Huge Opening Day For FM Translator Filing Window.
Inside Radio

Buyers and sellers wasted no time taking advantage of the FCC’s first-come, first-served FM translator window for AM station owners on Friday, filing applications for 50 translator deals. That’s more than all the translator sales applications filed during the entire month of December and nearly the amount filed in November and December combined.

The filing window that opened Friday allows Class C and D AM stations to relocate FM translators up to 250 miles as part of the Commission’s AM Revitalization Report & Order.

January has been a red hot month for translator deals with 176 sales filed from companies big and small. A large number involve relocations to other cities.

Among large operators, Salem Media Group and Radio One have been the most aggressive so far. Kansas City is one of the most impacted markets with no fewer than five translators planned for relocation to the market. Catholic Radio Network alone plans to move three translators to Kansas City – at 93.5, 101.1 and 97.1 Alpine Broadcasting has filed to move a translator at 102.7 from Monroe City, MO into Kansas City to give talk/adult standards KCXL (1140) a second FM signal. And Union Broadcasting has filed to buy and move a Vandalia, MO-licensed translator at 106.3 to Kansas City to give 10,000-watt daytime-only “Hot Talk 1510” KCTE a 24-hour FM signal.

*================================================ Duane Whittingham - N9SSN (ARES/RACES, EmComm, Skywarn & Red Cross) ================================================*

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