Monday, June 28, 2010
iPhone 4 Review: 2 - the Phone & FaceTime

By Daniel Eran Dilger
Published: 02:40 PM EST

Apple's fourth generation iPhone is still exclusively tied to AT&T in 
the US, but now packs new 3.5G network support, enabling dramatically 
faster uploads, and FaceTime, a new video calling feature that isn't 
dependent upon the carrier's network quality or seamless coverage to 

The phone in iPhone 4

Standing in line for hours (five and a half to be exact; I did not 
expect to wait more than a half hour when I arrived), I was struck by 
how many people were willing to spend so much of their day waiting 
for the new iPhone.

No other class of product commands such attention, and it hit me why 
in line: there is nothing else we interact with on such a personal 
and continuous basis all day long as our smartphones. Apple very 
clearly encourages launch day lines for marketing purposes, but it 
couldn't maintain such theatrics year after year if its iPhones 
weren't living up to the hype. Interviews suggest more than 70% of 
those waiting in launch day lines were existing iPhone users.

Of course, the primary reason we started carrying mobile phones was 
to be able to make calls and be contacted. Ironically, the most 
famous smartphone is also one of the worst performing phones, at 
least in the US. AT&T's network, which greeted the original iPhone as 
a brand new amalgamation of GSM providers in the US, started out well 
behind Verizon's CDMA network in terms of 3G buildout. It is now 
struggling to keep up with the massive demand of what is collectively 
the world's most mobile-greedy device. That adds up to a perfect 
storm of terrible waiting to greet Apple's latest and greatest phone.

Steve Jobs said on stage at WWDC that AT&T is handling more mobile 
data than all the other US carriers put together. At the same time, 
AT&T is also delivering the fastest national network, and the only 
one compatible with the GSM/UMTS mobile technology used by most 
foreign networks internationally (making roaming possible, albeit 
expensive, for users, while also facilitating the manufacture of one 
iPhone model for Apple). There's still major problems in some service 
areas though, and AT&T's efforts to upgrade its network can't seem to 
come fast enough.


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