Moroccan Journalist Targeted With Network Injection Attacks Using NSO Group’s 

22 June 2020


In October 2019 Amnesty International published a first report on the use of 
spyware produced by Israeli company NSO Group against Moroccan human rights 
defenders Maati Monjib and Abdessadak El Bouchattaoui. Through our continued 
investigation, Amnesty International’s Security Lab identified similar evidence 
of the targeting of Omar Radi, a prominent activist and journalist from Morocco 
from January 2019 until the end of January 2020.

Evidence gathered through our technical analysis of Omar Radi’s iPhone revealed 
traces of the same “network injection” attacks we described in our earlier 
report that were used against Maati Monjib. This provides strong evidence 
linking these attacks to NSO Group’s tools.

These findings are especially significant because Omar Radi was targeted just 
three days after NSO Group released its human rights policy. These attacks 
continued after the company became aware of Amnesty International’s first 
report that provided evidence of the targeted attacks in Morocco. This 
investigation thus, demonstrates NSO Group’s continued failure to conduct 
adequate human rights due diligence and the inefficacy of its own human rights 

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