Microsoft gets legal might to target spamming botnets

SEATTLE - With a judicial assist, Microsoft has perfected a new
superweapon to shoot down botnets, the engines cybergangs use to deliver
malicious Internet attacks.
The U.S. District Court of Eastern Virginia last week granted a motion
that, in effect, gives Microsoft permanent ownership of 276 Web domains
once used by the Waledac cybergang to send instructions to hundreds of
thousands of spam-spreading PCs.

Cybersleuths and attorneys at Microsoft's digital crimes unit actually
decapitated the Waledac botnet in February by persuading District Court
Judge Leonie Brinkema to issue a temporary restraining order to take the
276 domains offline.

Brinkema's order was unusual because the owner of the domains could not
be reached and thus did not have a day in court to protest, says
Microsoft senior attorney Richard Boscovich Sr.

With permanent ownership of the domains, Microsoft now has a proven
legal means to take aim at U.S.-registered domains - including .com,
.net, .biz and .org domains - shown to be conducting criminal activity.
"It's open season on botnets," says Boscovich. "The hunting licenses
have been handed out, and we're coming back for more."

The Waledac botnet was a major source of spam and PC infections, at its
peak in 2009 delivering 1.5 billion spam messages daily. Microsoft added
detection and filtering for Waledac infections to its free malicious
software removal tool. But cleaning infected PCs one by one did not stop
the command PCs.

By December, Microsoft Hotmail accounts were getting swamped with more
than 650 million e-mail spam messages sent out by Waledac. That helped
motivate the company to pursue a court order to shut down the command

Even after the botnet's command center got knocked out, tens of
thousands of infected PCs continued trying to phone home for
instructions. Internet service provider Cox Communications has contacted
several hundred of its subscribers by phone to guide them to Microsoft's
free cleanup tool.

Lingering Waledac infections pose a risk, says Jason Zabek, safety
manager at Cox. "You never know if something else will pop up to try to
use it," he says.

Indeed, Microsoft in one recent seven-day period counted 58,000 PCs
attempting 14.6 million connections to the 276 Waledac domains it now
owns. The company advises using its free Security Essentials program,
which will clean up Waledac and many other infections. Meanwhile, it is
back at the hunt. "There are dozens of major botnets and hundreds of
smaller ones," says T.J. Campana, Microsoft senior program manager.
"Botnets remain the backbone of criminal activity."

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