FCC Votes Unanimously on Procedural Reforms
Changes include tightening ex parte rules and delegating authority to 
dismiss some challenges to FCC decisions

By John Eggerton
Broadcasting & Cable

2/19/2010 8:01:29 AM


As expected, the FCC voted Feb. 18 to make a number of procedural 
changes to its processes, including tightening ex parte rules and 
delegating authority to dismiss some challenges to FCC decisions.

Those changes include requiring third parties to provide more 
information to the FCC when they make required ex parte filings about 
their meetings with FCC commissioners and staff about docketed proceedings.

Rather than simply say a meeting was held on a particular topic, those 
filings would be required to summarize the presentations or reference 
where that material can be found.

The FCC would also require filings about any meetings, not just ones 
that raise new issues or provide new data. It also sought comment on 
whether it should require ownership information on parties meeting with 
the commission.

In addition to changes in the ex parte filings, in a separate notice of 
proposed rulemaking (both of which were unanimously approved), the FCC 
said it wanted to delegate authority to bureau and office chiefs to 
dismiss challenges to FCC commission decisions that are procedurally 

That was among a number of procedural changes the FCC said would help 
produce more efficient and effective regulation. "This is all part of an 
ongoing effort to have the FCC become a model for excellence," said FCC 
Chairman Julius Genachowski.

Commissioner Michael Copps, who launched the ex parte reforms as acting 
chairman last year, called the changes a down payment on broader reform. 
"Reform has clearly and happily come to the Federal Communications 
Commission," he said, adding that "much more work is ahead of us."

He also put in a plug for a bill that would allow more than two 
commissioners to meet in private. Sunshine rules currently prevent a 
majority of commissioners from meeting outside public forums. Copps said 
that discourages collegiality, delays important decisions and disserves 
the public. Combined with the FCC's reforms approved Thursday, he said, 
the result would be historic reforms.

Commissioner Robert McDowell, who has also called for FCC procedural 
reforms, generally praised the moves, but added that he was not sure the 
ex parte rules needed changing. He agreed that the current rules need 
better enforcement, however, and suggested that might do the trick. Part 
of the item approved Thursday includes a request for comment on how the 
FCC can improve enforcement.

McDowell also said he had concerns that the reporting requirements for 
ex parte filers and making sure they were applied neutrally and did not 
fall more heavily on industry than on groups that were "funded differently."

"Openness and transparency are greatly beneficial to the public, because 
citizens' groups lack the resources to have meetings with Commission 
staff with the same frequency as do industry representatives," said 
Media Access Project President Andrew Schwartzman in an e-mailed 
statement. "MAP has long believed that the ex parte rules have been 
susceptible to evasion. We are therefore heartened that the Commission 
has taken steps for substantial improvement."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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