Comcast to TV Viewers: Screw You!

By Phillip Swann

Washington, D.C. (March 12, 2010) -- Comcast likes to say that its 
primary goal is to provide a great experience for all of its customers, 
particularly its TV viewers.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that's a bunch of crap.

The nation's largest cable operator proved once again this week that its 
obsession with the bottom line outweighs any consideration for the 
well-being of its customers.

Comcast has still not invested sufficient capital to expand their 
high-def capacity in local systems across the nation. Consequently, many 
small to mid-sized Comcast markets have less than 50 HD channels -- 
about half the amount offered by DIRECTV, Dish Network, Verizon and AT&T 
among others.

That's bad enough.

But this week when asked to sign a petition urging the FCC to adopt 
rules that would prevent broadcast networks from pulling their TV 
signals in contract disputes with TV providers, such as Comcast, Comcast 


The petition was prompted by the recent battle between Cablevision and 
Disney-owned ABC which led to the latter pulling its ABC signal in New 
York from Cablevision's lineup the day of the Oscar broadcast; the two 
sides finally reached a new agreement 15 minutes into the broadcast.

Unless the FCC acts on the petition, it's quite likely that more 
broadcast networks will pull their signals in contract fights with TV 
providers -- and deny you your favorite shows.

Now 14 other TV providers, including DIRECTV, Dish Network, Cablevision, 
Time Warner and Verizon, signed the petition to protect their viewers.

But not Comcast.


Comcast is buying a majority stake in NBC Universal, pending federal 
approval. And so the cable operator doesn't want the FCC imposing rules 
that would prevent NBC-owned stations from pulling their signals in fee 
fights with TV providers, including perhaps even Comcast itself.

Comcast is happy to put the prospect of higher programming fees for NBC 
-- obtained by using the threat of removing NBC from the lineups of 
cable and satellite operators -- over the interests of their own cable 
subscribers and others.

In other words, Comcast says: screw you viewers. We don't care if you 
lose your favorite shows or not. We are here to get more money for NBC 

The next time that Comcast says that it's here for you, just remember 
that Comcast is here for Comcast.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu

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