New York and Honolulu, citizen activists filed complaints with the 
FCC, arguing that duopolies and cooperation agreements between stations 
have starved audiences of the independent news voices TV stations should 
provide in exchange for their slice of the public airwaves.

During the Clinton administration, the FCC briefly flirted with 
requiring minimum levels of news coverage. But it's doubtful that the 
feds, locked in epochal fights over issues such as access to broadband 
and the Internet, will take up these daunting ownership issues any time 

That leaves market forces to drive better news coverage. I can't help 
but believe that Los Angeles would flock to a sharp newscast -- focusing 
on government, culture, the environment and outdoors in one of the most 
vibrant cities on Earth.

But to test my theory we'd need one news director, just one, to break 
out of the same old dance.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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