Report details loss of millions of Bush administration e-mails

By Ed O'Keefe
Washington Post

Monday, August 30, 2010; A11

Top aides to President George W. Bush seemed unconcerned despite 
multiple warnings as early as 2002 that the White House risked losing 
millions of e-mails that federal law required them to preserve, 
according to an extensive review of records set for release Monday.

The review, conducted by the nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for 
Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in Washington, follows a settlement 
reached last December between President Obama's administration, CREW and 
the National Security Archive, a George Washington University research 
institute. The groups sued the Bush White House in 2007, alleging it 
violated federal law by not preserving millions of e-mails sent between 
2003 and 2005.

The settlement resulted in the restoration of 94 days' worth of e-mail 
and the release of documents detailing when the Bush White House learned 
of the missing e-mails and how it responded. The restored e-mails are 
part of the National Archives and Records Administration's historic 
record of the Bush administration, but presidential historians and 
others seeking information in the coming decades about the major 
decisions of Bush's presidency probably will be starved of key details, 
including messages sent between White House officials and drafts of 
final policy decisions, according to CREW.

"The net effect of this is we've probably lost some truly valuable 
records that would have provided insight" into the administration's 
decision-making process on several policy issues, said CREW Chief 
Counsel Anne L. Weismann, who led the review.

Problems first arose when an e-mail record-keeping system established 
during Bill Clinton's presidency failed to archive messages sent by the 
Bush White House as it started converting e-mail accounts from Lotus 
Notes to the Microsoft Exchange program, the report said.

The White House's Administration Office warned top Bush officials about 
the glitch and potential loss of e-mails but were ordered to continue 
with the conversion, the report said.

"It wasn't like it was a one-time event and they went out and fixed it," 
said CREW senior counsel Adam Rappaport.

The Administration Office later proposed a plan to fully restore the 
missing e-mails in 2005, but White House counsel Harriet E. Miers 
rejected the plan, according to the report. Miers did not return 
requests for comment.

In the end, the Bush White House spent at least $10 million to develop 
new electronic record management systems that restored just 48 days' 
worth of e-mail, the report said.

Missing e-mails included messages from the months preceding the start of 
the Iraq war and messages sent by Vice President Richard B. Cheney's 
office that were later sought by the Justice Department as part of its 
investigation into the disclosure of Valerie Plame Wilson's identity as 
a covert CIA spy.

Scott Stanzel, a former Bush spokesman, said CREW is a liberal group 
that "likes to sue for sport and for years has tried to create a spooky 
conspiracy out of standard IT issues."

"Nearly two years after President Bush left office, their interest in 
launching partisan attacks through misleading press releases has not 
waned," Stanzel said. "The Bush Administration has complied with the 
Presidential Records Act requirements and this matter is closed, yet 
CREW's tiresome effort to score political points continues."

Although the Bush administration has been a frequent target of CREW's 
efforts, the organization was also critical of several government-funded 
projects constructed in the district of former Rep. John P. Murtha 
(D-Pa.), has called for the resignation of embattled Rep. Charles B. 
Rangel (D-N.Y.) and has accused South Carolina Democratic Senate 
candidate Alvin M. Greene of violating election laws.

The Justice Department declined to comment on CREW's report or the 
December settlement. The Obama administration established an automated 
e-mail record-keeping system as part of the settlement. The system 
automatically captures and preserves all e-mails sent from computers and 
mobile BlackBerry devices, controls against the unauthorized deletion of 
e-mails and generates audits of ongoing archival activities, the White 
House said.

The Obama White House prohibits administration officials from using 
personal e-mail accounts to conduct official business. White House 
Deputy Chief Technology Officer Andrew McLaughlin was sanctioned this 
year for using his personal e-mail address to discuss policy issues with 
colleagues at his former employer, Google. The White House has rebuffed 
requests from congressional Republicans to speak with McLaughlin and 
other officials about the matter.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu

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