April 15, 2010

At Internet Conference, Signs of Agreement Appear Between U.S. and Russia
NY Times


GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, Germany — For the 140 computer network 
specialists, law enforcement agents and diplomats from eight countries 
who met in this German ski resort this week for a Russian-sponsored 
conference on Internet security, the biggest challenge was finding a 
common ground to discuss their differences.

The barrier was not the variety of native languages but deep differences 
in how governments view cyberspace, according to many of the specialists 

That challenge was underscored by a sharp rift between the United States 
and Russia. Americans speak about computer security and cyberwarfare; 
the Russians have a different emphasis, describing cyberspace in a 
broader framework they refer to as information security.

“The Russians have a dramatically different definition of information 
security than we do; it’s a broader notion, and they really mean state 
security,” said George Sadowsky, a United States representative to the 
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or Icann, the 
closest thing to a governing body for the global network.

What has changed, however, is the Obama administration’s decision this 
year to begin actively discussing these differences with the Russians. 
While last year only a single American academic computer security 
specialist attended the conference, this year more than a dozen 
Americans attended, including Christopher Painter, the second-ranking 
White House official on cybersecurity, and Judith Strotz, the director 
of the State Department’s Office of Cyber Affairs.

The two nations, according to Russian officials, have agreed to renew 
bilateral discussions that began last November in Washington.

“An international dialogue on cybergovernance, crime and security is 
really long overdue,” said Charles L. Barry, a research fellow at the 
National Defense University. “There’s really only one network out there. 
We’re all on it, and we need to make it safe.”

Mr. Painter, speaking on Tuesday, said there had been significant 
improvement in international law enforcement cooperation in recent 
years. To respond to challenges in cyberspace, he said, strong laws, 
trained crime investigators and efficient international cooperation are 

The United States has succeeded in creating a global 24-hour, seven-day 
network of law enforcement agencies in 50 nations, which have agreed to 
collect and share data in response to computer attacks and intrusions. 
While officials from both nations said that law enforcement cooperation 
had improved, the Russians have refused to sign the European cybercrime 
treaty, which the United States strongly backs.

At the same time, for the past 13 years, the Russians have been trying 
to interest the United States in a treaty in which nations would agree 
not to develop offensive cyberweapons or to conduct attacks on computer 
networks. The United States has repeatedly declined to enter into 
negotiations, arguing instead that improved law enforcement cooperation 
among countries is all that is necessary to combat cybercrime and 

On Monday, Gen. Vladislav P. Sherstyuk, under secretary of the Russian 
Security Council, criticized the treaty, saying that a provision 
effectively violated Russia’s sovereignty by permitting foreign law 
enforcement direct access to the Russian Internet.

The general also restated Russian concerns about the absence of an 
international treaty limiting military uses of the Internet. 
“Cyberattacks are left out of international military law,” he said. 
“Information technology can be used as a tool to undermine national 
peace and security.”

The Americans have accused the Russians of turning a blind eye to 
cybercriminals who have operated with relative impunity from Russia. In 
turn, the Russians have criticized what they see as American “hegemony” 
over the Internet and privately express concerns that the United States 
has retained a “red button” — the power to shut off the Internet for 
specific countries.

Yet despite these differences, in Garmisch this year there were also 
signs of agreement between Russians and Americans.

The conference, sponsored by Lomonosov Moscow State University, Icann 
and several Russian companies, is the brainchild of General Sherstyuk. 
Several of the conference attendees said the gathering, which is in its 
fourth year, was an effort by General Sherstyuk to build international 
support for his work. He has been the principal force behind Russian 
efforts to create a treaty limiting cyberwarfare development.

Academic and government officials from other countries, including India 
and China, attended this year. However, recent episodes like Google’s 
claims in January that it had suffered the theft of its software and 
intrusions on human rights advocates from China, and a recent Canadian 
report about a Chinese computer spying system focused on India, were not 

During a panel discussion on computer crime, Col. Gen. Boris N. 
Miroshnikov, an official with the Russian Interior Ministry, and Stewart 
A. Baker, a fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies 
in Washington, and the former chief counsel for the National Security 
Agency, agreed that the most important step in combating Internet crime 
would be to do away with the anonymity that has long been a central 
tenet of Internet culture.

“Anonymity is an invitation to criminals,” General Miroshnikov said.

Mr. Baker agreed, saying, “Anonymity is the fundamental problem we face 
in cyberspace.”

This week, the Russians were optimistic that progress was being made in 
bridging more of the cultural divide that has hindered international 

According to one Russian business executive who has attended all four 
Garmisch events, the tenor of this meeting was markedly different from 
that of earlier meetings dominated by the Russians. “In the past, the 
largest group was from the F.S.B.,” he said, referring to the Russian 
intelligence agency, “who were here for an annual vacation.”

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu

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