Scientists find new way to generate electricity
Coated carbon nanotubes could replace combustion engines and turbines

By Michelle Bryner

updated 6:30 p.m. CT, Thurs., March. 11, 2010

Researchers have found a way to produce large amounts of electricity 
from tiny cylinders made from carbon atoms.

The achievement could replace decades-old methods of generating 
electricity, such as combustion engines and turbines, the researchers say.

In the future, coated carbon nanotubes crafted from individual atoms 
could power everything from cell phones to hybrid-electric vehicles. The 
team envisions such nanotube-based power being available to consumers in 
the next five years.

Carbon nanotubes are thin sheets of carbon rolled up into teensy tubes 
each with a diameter about 30,000 times smaller than a strand of hair.

When carbon — one of the most abundant elements on Earth — is rolled up 
into tubes, it exhibits some extraordinary properties such as high heat 
conduction, which the team exploited in the new study.

A carbon firecracker
The researchers coated the nanotubes with a fuel, such as gasoline or 
ethanol, and applied heat to one end. The result: The fuel reacts and 
produces more heat, which ignites more fuel to create even more heat.

The process creates “a wave that travels like dominoes falling in a line 
[down the length of the nanotube],” said study team member Michael 
Strano, a chemical engineer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 

The resulting heat wave, it turns out, also creates a wave of electrons 
moving in one direction — aka electricity.

“The thermal wave squeezes electrons out of the nanotubes like a tube of 
toothpaste,” Strano explained.

The devices built in the MIT lab produced 10 times more power than a 
lithium-ion battery of equivalent mass.

“What's intriguing about these waves is that we haven’t really done any 
engineering to make them efficient yet and already they’re ten times 
[more powerful than] a lithium-ion battery,” Strano told TechNewsDaily. 
“We may be able to make very very small power sources out of them."

Cell phone battery replacement
The fuel-coated nanotubes could replace batteries for cell phones and 
other devices. Strano imagines a device with a button that you would 
push to create heat from friction, triggering the electricity-generating 
reaction inside the microscopic tubes.

These power devices could be made 10 times smaller than today’s 
cell-phone batteries but still hold the same amount of power. 
Furthermore, unlike today’s batteries, the carbon nanotube variety would 
not contain any toxic metals.

With some tweaking, the carbon nanotubes could even power a car, Strano 
said. But instead of coating the carbon cylinders with fuel, a liquid 
fuel could be stored in the car's gas tank and get injected onto the 
carbon nanotube battery when needed.

Strano said he was confident his team's discovery could be translated 
into commercial batteries within a few years.

“We have a lot of engineering challenges that we have to overcome in 
order to make this a commercial device," Strano said, "but nothing is as 
difficult as the initial discovery."

Strano and his colleagues detail their discovery in the March 7 issue of 
the journal Nature Materials


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