Campaign Desk, The Observatory - July 23, 2010 03:00 PM

Climate Bill Blowout
It's a big deal. Where's the print coverage?

By Curtis Brainard

Following Senator Harry Reid's decision to pull the plug on climate 
legislation Thursday, news sites lit up with lit up with analyses of 
who was to blame. As well they should; this is a major story. But if 
you don't get your news online, you were likely out of this story's 

Democrats don't have the votes to push for a bill that would cap 
greenhouse gases (even one aimed only at utilities) or establish 
renewable energy standards, Reid said. Instead, the Senate will 
pursue a much weaker bill. Details remain sketchy, but Mother Jones 
reports that the weaker bill will eliminate a cap on companies' 
financial liability for oil spills, reform regulation of the oil and 
gas industry, and devote funds to promoting natural-gas vehicles, 
home energy efficiency, and the Land & Water Conservation Fund-but 
won't do much toward President Obama's campaign pledge to start to 
move the nation off a petroleum economy.

Accounts of Reid's announcement began to appear on the Web sites and 
blogs of major news outlets just after noon yesterday. But in print, 
the failure of one of the Obama's administration's top policy 
priorities and campaign pillars does not seem to be front-page news. 

In The New York Times, the story is on A15, comprising 723 words. A 
search of Lexis-Nexis shows that The Washington Post ran it on page 
two at 457 words, the Los Angeles Times ran it on page fourteen at 
659 words, and The Wall Street Journal ran it on page three at 1,035 
words. The Boston Globe cobbled something together from the wires on 
page two, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ran an abridged version of the 
LA Times's article on page six, McClatchy's D.C. bureau filed a 
1,075-word piece, and, according to Google, dozens of smaller papers 
are running articles from The Associated Press, Bloomberg, and 


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