November 12, 2009

Among Late-Night Writers, Few Women in the Room
NY Times

In many ways, television today is about women more than men.

More women watch television than men; female producers and writers have 
had huge success in prime time and daytime; in January, women will 
occupy two of the three seats as anchors of network evening newscasts.

But there is one glaring exception: very few women make it inside the 
writing rooms for late-night television hosts, despite that women make 
up a larger proportion of their audience than men.

There are no female writers on the new “The Jay Leno Show,” none on 
“Late Show with David Letterman,” none on “The Tonight Show with Conan 

The lack of women in late-night writing positions was pushed again to 
the forefront by David Letterman’s confession of sexual relationships 
with his staff members.

In an article for Vanity Fair’s Web site, a former writer for Mr. 
Letterman, Nell Scovell, described her experiences in the late 1980s, 
citing what she called a “hostile work environment,” including Mr. 
Letterman’s romantic relationships with women on the staff.

“Writing for late-night talk shows is a great entry-level TV job, and if 
you deny women that opportunity it reduces the chance for them to pursue 
careers in comedy,” she said in an e-mail message. Her article was cited 
in motions filed with the court this week by the lawyer defending the 
man accused of blackmailing Mr. Letterman.

In the 1980s, Mr. Letterman pioneered the kind of college-age male humor 
that dominates late night. But now, his audience is almost 55 percent 
women; Mr. Leno’s is more than 53 percent, and Mr. O’Brien’s just over 
one half. Yet the writing room and sensibilities of the show itself 
remain largely male.

Steve Bodow, head writer for “The Daily Show,” conceded that the 
preponderance of male writers had not changed much in recent years, 
although his show hired two women writers in September.

“We shook the trees a little,” Mr. Bodow said of the special efforts the 
show made. “Women have a different perspective, which we like on the show.”

But perspective is not the same as sensibility. Some women in the 
business argue that, as long as the hosts remain almost exclusively 
male, so will the writers.

“When you’re writing for late night, you’re writing through one person’s 
prism, and that person at the shows you’re looking at is always a dude,” 
said Hallie Haglund, one of the new writers on “The Daily Show. “ 
Allison Silverman, who has served as the only woman writer first on “The 
Daily Show” then on Conan O’Brien’s staff, said she had no trouble 
assuming the voices of male hosts. But she added, “I don’t think the 
issue of sensibility is off base. The hosts and the staffs I worked on 
often resembled one another. Have you seen how many tall Irish people 
are on Conan’s staff?”

In what seems like a paradox, “The Daily Show” was in fact created by 
two women, Lizz Winstead and Madeleine Smithberg, in 1996 for Comedy 
Central. And one of the most influential writers in the history of late 
night is Merrill Markoe , Mr. Letterman’s previous longtime girlfriend 
who was also his full partner in the invention of his breakthrough 
late-night show in the 1980s.

Those women acknowledged that recruiting and hiring female writers was a 
daunting challenge for them at the time.

“It’s the law of averages,” Ms. Winstead said in a telephone interview. 
“More guys than women are in comedy.” When she and Ms. Smithberg sought 
submissions for writers on “The Daily Show,” more than 100 came in and 
“only about three or four were from women.”

Ms. Markoe recalled the pressure she was under to hire writers for Mr. 
Letterman. “I didn’t have any leeway to put bullets in the gun that were 
going to misfire,” she said in an e-mail interview. She, too, had hardly 
any submissions from women.

“Bad odds do not help the situation,” she wrote, adding: “Back then it 
simply never occurred to me that there would be a pattern of all guys 
because I wasn’t a guy. Instead I was focused on: Let’s get this thing 
running so Dave will relax a little.” That, she said, “never happened of 

Ms. Markoe said she believed what she called “an odd shift toward more 
boys’ humor” in the ’90s might have kept some women from landing 
late-night jobs. “The massive popularity of Howard Stern might have had 
something to do with that,” she said.

Whatever the reason, late-night seemed to take on the flavor — some say 
aroma — of a boys’ club.

“I would walk into Lizz’s office, where the writers were assembled to 
hear the day’s jokes, and would want to exercise my executive producer 
privileges by sending half of them home to shower,” Ms. Smithberg said 
in an e-mail message. “I wonder if the corollary we should be examining 
is between body odor and humor rather than gender and humor.”

Writers’ rooms have always had a reputation for crude behavior. Ms. 
Silverman described both “The Daily Show” and Mr. O’Brien’s show as 
“really good experiences” — though rife with crudeness.

“There were plenty of penis jokes,” she said. “On occasion I’ve told 
them myself, though my penis jokes were rarely good. I don’t quite have 
the feel.”

Ms. Winstead scoffed at the idea that a strong woman writer would be 
offended by the writers’ room. “I have no sensitivity to off-color 
humor,” she said. “I only have a sensitivity to bad humor.”

Those who dispute a deliberate tilt in late-night television point out 
that women occupy positions of real power. Mr. Kimmel and Mr. Leno both 
have female executive producers — Jill Leiderman in Mr. Kimmel’s case, 
and Debbie Vickers in Mr. Leno’s — and Mr. Letterman’s show has three, 
Jude Brennan, Barbara Gaines and Maria Pope.

Ms. Silverman was co-head writer and executive producer of “The Colbert 
Report” until stepping down in August.

But Ms. Smithberg called the women-as-producers argument an inadequate 

“Vis-à-vis women in producing rather than writing roles,” Ms. Smithberg 
said, “there is an inherent dynamic not dissimilar to a marriage: male 
writers and late-night hosts tend to need the care of female nurturers, 
whom they routinely undervalue.”

One woman who does have a late-night show, Chelsea Handler on the E 
Channel, has five women writers on her staff of 10.

Craig Ferguson of CBS found an ideal female match for his comic 
sensibility: his sister. Jimmy Fallon on NBC hired three women on his 
initial staff of about a dozen. “The Colbert Report” currently has one.

There also is only one woman currently writing for Jimmy Kimmel — Molly 
McNearney, the co-head writer. Ms. Markoe, who is regarded as one of the 
best writers to ever work in late-night television, said she never 
experienced any resentment toward her on the Letterman show.

“In my weird crossover capacity I may have added a level of 
communication between the host and writers that hasn’t taken place 
since,” Ms. Markoe said. “I can remember a few times following him into 
the bathroom, postrehearsal, preshow, while he showered and got ready. I 
stood there, reading him lists of jokes or rewritten ideas for things to 
do on the show.”

She added, reflecting on the recent headlines: “I guess over the years 
there has been an assortment of other women who continue to have that 
sort of access to him. But from what I read, it doesn’t appear that 
their duties include reading him joke rewrites.”

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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