Safe Travels for You and Your Data

The New York Times
February 18, 2010

You're a smart traveler. You pack sunscreen and Pepto, locks for your 
luggage and a pouch to hide cash under your clothes. But what digital 
precautions do you take?

It's hard enough to make sure the data you send and receive is safe 
when you're at home or at work. But traveling brings a whole new set 
of hazards: from publicly accessible computers to unprotected 
wireless networks to crowded and pickpocket-plagued airports.

Luckily, preventing a digital wipeout while you're on the road is 
reasonably easy and inexpensive. Here are some of the main things you 
can do to keep your data out of harm's way while you wander the world.

PUBLIC COMPUTERS Computers in cybercafes and hotels are notorious for 
having malware on them, including "keylogger" programs that record 
users' keystrokes and capture screenshots to collect log-in 
information. Many PCs do not have important software fixes or 
security programs with current updates. They could even have physical 
keylogging devices fitted onto the back.

Before using public computers, ask what security measures are in use. 
Better hotels and cybercafes maintain their computers properly and 
reset them after each user so unauthorized programs are removed.

If you get a blank look from the attendant, check for a security 
program icon at the bottom of the screen and click on it to see if it 
is up to date. If you do not see evidence the computer you are about 
to use is safe, try to find another place to go online.

If you cannot wait for a more secure machine, avoid any banking 
business and entering of your credit card number. As for using 
e-mail: "If you absolutely have to, then do it. Then when you get 
home, change your password," said Maxim Weinstein, executive director 
of StopBadware, a consumer-focused nonprofit.

PUBLIC WI-FI It is safer to use your own computer and go online using 
airport, hotel or other public Internet connections. But beware that 
there is still some risk, especially using public Wi-Fi.



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